Karl Zutavern

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Karl Ludwig Zutavern (born October 5, 1903 in Eppingen ; † October 24, 1990 in Schwäbisch Hall ) was Mayor of Eppingen from 1937 to 1945.


He was the son of Karl Ludwig Zutavern (* April 27, 1854; † January 5, 1928) and the butcher, born Katharina (* August 16, 1867, † August 14, 1911). Like his grandfather, his father was a soap boiler , and the KL Zutavern family business was founded in 1864. His mother came from a farming family. Zutavern had two siblings: Otto Richard (born April 27, 1898) and Emma Katharina (born August 5, 1900). On September 20, 1930, he married Emilie Frieda nee Schechter from Ittlingen . There were four children from this marriage: Ingeborg (born February 15, 1931 in Eppingen), Gudrun Margarete (born July 3, 1934 in Munich ), Karl Heinz August (born April 9, 1936 in Munich) and Heide (born May 24, 1943 in Heidelberg ).


Karl Zutavern attended elementary school from 1910 to 1914 and then the secondary school in Eppingen, which he left in 1920 when he graduated from secondary school . He completed his training as a locksmith at the Jakob Dieffenbacher company in Eppingen in 1923 with the journeyman's examination. 1923/24 studied at the Mannheim engineering school , which he left without a degree. He then worked for about a year at the Junkers aircraft and engine works in Dessau and began training as a commercial pilot in 1926 at the German Aviation School in Berlin. It lasted until 1929 and took place in Stettin , Schleissheim near Munich, Berlin-Staaken and Braunschweig . The conclusion entitles the holder to commercial passenger transport and public demonstration of aerobatics . Since civil aviation only employed a few planes, Karl Zutavern couldn't find a job.

When he returned to Eppingen, he worked in his sister's shop (KL Zutavern, detergent), in which he became a partner after his marriage and which he later ran alone.

time of the nationalsocialism

Zutavern had been a member of the NSDAP since June 1927 with the very low membership number. 12,642 (see also list of NSDAP party member numbers ). From 1927 to 1929 he was a member of the SA and from 1929 to 1933 of the SS , where he was a troop leader from 1932 to 1933 . In 1929 he founded the NSDAP local group in Eppingen and has been the local group leader ever since . He signed the application to make Adolf Hitler an honorary citizen of Eppingen . From 1931 to 1933 he was district propaganda leader of the NSDAP in the Sinsheim district .

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists in 1933, he got a job as a pilot at Universum-Film-AG ( UFA ) Berlin. In the film Rivals of the Air , which was filmed in 1933/34 by the director Frank Wysbar , he worked as a pilot. He then worked at the Reich Office for Meteorological Service for the Munich- Oberwiesenfeld weather station . In February 1937 he gave up his job as a pilot and became mayor of Eppingen, which at that time had about 3500 inhabitants.

NSDAP in Eppingen

With like-minded I founded end of 1929, the local chapter of Eppingen NSDAP and pressed me later (1931) also in the circle as a circle propaganda leader in circles Sinsheim. I joined the Allgemeine SS in mid-1929. Until March 1933 I was the leader of the SS-Trupps Eppingen, which belonged to the 62nd SS-Standarte Karlsruhe. (Letter from Karl Zutavern dated August 14, 1947 to the "public plaintiff at the judicial chamber of internment camp 74 / Ludwigsburg-Ossweil"; GLA see sources)

On January 30, 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as Chancellor . In the evening in Eppingen, as in Berlin and other cities in Germany, the SA and SS celebrated this event with a torchlight procession.

Declaration by Albert Wirth (Mayor of Eppingen from 1903 to 1933): Coming from Bahnhofstrasse at around 8 a.m. on March 23, 1933 , I saw that about 3-400 people were standing on the sidewalks in a semicircle around the market square. I walked unhindered to the town hall. When I got to my office, I heard that strangers were initially speaking to me in the adjoining room of the counselor. After a short time the future mayors Doll and Zutavern came to me. Zutavern said to me that I could see that the community wanted my resignation, I would like to come to the telephone, the district administrator wants to speak to me. District Administrator Strack pointed out the march of the 3-400 people and also said that this meant that my resignation was desired and required. I refused the voluntary resignation, remarking that I would only give way to compulsion and that the district administrator knew that two years earlier I had already taken steps to retire out of health considerations. I emphasized that there was no need for this whipped up event. In the course of the conversation, Mr. District Administrator put me on leave until further notice, and Doll was appointed acting mayor. Doll then spoke a few words from the balcony in a matter-of-fact, calm way, the crowd roared and got lost. (written on September 6, 1947; GLA see sources)

Pogrom of November 10, 1938

The so-called Reichskristallnacht is described by the Eppinger lawyer Eduard Neckermann as follows: On Thursday, November 10th, 1938, a Jewish campaign was organized here in Eppingen in the form of setting fire to the synagogue (on the night of Wednesday, November 9th, 1938) . 38 on Thursday, 11/10/38) and that on 11/10/38 with the involvement and participation of the elementary school youth, a raid against the local Jews was organized by police officer Goll taking them to local arrest, with the mentioned youth behind the Jews with sticks ran to shouting and accompanied her to the local arrest. The action was under the direction of Mayor Zutavern, the main teacher Stürz Eppingen and the clerk at the local court, Geiger. (Application from Eduard Neckermann dated June 27, 1939; GLA see sources)

Zutavern during the war

From June 5 to July 30, 1939, he made a military exercise in the Air Force. From September 1 to September 30, 1939 and from October 7, 1940 to the end of the war, he was a pilot in the Luftwaffe: October 7, 1940 to June 1, 1943, aircraft transfer squadron, June 2, 1943 to December 1, 1943 Kurierstaffel 13, officer for special use by Generalfeldmarschall Rommel (pilot of Field Marshal Rommel) and then until April 1945 pilot of the Army Group Center and North .

Publicly in the pillory

Report by Hildegard Schmitt from Eppingen: On March 22, 1941, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the then auxiliary police officer Seitz came to the apartment of the farmer Willi Doll, where I was doing my compulsory year. Seitz told me to come to the town hall and took me with him. I was taken to the large hall of the town hall, where the then mayor Zutavern and the farmer Willi Doll were already. Zutavern said to me: “You will get your hair cut because of a French man.” I was then put into local arrest until around 10 am. At about 10 o'clock I was taken to the market square by the councilman Nagel, where a large crowd was gathered. I was then shown through the crowd, had to sit on a chair, and then had my hair cut by a hairdresser from the Lang hairdresser. During the whole action, at least as long as I was in the market square, nothing more was spoken. The district leader Geiger was also present during the action and watched from the town hall balcony with Ms. Zutavern. After they had cut my hair, I was greeted by the gendarmerie spent -Hauptwachtmeister Hecker immediately to the station and take the train to Heidelberg. I was detained there for 1 week and then released back home because nothing could be proven to me. (Minutes of October 7, 1947 for the "Spruchkammer proceedings against the internees of Zutavern" / file number J / 74/4705 / GLA see sources)



Denazification after 1945

Saying the Appeals Chamber III of internment / Ludwigsburg, 29 November 1948: The motto of the denazification of Int-bearing Ludwigsburg from 05.01.48 is changed to the appointment of the person concerned there: The person concerned is the main culprit (...) He is on Committed to a labor camp for a period of three years, including political imprisonment after May 8, 1945. (GLA, see sources) The release from the internment camp had already taken place on October 30, 1948. The collection of assets was suspended as impracticable, the ongoing income and all costs were waived for economic reasons.


Letter dated December 20, 1968: The Prime Minister today made the following pardon decision on the matter of Mr. Karl Zutavern: The former mayor Karl Zutavern, b. on October 5, 1903, residing in Eppingen, who was classified in the group of the main culprits in the Spruchkammer proceedings, was reclassified to the group of minor offenders with effect from December 1, 1968. (GLA, see sources)

Reconstruction and the economic miracle

Karl Zutavern continued to run the Zutavern soap shop and traded in oils, fats and other products. The trade in heating oil was soon added. The half-timbered house at Brettener Straße 15 was demolished and a larger new building was built, in which the KL Zutavern drugstore is still located today. In 1990 Karl Zutavern died at a very old age as an "honorable citizen" of the city of Eppingen.


  • Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe (GLA): inventory 465 a / Zntr.SPr.K. / B / Sv order number 855a; No. 465/61/23/3504
  • Resident register of the district of Sinsheim. Complete register of residents of all communities in the Sinsheim district , 1938 edition


  • Karl Diefenbacher: Ortssippenbuch Eppingen in Kraichgau . Interest group Badischer Ortssippenbücher, Lahr-Dinglingen 1984 ( German Ortssippenbücher, series A. Volume 109) ( Badische Ortssippenbücher . Volume 52).
  • Reinhard K. Hauke: No industrial accident in history. A chapter from the Nazi era in Eppingen / Adolf Hitler honorary citizen of the city . In: Heilbronner Voice of July 19, 1983.
  • Reinhard K. Hauke: Triumphal procession for honorary citizen Adolf Hitler. A “brown” chapter in Eppinger's history . In: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung of July 20, 1983.
  • Fritz Luz : Karl Zutavern was 80 . In: Heilbronner Voice of October 7, 1983.
  • Andreas Waidler: Reichspogromnacht . In: Jewish life in the Kraichgau. On the history of the Eppinger Jews and their families . Heimatfreunde Eppingen , Eppingen 2006, ISBN 3-930172-17-8 , pp. 25-29.