Kastel (Nonnweiler)

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community Nonnweiler
Local coat of arms Kastel
Coordinates: 49 ° 34 ′ 14 ″  N , 6 ° 58 ′ 2 ″  E
Height : 446 m above sea level NN
Area : 8.91 km²
Residents : 1105  (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 124 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 1st January 1974
Postal code : 66620
Area code : 06873
Kastel (Saarland)

Location of Kastel in Saarland

Kastel is located in the municipality of Nonnweiler , the northernmost municipality in Saarland , and belongs to the St. Wendel district . It is located around 30 km southeast of Trier and around 45 km north of Saarbrücken and lies on the upper course of the Prims , between the Peterberg (Trauteberg) ridge and the Röderberg and Schreck. Kastel is connected to federal motorway 1 at junction 137 (Braunshausen, Kastel, Wadern, Weiskirchen) and was an independent municipality until the regional and administrative reform of the Saarland on December 31, 1973.


Until the 18th century

Kastel was first mentioned in a document in 1235 by the Bishop of Verdun, as a fief of the Count of Veldenz. The Verdun list of fiefdoms lists Kastel as the first court of Tholey Abbey:

"De casamento eomitis de Castris est advocatia abbacie Tholeie cum decem et octo curtibus suis. Dront scilicet, villa que decitur Castres, Bleydedringen ... "

Since the Counts of Blieskastel provide the abbots of Tholey Abbey , they were also the rulers of Kastel. The influence of the Blieskastel counts was important for the place. When the last man in the count's house died, his daughter Elisabeth took over and in 1238 married Reinhald von Bitsch, a brother of Count Matthäus von Lothringen. In 1275, Duke Friedrich von Lothringen laid claim to the county, and Elisabeth's marriage remained childless. This claim was prevented by the Count von Salm , who was married to one of Elisabeth's sisters. So Kastel and the localities from the Löstertal (Rathen, Buweiler , Kostenbach , Oberlöstern) remained in Verdun's possession from November 2, 1291 to 1786, as an exclave to the Duchy of Lorraine through the Baillage (district) Schaumburg (Tholey). It was then exchanged for Baillage Bouzonville and remained there until 1793, shortly after the French Revolution . In 1794 again in Metz and after the wars of liberation , in 1821 again in Trier , according to the so-called Charles deeds. During the Thirty Years' War Kastel suffered great losses, only a few fireplaces remained. During the French Revolution (1789–1799), Kastel was upgraded to Mairie (mayor's office) in 1793 and remained so for almost 20 years until the end of the French annexation of the German territories on the left bank of the Rhine during the Revolutionary Wars by the French revolutionary armies in Canton Tholey , Arrondissement de Thionville in the Moselle department.

From the 20th century

In 1875 the first church choir was founded in the village , and in 1809 the miners and ironworkers association was founded. In 1892 Kastel received a station on the Primstalbahn (Nonnweiler-Dagstuhl), this was between Braunshausen and Kastel not far from Gomm's mill and local craftsmen founded the craftsmen's association. The fruit and horticultural association was founded in 1902 and the Kastel men's choir was founded in 1908 . Stones, solidified basaltic andesite , have been quarried on the Kloppberg for road construction since the 1920s . The quarry was given up in the mid-1990s by the Setz Steinbruchbetriebe company and operated as an earth and rubble dump under the administration of the municipality of Nonnweiler until 2017. In that year the 1. FCK (football club Kastel) was built, in 1921 the sports field was built in Spillert , and in 1965 the new sports field was inaugurated at Scheibchen . On March 17, 1945, between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., there was a battle with tanks in Kastel . Rearguards of the retreating rearguards coming from Wadrill via Buweiler / Rathen . 6th SS Mountain Division "North" , it came about in the place in the area of ​​the church, Dr. Spang-Strasse, Buweiler Strasse and Im Aller, in a battle in which 23 German soldiers and 30 American soldiers were killed, 3 German assault guns and 3 American Sherman tanks were destroyed. The soldiers of the A Company of the 3rd Tank Battalion and the B Company of the 63rd Amoured Infantry Battalion occupied Kastel after a 3 hour battle. A civilian (Johann Leidinger) who had sought protection in a cellar was also killed. By onset of artillery fire , the German side on Kastel 23:00 to 0:00, a house burned down after a hit. There was a large hole in the gable of the Hauptenthal bakery on Buweilerstrasse, caused by a tank shell. Kastel lost 44 fallen and 25 missing sons and fathers in the war and had two civilian deaths to mourn. Until 1934, the citizens of Braunshausen came to mass in the Kastel church. In the mid-1980s, the KABV (Municipal Waste Disposal Association, today: EVS Disposal Association Saar ) built the sewage treatment plant in the "Wählwiese" district, which clarifies the waste water for Nonnweiler, Braunshausen, Otzenhausen , Schwarzenbach , Mariahütte , Gomm's Mühle and Kastel. In the 2010s, the sewage treatment plant was expanded and modernized. Magnus Jung (MdL) is the mayor of Kastel.


Until Kastel was incorporated into the municipality of Nonnweiler after the regional reform in the Saarland in 1974, it was an independent municipality with a mayor . Administratively, this was subordinate to the Office Nonnweiler (District Nonnweiler).

Mayor / Mayor

Surname Political party Term of office
Werle Peter - / - 1880-1885
Johann Johann - / - 1885-1890
Hahn Johann - / - 1895-1905
Loth Michel - / - 1905-1912
Tailor Matthias - / - 1912-1920
Cook Nicholas - / - 1920-1924
Jost Jakob - / - 1924-1928
Cook Nicholas - / - 1928-1932
Saar Josef - / - 1932-1943
Tailor Matthias - / - 1932-1943
Joseph gable - / - 1948-1956
Tailor Matthias - / - 1956-1968
Shepherd Gerhard CDU 1968-1974
Surname Political party Term of office
All Hubert SPD 1974-1983
Josef's toilet CDU 1983-1994
Seelbach Gerd CDU 1994-2008
Hahn Joachim CDU 2008-2009
Dr. Young Magnus SPD since 07/2009

Local council

The local council consists of nine members, five seats are held by the SPD and four seats by the CDU. FDP, Left and Greens are not represented. (As of July 2019)

coat of arms

"In silver on a green ground a red crenellated wall with two open window hatches and a silver closed gate, set with two crenellated towers, each with an open window hatch; floating between towers is a golden sign with a red sloping beam inside, this one covered with three mutilated eagles according to the figure "Reason:" Castel - called Primskastel by the people; 1276 Castel; lat. Castellum = fortification, castle, living space on a hill "The castle depicted in the coat of arms should refer to the" castellum "from which the place derives its name. The golden shield with the red sloping bar is intended to indicate the connection between the place and the Duchy of Lorraine, whose exclave was Kastel at the time. The exclave was under the Baillage (Amt) Schaumburg until 1786. From 1793, after the French Revolution, the villages of the exclave were assigned as " Mairie de Castel" to the Canton Tholey , Arrondissement de Thionville in the Département de Moselle and remained there until 1813.

St. Wilfridus

As early as 1185, the lower 12 m of the later church tower, presumably as a keep , was built by the Blieskastel counts. It is believed that the first two churches were made of wood. The third church, which was built in the 16th century, is described by Nikolaus Robin, the builder of the Duke of Lorraine: the nave was 8.15 m long and 7.15 m wide, the choir measured 4.90 by 4, 90 m and had a height of approx. 13 m due to the gable roof. It had survived the Thirty Years' War well, but it was found in 1692 that it was in need of repair. The Tholey Abbey asked the parishioners of Kastel to carry out the necessary repairs. In 1739 the church, which was already covered with slate, was in good condition - but it had become too small. On April 3, 1776, the duke's master builder stated:

"Totalement en ruin, n'ayant plus que un bout de mur sans toiture"

"Completely crumbled, only remains of the wall without a roof"

Construction began in 1777, before the church was "Interdicated" in 1771. This means that no more masses could be held there. As a result of judicial processes from 1774–1776, the competences under whom the church may be built were clarified. Under the direction of Nikolaus Robin, builder of the Duke of Lorraine, the construction work began in 1777. The beginning was made by the pastor of the parish Leonhardt, he had the old nave torn down and to save money he wanted to add the new nave to the choir. The chronicle reports:

"... at night several people came with lifting irons and forging hammers and brought the choir to collapse"

In 1778 the construction work on the church was completed. However, those carrying out the work did not adhere to the requirements of the court architect: For example, bad sandstone was extracted from a quarry not far from Braunshausen for the church portal and the church windows. There was also a miscalculation in the cost estimate, which still exists, which certainly turned out to be 10% too low. As the chronicle reports, Pastor Leonhardt guaranteed the building contractor. When this filed for bankruptcy, the remaining claims went down on the pastor, who had to pay all costs.

"... this hit him so hard that he died of Herzeleid a year later"

His brother was also sentenced to pay 500 Lorraine livres.


  • FC Kastel 1920 eV
  • Craftsmen's Association
  • Seniors Association Kastel
  • Aktion Peruhilfe eV
  • Voluntary fire brigade LBZ Kastel
  • Catholic women's community Kastel
  • Fruit, garden and nature lovers Kastel eV
  • Parish chapel Kastel
  • Sing Family


  • Heck, Viktor: The chapel and the market on the Peterberg , association for the reconstruction of the Peterkapelle eV and association for local history Nonnweiler eV, 2001
  • Lohmeyer, Karl: The legends on the Saar , Minerva Verlag, 1952
  • Engel, Johann: From Faded Days , 1963
  • Schömer, Edmund and Förderverein Burg Grimburg eV: Burg und Amt Grimburg , Druckerei Lohmer Hermeskeil, 1984, pp. 192–194
  • Wilfried Haupenthal, Hubert Ganz, Karl-Heinz Welker: Kastel ... the village on the northern tip of old Lorraine , Heimatverein Kastel, self-published in 2000
  • Parish St. Wilfridus Kastel (Ed.): 700 years Parish St. Wilfridus, 200 years Parish Church Kastel: 1276 - 1977 ; Festschrift. Idar-Oberstein 1977.

Web links

Commons : Kastel  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Overview of the local council of Kastel , retrieved from www.nonnweiler.de, local parts on October 24, 2019