Klaus Zerta

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Klaus Zerta (born November 25, 1946 in Gelsenkirchen ) is a former rower from the Federal Republic of Germany who was Olympic champion in two-man with helmsman in 1960 .

He began rowing in 1959 and was second in the German championship as a helmsman in 1960 . He drove the two with Bernhard Knubel and Heinz Renneberg in the all-German Olympic qualification, this boat won and was nominated for the Games in Rome.

At the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, the regattas took place on Lake Albano . The German boat won the lead in 7: 31.64 minutes. In the final, the boat won in 7: 29.14 with just under a second ahead of the boat from the Soviet Union. This made him the youngest ever German Olympic champion at the age of 13 years and 283 days. However, he was significantly older than the boy, whose name was unknown and an estimated age between seven and twelve, who was the helmsman of the 1900 Olympic Games in Paris to become the youngest Olympic champion to date.

For this, Zerta received the silver bay leaf .

The student from the Gelsenkirchen rowing club later became a technician. He stayed connected to rowing until 1974. He later became a tennis trainer. Today he lives in Dülmen - Buldern .


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Individual evidence

  1. Sports report of the federal government of September 26, 1973 to the Bundestag - printed matter 7/1040 - page 74