Giorgio Cesana

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Giorgio Cesana
medal table


ItalyItaly Italy
Olympic Summer Games
gold 1906 Athens Two with a helmsman (1,000 meters)
gold 1906 Athens Two with helmsman (1 mile)
gold 1906 Athens Foursome with a helmsman (2,000 meters)

Giorgio Cesana (born April 14, 1892 in Venice , † April 17, 1967 in Lido di Venezia ) was an Italian rower. He entered the Olympic Intermediate Games in Athens in 1906 at the age of 14 and started as the helmsman for the Bucintoro Venezia team , which was named after the Bucentaur , the representative ship of state of the Doges of Venice. At that time it was not uncommon for young people to still function as helmsmen. With his team he won a total of three gold medals in two and four with helmsman and was thus one of the most successful athletes of the games.

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