Warren Westlund

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Award ceremony 1948: (from left to right) Morgan, Westlund, Martin, Will, Giovanelli

Warren DeHaven Westlund (born August 20, 1926 in Olympia , † February 13, 1992 in Seattle ) was an American rower.

The Washington Huskies , Sports Team of the University of Washington , with coach Al Ulbrickson had at the Olympic Games in 1936 the victorious roller set. In 1948, the eighth Huskies lost to the Berkeley boat at the US student championships. For the Olympic Games in London in 1948, the four-man with the helmsman of the huskies with Warren Westlund, Robert Martin , Robert Will , Gordon Giovanelli and helmsman Allen Morgan qualified . The crew won both in the preliminary run, in the intermediate run and in the semi-finals by a clear margin. In the final, the Americans won with three seconds ahead of Switzerland, bronze went to the Danish boat.

After completing his studies, he worked as a car dealer for the Buick brand .

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