Eberhard Kranzmayer

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Eberhard Kranzmayer (born May 15, 1897 in Klagenfurt , † September 13, 1975 in Vienna ) was an Austrian linguist , dialectologist and name researcher . As a professor at the University of Vienna and a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, he shaped the Viennese School of Dialectology for a long time, but not only in a positive sense because of his German national sentiment.


Born in Carinthia as the son of a coppersmith, Kranzmayer took part in the Carinthian defensive battle after his participation in the First World War 1916–1918 and a TB disease and as a free corps member in the battles in Upper Silesia , then studied German in Vienna as a member of the Corps Posonia and completed his habilitation in 1933 at the University of Vienna with Rudolf Much on the subject of "The German loanwords in the Slovene vernacular" . As a “former front soldier and decorated 'defensive fighter' in Carinthia and Upper Silesia, he saw in his scientific work a continuation of the border German national struggle.” From 1926 to 1933, Kranzmayer worked twice a year on the Bavarian dictionary in Munich. In the time of Austrofascism in 1937 he already applied for membership in the banned NSDAP , but he did not become a party member until June 1, 1940 under the number 8061495. He acquired the Venia legendi in 1938 as a lecturer also at the University of Munich, where he was "Apl. Prof. “became the official head of the Bavarian Dictionary Commission, which at that time was working on the Bavarian dictionary, which has not yet been completed.

When Alois Meier-Kaibitsch , SS-Standartenführer and local head of the RKFDV , ventured the plan to set up a research center for history, language and place name research in his home town of Klagenfurt in 1941 , the Carinthian Gauleiter and “Reichsstatthalter” Friedrich Rainer , the refused to collaborate with the universities of Vienna and Graz, expressly Prof. Kranzmeyer (sic!) from the University of Munich as their future director and suggested that “the director and staff of the institute be transferred to the ' Ahnenerbe ', which happens on a case-by-case basis would be decided ". This research center was supposed to create the scientific basis for a "return Germanization process" (sic!) Of the "Upper Carniolan Slovenes" and to provide scientific arguments to strengthen the population's commitment to Germanism in Slovenia, which was occupied by the German Reich in April 1941. The aim was to work out the difference between the Oberkrainern allegedly of German origin, but who switched to the Slovene language, in contrast to the allegedly purely Slovenian Unterkrainern. On the anniversary of the Carinthian referendum , October 10, 1942, this "Institute for Carinthian State Research" was founded as part of the SS-Ahnenerbes in Klagenfurt and Eberhard Kranzmayer was appointed its head, making him an SS member. In the same year he became associate professor in Graz and the following year a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . His work on The Most Important Carinthian Place Names was created . During this time there was also a controversy between Kranzmayer and Bruno Schweizer from the Marburg School , the representative of the " Langobard theory of the Cimbrian ", about the exact direction of dialectology in the German Empire.

After 1945, Kranzmayer was initially banned from working because he was a member of the NSDAP and the SS . In 1949 he was again employed by the Austrian section of the dictionary commission, which had now become part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (today the Institute for Dialect and Name Lexicons) and which in the meantime had been headed by his former student Maria Hornung .

In the 1950s, Kranzmayer continued his linguistic and dialectological research and conducted field research in Carinthia and Burgenland. From 1958 he devoted himself to the politically somewhat less sensitive Bavarian language islands in northern Italy ( Zimbern ). In that year he also received a chair at the German Institute of the University of Vienna, and under his patronage a number of doctoral theses on regional dialectological topics were created. These are an important source today mainly because of their empirical field research; including that of Alois Brandstetter in 1962. In 1960 he introduced the concept of Bavarian passwords into dialectology.

In 1964, after Viktor Dollmayr's death, he became head of the Vienna Dictionary Office, which works on the Dictionary of Bavarian Dialects in Austria (WBÖ). In 1967 he became a real member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In 1969 he also became a member of the board of trustees of the "Institute for Cartography". In 1968, at the age of 73, Kranzmayer retired as a professor at the University of Vienna , but held lectures until 1971. The print order from 1969 for his dialect atlas of Austria and its neighboring countries was never carried out.

He died at the age of 78 on September 13, 1975 in Vienna.


Today Eberhard Kranzmayer is considered an important dialect researcher, dialect geographer and name researcher. As a professor at the University of Vienna , he became the doctoral supervisor of numerous younger dialectologists and thus influenced the Viennese School of Dialectology to this day. His empirical work is still an important source for dialectology and etymological research, but his interpretations and interpretations are now critically questioned.

Kranzmayer's work often met with criticism, especially from colleagues in the field of Slavic studies - "... ideologically tinged ... overemphasized the German influence on Slovenian ..." - and also rejection, not least because his place name research had very real political effects in Austria as well the Second Republic had (see local sign dispute ). His etymological interpretations and assumptions are also being questioned in a more differentiated manner today. Kranzmayer often made too brief statements and prematurely declared a place name as Romance, Celtic, Slavic, Bavarian, common Germanic or pre-Indo-European. Since there is little interest in this area of ​​research today, the work of Kranzmayer is still often quoted and given without reflection due to the lack of more recent studies.

Kranzmayer also appeared as a sharp critic of Matthias Lexer , who also came from Carinthia, and his Middle High German etymologies. He accused Lexer and the Middle High German concise dictionary published in the 19th century , which had meanwhile become a standard work, of having paid too little attention to the southern dialects in its interpretations and derivations and of having made incorrect statements in general. While he was not wrong in criticizing Lexer's dictionary, his alternative etymologies were equally dubious.

The German Institute of the University of Vienna as well as the Austrian Academy of Sciences did not undertake a final critical appraisal of Eberhard Kranzmayer, one of their most influential "ancestors", for a long time. In 1997 a dialectology symposium was held in honor of his 100th birthday. It was not until 2001 that Peter Wiesinger , the successor to the Kranzmayer chair, published a critical history of Viennese German studies, in which the role of Kranzmayer is also questioned. In his Carinthian homeland, Kranzmayer is still very much appreciated today. In Klagenfurt a street near the university was named after him, and in 2006 the Green MP Reinhold Gasper submitted a motion to the Klagenfurt City Council to place a plaque for “the outstanding linguist Dr. Eberhard Kranzmayer ” to have attached to the house where he was born at No. 11 Alter Platz.


  • Maria Hornung (Ed.): Phonology and flexion theory of the German Cimbrian dialect . Contributions to language island research, Diss. Vienna 1925. VWGÖ, 1981, ISBN 978-3-85369-465-7 , p. 295 ( Online Google Books).
  • Phonology and inflection theory of the German Cimbrian dialect (= contributions to language island research , ed. Maria Hornung, Volume 1/1), VWGÖ, Vienna 1981.
  • Etymological contributions to the emergence of the carantan duchy. In: Carinthia I. Volume 115, S 3-6, Klagenfurt 1925 (= “Annual reports for German history” from the interwar period, volumes 1-14 , reporting years 1925–1938, No. 687).
  • The Swabian-Bavarian dialects on Lechrain with consideration of the neighboring dialects (= meetings of the Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences 1927. 05). Munich 1927.
  • with F. Lüers: From the workshop of the dictionary , Bavarian weekly for the care of homeland and folklore. 6, 1928, pp. 270-271.
  • The names of the weekdays in the dialects of Bavaria and Austria (= work on Bavarian-Austrian dialect geography. 1st issue), Hölder Pichler Tempsky, Vienna / Munich 1929.
  • Language layers and language movements in the Eastern Alps , Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, R. Oldenbourg, Vienna 1931 (= annual reports for German history , volumes 1-14, reporting years 1925–1938, no. 519).
  • For place name research in the border region . In: ZS für Ortsnameforschung , Volume 10, 1933/34, pp. 105–148. (= “Annual reports for German history” from the interwar period, Volumes 1-14, reporting years 1925–1938, No. 693).
  • The Carinthian place names in Otto III's diploma. from July 9, 993. In: Carinthia I. Volume 123, Klagenfurt 1934, pp. 31–44 (= "Annual reports for German history" from the interwar period, volumes 1-14, reporting years 1925–1938, No. 738).
  • The oldest German settlements in Carinthia. In: Contributions z. Business u. Cultural history. Kärntens <212>, 1936, pp. 28--33. (= “Annual reports for German history” from the interwar period, volumes 1-14, reporting years 1925–1938, No. 1568).
  • German language skills beyond the language border in the Alps, with special consideration for the Rhaeto-Romance language of Val Gardena . In: German Archive for State and Folk Research. 1, 1937, pp. 273-286.
  • Tasks and goals of the Munich dictionary commission , Unser Egerland, 1941, pp. 37–42.
  • The most important Carinthian place names. I. The customs field (= publications of the Institute for Carinthian Research at the University of Graz in Klagenfurt. Volume 2). Raunecker publishing house, Klagenfurt 1944.
  • The German loanwords in the Slovenian vernacular , Kramarič Verlag, Laibach 1944.
  • Carinthian farmer's food and its history. In: Carinthia I. Volume 139, Klagenfurt 1949, p. 448.
  • The Styrian rhyming chronicle of Ottokar and its language (= Austrian Academy of Sciences. Philosophical-Historical Class. Meeting reports, 226th volume, 4th treatise), Verlag RM Rohrer, Vienna 1950.
  • with Irmgard Hack: Steyr and his relationships with the Eisenwesen in the mountains. The settlement of the surroundings of Steyr in the light of the place names (= publications of the cultural office of the city of Steyr ). Magistrat Steyr, self-published, Steyr 1953.
  • The Lower Austrian dialect. In: Yearbook for regional studies. of Lower Austria. 31, 1954, pp. 198-237 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).
  • Die Bergnames Österreichs , Verlag Verein Muttersprache, Vienna 1955. 2nd, expanded edition 1968.
  • Historical sound geography of the entire Bavarian dialect area , Verlag Böhlau, Graz / Vienna 1956.
  • The Austrian federal states and their capitals on their behalf Kommissionsverlag A. Sexl, Vienna 1956; 2. verb. Edition (= mother tongue. Series of publications by the association “Mutterssprache”, issue 4), Verlag Verein Mutterssprache, Vienna 1970.
  • Book of place names of Carinthia , 2 volumes (= archive for patriotic history and topography. 50, 52), Verlag des Geschichtsverein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt 1956–1958.
  • with Karl Bürger: Burgenland settlement name book . Ed. Office d. Burgenland Provincial Government (= Burgenland Research. Issue 36), Eisenstadt 1957.
  • The results of the latest Austrian toponymy and the state of Salzburg . In: Communications from the Society for Regional Studies in Salzburg. MGSLK Volume 97, 1957, pp. 1-16.
  • with Annemarie Richter: Additions to Primus Lessiak: The German dialect of Zarz in Oberkrain, A: Grammar (= Carinthian Research Volume III), H. Böhlaus Nfg., Weimar 1944; New edition: (= Deutsche Dialektgeographie Volume 50), Weidmann, Marburg 1959.
  • The Bavarian passwords and their history , Verlag Böhlau, Graz / Vienna 1960.
  • The people of Friuli , Klagenfurt, undated, approx. 1960.
  • The linguistic antiquities in the dialects of the Tyrolean high valleys. In: Journal for Dialect Research. 27, 1960, pp. 160-192.
  • Monogenetic sound developments and their disturbances in the Bavarian peasant language islands and in their native dialects. In: Contributions to the history of the German language and literature. Volume 85, Tübingen 1963, pp. 154-205.
  • The Tyrolean dialect (= special print from South Tyrol: A question of European conscience, ed. Huter Franz). Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, Vienna 1965, pp. 43–54.
  • The old god of Tischelwang on the Plöckenpaß. A study of the history of religion based on names. In: Helmut Fielhauer (ed.): Folklore and folk culture . Schendl, Vienna 1968, pp. 257-279.
  • Legendary Carinthian mountain names. Self-published, o. O. 1969.
  • Dictionary of the German vernacular of Zarz / Sorica and Deutschrut / Rut in Yugoslavia , ed. by Maria Hornung and Alfred Ogris (Archive for Patriotic History and Topography 68). Publishing house of the History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1983.
  • Glossary for phonetic and inflectional theory of the German Cimbrian dialect, these are the dialects in the seven Vicentine communities, the thirteen Veronese communities and the German places in Trentino (with the exception of the Fersental and the Nonsberg) (= contributions to language island research, edited by Maria Hornung , Volume 1/2), VWGÖ, Vienna 1985.
  • Problems of Upper German dialectology and onomatology. Edition Praesens , Vienna 1999.
  • Small writings about names (1927–1972). Edited by Maria Hornung, Edition Praesens, Vienna 1997.
  • as editor on behalf of the Austrian Academy of Sciences: Dictionary of Bavarian dialects in Austria. Volume 1 = A - Azor, Vienna 1970; Volume 2 = B (P) - District, Vienna 1976; Volume 3 = Pf - C, Vienna 1983; Volume 4 = D, T - tetzig, Vienna 1998; Volume 5, Vienna 2000ff.
  • as editor on behalf of the Austrian Academy of Sciences: Dictionary of Bavarian dialects in Austria. Supplement 1 = Explanations, bibliography, list of abbreviations, sound table, list of local names. Supplement 2 = explanations for the dictionary; Phonetic transcription, list of abbreviations, list of references and sources.
  • Historical dialect atlas of Austria and its neighboring countries. Print order was placed in 1969, never published.


  • Herwig Hornung: Eberhard Kranzmayer. Bibliography. In: Leaves for Upper German naming. 8, 1967, pp. 2-8.
  • Herwig Hornung: Directory of the writings of Eberhard Kranzmayer and the dissertations created under his direction at the University of Vienna, celebratory commemoration of his 70th birthday, Austria. Academy d. Sciences, Vienna 1969.
  • Herwig and Maria Hornung: From the namesake Central Europe: Cultural touches in German-Roman-Slavobalt. Language area ; Ceremony for the 75th birthday of Eberhard Kranzmayer, publishing house of the Landesmuseum für Kärnten, Klagenfurt 1972.
  • Maria Hornung ed .: Dialect and history . Appropriated to Eberhard Kranzmayer on his 70th birthday on May 15, 1967. (= Studies on Austrian-Bavarian dialectology 4) Graz / Vienna 1967.
  • Christoph König (Ed.), With the collaboration of Birgit Wägenbaur u. a .: Internationales Germanistenlexikon 1800–1950 . Volume 2: H-Q. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2003, ISBN 3-11-015485-4 , pp. 1005-1008.
  • Ludwig Erich Schmitt ed .: Contributions to Upper German dialectology. Festschrift for Eberhard Kranzmayer on his 70th birthday on May 15, 1967 (= Deutsche Dialektgeopraphie. Volume 51), Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Marburg 1967.
  • Peter Wiesinger: The Austrian dialect and name researcher Eberhard Kranzmayer (1897–1975). Institute for Austrian Studies ÖIK, Volume 19, 1975, p. 341.
  • Peter Wiesinger:  Kranzmayer, Eberhard. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 12, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1980, ISBN 3-428-00193-1 , p. 675 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Peter Wiesinger, Werner Bauer, Peter Ernst (eds.): Problems of Upper German dialectology and onomatology: Lectures of the symposium on the 100th birthday of Eberhard Kranzmayer Vienna 20.-22. May 1997 , Edition Praesens, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-7069-0018-1 (3-7069-0018-1).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Christoph König et al .: Internationales Germanistenlexikon 1800–1950. "IGL", de Gruyter, Berlin-New York 2003, p. 1005.
  2. Handbook of the KSCV, 1985 ; Horst Grimm / Leo Besser-Walzel, Die Corporationen, Frankfurt am Main 1986.
  3. ^ Michael Wedekind: Concepts of ethnic and social reorganization in occupied Europe (1939–1945). In: Rainer Mackensen and Jürgen Reulecke (eds.): The construct “population” before, during and after the “Third Reich” , Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2005, pp. 371–386 (p. 377).
  4. a b Bavarian Dictionary (Munich) ( Memento of the original from September 3, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / grimm.adw-goettingen.gwdg.de
  5. Uwe Baur & Karin Gradwohl-Schlacher. Literature in Austria 1938-1945. Manual of a literary system. Volume 2: Carinthia . Böhlau, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2011, p. 155.
  6. Jörg Riecke : The International Dictionary of Germanists and Language German Studies in the Time of National Socialism, p. 13.
  7. ^ Michael Wedekind: Concepts of ethnic and social reorganization in occupied Europe (1939–1945). In: Rainer Mackensen and Jürgen Reulecke (eds.): The construct “population” before, during and after the “Third Reich” , p. 378, note 30.
  8. ^ Note from the research and teaching group “Das Ahnenerbe” from the discussion about the establishment of the Institute for Carinthian State Research. Document 207 (PDF file; 78 kB) In: Sources on National Socialist Denationalization Policy in Slovenia 1941–1945 No. 207, Viri o raznarodovalni politiki v Sloveniji 1941–1945, compiled and explained by Tone Ferenc, Maribor 1980.
  9. karawanken border.at Document 148 - Note from the research and teaching group "Das Ahnenerbe" about a meeting regarding Germanization in the occupied areas of Carinthia and Carniola and the establishment of a research facility.
  10. Note from the research and teaching community “Das Ahnenerbe”, note 20 (PDF file; 78 kB).
  11. ^ Ernst Klee : The culture lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 334.
  12. ^ Member entry by Eberhard Kranzmayer at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences , accessed on February 1, 2016.
  13. Bruno Schweizer: The origin of the Zimbern, 1948 .
  14. Bücherl Rainald: The controversy between Eberhard Kranzmayer and Bruno Schweizer. Trend-setting history of dialectology in the first half of the 20th century ; 1994, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 257-278; Journal of Dialectology and Linguistics ISSN  0044-1449
  15. a b diekelten.at Eberhard Kranzmayer (1897–1975) ( Memento from February 23, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Article by Georgrohrcker.
  16. Sprachinselverein.at CV Maria Hornung ( Memento of the original from July 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.sprachinselverein.at
  17. Biography see International Germanistenlexikon 1800–1950 , de Gruyter, Berlin 2003, pp. 396f., With obituary documents from Kranzmayer 1964/65.
  18. a b IGL 1800-1950, p. 1008 .
  19. ^ Helmut W. Schaller: Slavonic Philology . In: Frank-Rutger Hausmann : The role of the humanities in the third Reich , 1933–1945 (= writings of the Historical College. Colloquia 53). Verlag Oldenbourg, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-486-56639-3 , pp. 265-280 (p. 276).
  20. ^ Alois Brandstetter , Institute for German Studies at the University of Klagenfurt: On the vocabulary of milling in Lexers dictionaries , In: Horst Brunner: Matthias von Lexer: Contributions to his life and work , University of Würzburg, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1993, ISBN 3-515-06357 -9 , 248 pages.
  21. ^ Austrian Academy of Sciences Problems of Upper German Dialectology and Onomatology - Symposium on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Eberhard Kranzmayer ( Memento from September 16, 2003 in the Internet Archive )
  22. German Studies - A Biased Science Review by Franz Krahberger on Peter Wiesinger / Daniel Steinbach: 150 Years of German Studies in Vienna, Extra-University Early German Studies and University German Studies , Edition Praesens, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7069-0104-8 .
  23. ^ Die Grünen Klagenfurt, Reinhold Gasper memorial plaque for the outstanding linguist (December 13, 2006).