List of members of the Belgian Senate (2007-2010)

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This list includes the members of the Belgian Senate in the 2007-2010 parliamentary term. The Senate has 74 members.

Current allocation of seats

Current distribution of seats by party (after the 2007 elections):

Political party Seats
Christian Democratic and Flemish (CD&V) / New Flemish Alliance (NVA) 14th
Reform Movement (MR) 11
Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open VLD) 9
Socialist Party (PS) 8th
Flemish Issues (VB) 8th
Socialist Party - Anders (SP.A) - Flemish Progressives (VP) 7th
Ecolo 5
Humanist Democratic Center (CDH) 5
Green! 2
List Dedecker (LDD) 1
National Front (FN) 1
total 71

Government parties are marked with a dot (•)


Surname fraction Language group Legal ground annotation
Bert Anciaux SP.a / SPIRIT NL Country choice (Spirit) retired, successor: Myriam Vanlerberghe (SP.a) (*)
Filip Antheunis Open VLD NL Co-opted (Open VLD)
Wouter Beke CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (CD&V)
Astrid of Belgium Non-attached Without Qua office 0
Laurent of Belgium Non-attached Without Qua office 0
Philip of Belgium Non-attached Without Qua office 0
Sfia Bouarfa PS FR Regional parliaments 0
Luc Van den Brande CD & V / N-VA NL Regional parliaments 0
Frieda Brepoels CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (N-VA) retired, successor: Sabine de Bethune (CD&V) (*)
Jacques Brotchi MR FR Co-opted (MR)
Philippe Busquin PS FR Country choice retired, successor: Olga Zrihen
Jurgen Ceder VB NL Country choice (VB)
Marcel Cheron Écolo / Groen! FR Regional parliaments (Écolo)
Dirk Claes CD & V / N-VA NL Co-opted (CD&V)
Berni Collas PFF DE Regional parliaments (Representative of the DG)
Christophe Collignon PS FR Regional parliaments 0
Alain Courtois MR FR Country choice (MCC)
Hugo Coveliers VB NL Country choice (VLOTT)
Georges Dallemagne cdH FR Co-opted 0
José Daras Écolo / Groen! FR Country choice (Écolo) (*)
Armand De Decker MR FR Country choice (PRL)
Jean-Jacques De Gucht Open VLD NL Country choice (Open VLD)
Christine Defraigne MR FR Regional parliaments (MR) (*)
Michel Delacroix FN FR Country choice (*)
Francis Delpérée cdH FR Country choice (*)
Anne Delvaux cdH FR Country choice retired, successor: Vanessa Matz
Alain Destexhe MR FR Regional parliaments (PRL)
Alain Destexhe MR FR Country choice (PRL) retired, successor: Marie-Hélène Crombé-Berton (PRL)
Filip Dewinter VB NL Country choice (VB) retired, successor: Nele Jansegers
Vera Dua Écolo / Groen! NL Regional parliaments (Great!)
Vera Dua Écolo / Groen! NL Country choice retired, successor: Freya Piryns (Groen!)
Josy Dubié Écolo / Groen! FR Regional parliaments (Écolo)
Isabelle Durant Écolo / Groen! FR Country choice (Écolo)
Marc Elsen cdH FR Regional parliaments 0
Lieve Van Ermen LDD NL Country choice 0
Richard Fournaux MR FR Country choice (MCC)
Freddy Van Gaever VB NL Co-opted (VB)
Joris Van Hauthem VB NL Regional parliaments (VB) (*)
Margriet Hermans Open VLD NL Regional parliaments (Open VLD)
Louis Ide CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (N-VA)
Joëlle Kapompolé PS FR Regional parliaments 0
Geert Lambert SP.a / SPIRIT NL Country choice (Spirit)
Nahima Lanjri CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (CD&V)
Yves Leterme CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (CD&V) retired, successor: Els Van Hoof (CD&V)
Nele Lijnen Open VLD NL Country choice (Open VLD)
Anne-Marie Lizin PS FR Country choice 0
Philippe Mahoux PS FR Country choice (*)
Bart Martens SP.a / SPIRIT NL Regional parliaments (Spa)
Louis Michel MR FR Country choice (PRL) retired, successor: Philippe Monfils (PRL)
Philippe Moureaux PS FR Country choice 0
André Van Nieuwkerke SP.a / SPIRIT NL Regional parliaments (Spa)
Karim Van Overmeire VB NL Regional parliaments (VB)
Tony Van Parys CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (CD&V)
Jean-Paul Procureur cdH FR Regional parliaments 0
François Roelandts du Vivier MR FR Regional parliaments (MR)
Carine Russo Écolo / Groen! FR Co-opted (Écolo)
Els Schelfhout CD & V / N-VA NL Co-opted (CD&V)
Etienne Schouppe CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (CD&V) retired, successor: Pol Van Den Driessche (CD&V)
Rent Smet CD & V / N-VA NL Regional parliaments (CD&V)
Helga Stevens CD & V / N-VA NL Regional parliaments (N-VA)
Guy Swennen SP.a / SPIRIT NL Co-opted (Spa)
Martine Taelman Open VLD NL Co-opted (Open VLD)
Marleen Temmerman SP.a / SPIRIT NL Country choice (Spa)
Dominique Tilmans MR FR Country choice (PRL)
Elke Tindemans CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (CD&V)
Johan Vande Lanotte SP.a / SPIRIT NL Country choice (Spa)
Hugo Vandenberghe CD & V / N-VA NL Country choice (CD&V)
Anke Vandermeersch VB NL Country choice (VB)
Frank Vanhecke VB NL Country choice (VB) retired, successor: Yves Buysse
Patrik Vankrunkelsven Open VLD NL Country choice (Open VLD)
Guy Verhofstadt Open VLD NL Country choice (Open VLD) retired, successor: Roland Duchatelet (Vivant)
Marc Verwilghen Open VLD NL Country choice (Open VLD)
Christiane Vienne PS FR Co-opted 0
Paul will Open VLD NL Regional parliaments (Open VLD) (*)

(*) Group leader

List of abbreviations

  • CD&V : Christen-Democratisch & Vlaams
  • N-VA : Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie
  • Open VLD : Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democrats
  • Vivant : Voor Individuele Vrijheid en Arbeid in een Nieuwe Toekomst
  • SP.a : Socialist party different
  • Spirit : Sociaal Progressief Internationaal Regionalist Integraal-democratisch en Toekomstgericht
  • VB : Vlaams Belang
  • VLOTT : Vlaams Liberaal Onafhankelijk Tolerant Transparant
  • LDD : Lijst Dedecker
  • Big ones!
  • MR : Mouvement Reformateur
  • PRL : Parti Réformateur Libéral
  • MCC : Mouvement des Citoyens pour le Changement, today Mouvement Réformateur
  • PFF : Party for Freedom and Progress
  • FDF : Front Démocratique des Francophones
  • PS : Parti Socialiste
  • cdH : center démocrate Humaniste
  • Écolo : Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales
  • FN : Front National

See also

Web links

Individual evidence
