List of plural forms

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This list of Pluraliatantum is a compilation of the German language common Pluraliatantum . Some words have a singular form that is only used in technical language, e.g. B. Parents . Other words are limited to the plural only in one specific meaning, e.g. B. Smallpox .

General pluralism, mostly of German origin

  • Superstructures (on a ship)
  • Pumice ('pick')
  • Dantes, Tantes (tokens)
  • Fax
  • Brothers
  • Siblings, also in combinations: half-siblings
  • tide
  • Gugerschecken , Gugerschecken
  • costs
  • Lands
  • People
  • Liesen (northern German for 'pork fat')
  • Lousy ('debt')
  • Pugs (in the sense of ' female breast ')
  • Muckis
  • Packing
  • Beeping
  • Plünnen ('clothes')
  • Beatings
  • Schemes
  • Schilten (Swiss for diamonds )
  • Schmackes ('blows')
  • Digress
  • expenses
  • Timing
  • confused

Examples of pluralities in food

Examples of pluralisms to designate periods of time

Examples of regular loan word formations from Latin

Latin uses forms in the neuter plural to denote a whole. Numerous terms are derived from this that are plural in German, often from the neuter plural of nouned adjectives (-a). The rendering of the Latin adjective endings -alis (> -alia, -alien), - (a) bilis (> - (a) bilia, - (a) bilien) is particularly frequent.

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • assets
  • Dissidia (points of contention)
  • Diversa ('miscellaneous')
  • Holidays , also in combinations: summer holidays, company holidays, etc.
  • Funeralien ('funeral ceremonies')
  • imponderables
  • Intrusiva ('intrusive rock')
  • Cameras ('political science, political and political economy')
  • Kombustibilien (' Fuels ')
  • Consumption tibiles ('consumer goods')
  • Copies ('copying fees')
  • Laudes (liturgical morning praise)
  • Minutiae ('little things')
  • Miscellanea, Miszellaneen ('small essays with various contents, especially in scientific journals')
  • Music
  • In kind
  • liabilities
  • Pastorals ('parish affairs')
  • Posteriora
  • Thermal baths (meaning as a Roman bathing establishment)
  • Trivia
  • Varia
  • Vegetables ('plant foods')

Examples of other borrowed plural forms

Examples of compound plural forms

Many words become pluralized by compounds:

  • -work: track work, interior work, maintenance work
  • -Expenditure: social expenditure, defense expenditure
  • -outlook: weather forecast, future prospects
  • Conditions: detention conditions, market conditions, weather conditions
  • -legs: children's legs, knock knees
  • Discomfort: stomach discomfort, difficulty swallowing
  • - Payments: payments in kind, payments in kind, pensions
  • -data: key data, characteristics, weather data
  • -things: things of faith, things of love
  • -Income: investment income, interest income
  • -facilities: sanitary facilities
  • -Colors: national colors, rainbow colors
  • -money: disposition fees
  • habits: consumption habits
  • -grounds: fishing grounds, fishing grounds
  • -forces: physical forces, naval forces
  • - Funds: Funds, basic funds, subsidies, tax funds
  • - Rights: paperback rights, TV rights
  • -sachen: clothes, Maßsachen, trinkets , toys
  • -difficulties: learning difficulties, communication difficulties
  • -Games: Festival Chamber Games , Olympic Games
  • -Boots: Seven Mile Boots
  • -rays: heat rays, X-rays, X-rays
  • -forces: naval forces, land forces
  • - parts: pubic parts, soft parts
  • -drops: heart drops, cough drops, stomach drops, nasal drops
  • -Exercises: physical exercises
  • -circumstances: living conditions, time circumstances
  • -conditions: living conditions, financial circumstances
  • losses: start-up losses, loss of people
  • -products: edibles, housewares, tobacco products , spices, pasta , sugar confectionery
  • -way: respiratory system, urinary tract
  • -werke: public utilities
  • -Tools: walking tools, chewing tools
  • -interest: debit interest, delay interest
  • -Tongues: angel tongues

Examples of plural forms for terms of biology and medicine

Examples of plural forms in toponyms

Pluraliatums are regularly used to designate toponyms , especially when they form a group or a whole.

Individual evidence

  1. Example for Cornflake : $ 1,350 for a Cornflake RP Online from March 22, 2008