List of the Council of States of the Canton of Graubünden

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Coat of arms of the canton of Graubünden

This list shows all members of the Council of States from the Canton of Graubünden since the state was founded in 1848 until today.

Party abbreviations

Council of States

Surname Party / parliamentary group Term of office Born Died
Prospero Albrici liberal 1873-1874 1822 1883
Johann Bartholome Arpagaus Catholic Conservatives 1860-1861 1810 1882
Andreas Bezzola liberal 1880-1881 1840 1897
Christoffel Brändli SVP 1995-2011 1943
Johann Rudolf Brosi liberal 1848-1849
1801 1877
Friedrich Brugger CIP 1907-1930 1854 1930
Johann Bartholome Caflisch liberal 1853-1856
1817 1899
Felix Calonder FDP 1899-1913 1863 1952
Luregn Mathias Cavelty CVP 1979-1994 1935
Gion Darms CIP 1956-1968 1896 1976
Stefan Engler CVP 2011– 1960
Ulrich Gadient SVP 1980-1994 1931 2016
Gaudenz Gadmer liberal 1865-1866 1819 1877
Anton Philipp Ganzoni liberal 1848-1852 1800 1881
Florian Gengel liberal 1874-1879 1834 1905
Hans Hold liberal 1871-1872
1826 1910
Johann Josef Huonder CIP 1930-1935 1878 1935
Jachen Ulrich Könz liberal 1872-1873 1819 1901
Andreas Laely FDP 1913-1935 1864 1955
Albert Lardelli DP 1935-1956 1888 1859
Alois de Latour liberal 1861-1862 1805 1875
Caspar de Latour liberal 1854-1855
1827 1861
Theo Maissen CVP 1995-2011 1944
Giuseppe a Marca Catholic Conservatives 1849-1851 1799 1866
Hercules Oswald liberal 1862-1863 1823 1869
Franz Peterelli Catholic Conservatives 1899-1907 1847 1907
Remigius Peterelli Catholic Conservatives 1864-1868
1815 1892
Peter Conradin from Planta liberal 1852
1815 1902
Luzius Raschein FDP 1892-1899 1831 1899
Johann Romedi liberal 1861-1864 1819 1876
Peter Conradin Romedi conservative 1881-1898 1817 1899
Johann Gaudenz von Salis liberal 1855
1825 1886
Leon Smurf SVP 1974-1979 1925 2012
Martin Schmid FDP 2011– 1969
Johann Andreas spokesman for Bernegg liberal 1853-1854
1811 1862
Arno Theus DP / SVP 1956-1974 1911 1999
Johann Baptista von Tscharner liberal 1857-1858 1815 1879
Josef Vieli CIP 1939-1956 1884 1962
Ludwig Anton Vieli liberal 1851-1852
1808 1867
Gion Clau Vincenz CVP 1968-1979 1921 2014
Georg Willi CIP 1935-1938 1884 1946
