List of winners of the National Prize of the GDR 2nd class for art and literature (1949–1959)

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This list shows the winners of the National Prize of the GDR in the second class for art and literature from 1949 to 1959. For the other decades and levels see the list of winners of the National Prize of the GDR .


Listed by years
1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
year Award winners Reason for award annotation
Camilla Spira actress for the film " Die Buntkarierten "
Bernhard Kellermann writer
Willi Bredel writer for his literary oeuvre
Hans Marchwitza writer for his writing
Rudolf Mauersberger Head of the Kreuz Choir in Dresden for the lively performances of the Kreuz Choir at the Bach honor of the German youth in Eisenach
Otto Nagel painter for his oeuvre as a painter
The collective "The Bartered Bride" for the staging and performance of the opera “ The Bartered Bride ” by Bedřich Smetana
Walter Felsenstein Director of the Komische Oper Berlin
Arthur Grüber General Music Director, Hamburg
Anny Schlemm Singer, Berlin
Heinrich Plantl Chamber singer, Dresden
Rudolf shock Singer, Berlin
Wolfgang Staudte Actor and director for the excellent direction of the film " Der Untertan " based on the novel of the same name by Heinrich Mann
Ottmar Gerster Composer, director of the music academy in Weimar , member of the German Academy of the Arts for his complete compositional works, especially for the cantata about the Eisenhüttenkombinat Ost
Walter Felsenstein Director of the Komische Oper Berlin for his outstanding achievements as artistic director of the Komische Oper Berlin, especially for the production “ Der Freischütz ” by Carl-Maria von Weber
Hubert Georg Ermisch Art historian and head of the Zwinger building department, Dresden for his exemplary achievements in the preservation of the national cultural heritage, which finds its visible expression especially in his years of laborious work on the restoration of the Dresden Zwinger
The members of the collective "Brigade Karhan" from the Deutsches Theater Berlin for the successful performance of the play "Brigade Karhan" by Vašek Káňa. Through their joint initiative, they have contributed to strengthening the relationship between working German people and the progressive theater
Wolfgang Langhoff Actor, director and general manager of the Deutsches Theater Berlin, member of the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin
Harry Hindemith actor
Lotte Loebinger Actress and director
Willy A. Kleinau actor for his outstanding realistic character representations at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin and in film
Max Lingner Member of the German Academy of Arts in Berlin, painter and graphic artist, Berlin-Niederschönhausen for his political graphics, which is a great contribution to the liberation struggle of the working class, and his latest work for the House of Ministries , which is a significant advance
Ernst Hermann Meyer Professor of Music Sociology at the Humboldt University in Berlin , member of the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin, composer, Berlin-Grünau for his pioneering scientific work “Music in Current Events” and his new compositions
Fritz Wisten Director of the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin for the realistic, imaginative staging of the play " Die Feinde " by Maxim Gorki
John Meier Full honorary professor at the University of Freiburg / Br. for his excellent scientific work in the field of German studies , especially for his great work "German folk songs with their melodies"
Walter Arnold Sculptor, Leipzig, professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden for his sculpture “Die Jugend - Baumeister der Republik” and his services as a teacher and educator for the next generation of artists
Hugo Steurer Concert pianist, Leipzig, professor and head of the piano department at the State University of Music in Leipzig for his interpretation of classical and modern piano music, especially for the rendering of Beethoven's works
Fritz Cremer Sculptor, head of a master workshop at the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin for the creation of the " Franz Franik " bust , which ties in with the best traditions of German sculpture
Willy Kurth Director of the State Palaces and Museums Potsdam-Sanssouci for the maintenance, reconstruction and artistic design of the State Palaces and Gardens in Sanssouci
Heinrich Kilger Chief set designer at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin for the excellent design of the sets of “ Faust ”, “ Egmont ”, “ Don Carlos ” and others
Helene Weigel Actress, director of the Berliner Ensemble for her important acting performances in " The Mother ", in " The Guns of Mrs. Carrar " and " Katzgraben "
Collective "The Invincible" for outstanding artistic achievements in the design of the film " The Invincible ", which for the first time shaped the struggle of the German working class under the Socialist Law with artistic mastery
Willy A. Kleinau Actor, Babelsberg
Arthur Pohl Director, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Karl Paryla Actor, Vienna
Josef Hegenbarth Graphic artist, painter, illustrator, Dresden for his significant drawings, especially for Gogol'sTote Seelen ” and Goethe'sReineke Fuchs ”, which represent an essential enrichment of German illustration art
Bodo Uhse Editor in the Aufbau-Verlag , writer, Groß-Glienicke for his books published in Germany after 1945, especially for his novel about the German resistance movement "Patrioten"
Ehm withered Writer and poet, Bad Doberan for his significant literary oeuvre, through which the development of a humanistic German culture was promoted
Ludwig Renn Full member of the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin, permanent secretary of the Poetry and Language Maintenance Section, writer, Berlin for his youth book “ Trini ” and his literary life's work
Rudolf Wagner-Régeny Full member of the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin, professor at the Berlin Music Academy , composer for his compositional oeuvre and his contribution to the education of young artists
Collective "Stronger than the night" for her work on the film “ Stronger than the Night ”, an important document of the heroic anti-fascist resistance of the German working class
Slatan Dudow Director
Kurt Stern writer
Jeanne Stern Writer
Wilhelm Koch-Hooge Actor, Berlin
Louis Fürnberg Writer, Deputy Director at the National Research and Memorial Sites in Weimar for his poetic oeuvre, in particular for his book “Bruder Namenlos” and his numerous songs, which have become real folk songs in our republic
Franz Konwitschny Chief conductor of the German State Opera Berlin for his outstanding musical achievements at the reopened German State Opera Berlin, which contributed decisively to the success of this house
Collective Paulick-Hemmerling for their part in the reconstruction of the German State Opera Berlin and its excellent architectural and technical design
Richard Paulick Director of the Institute for Housing at the German Building Academy and special representative of the German Building Academy for the project planning of the National Development Plan (NAP) 1952
Kurt Hemmerling Head of the theater construction department at the Deutsche Bauakademie
Ernst Busch Actor at the Deutsches Theater Berlin and in the Berliner Ensemble, full member of the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin for his outstanding acting work at the Deutsches Theater Berlin and in the Berliner Ensemble, especially for the design of Azdak , Mephisto , Fučik and other roles
Walter Felsenstein Artistic director and director at the Komische Oper in Berlin, full member of the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin for his productions at the Komische Oper Berlin, which are of a high artistic level, especially for " The Magic Flute " and " The Cunning Little Vixen "
Johannes von Guenther writer for the creative adaptation of Russian works, the transmission of the works of Russian classics and the contribution made to the development of Russian literature
Max Schwimmer Painter and graphic artist, head of a class for graphics at the University of Fine Arts in Dresden, full member of the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin in recognition of his important book illustrations, especially on Heine's " Germany a Winter Tale " and Beaumarchais' " Figaro's Wedding "
Collective "You and some comrade" for their part in the creation of the documentary "You and some comrade", which portrays the development of capitalist Germany and the constant struggle of the working class for the maintenance of peace with great forcefulness
Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler Commentator at the State Broadcasting Committee
Paul Dessau composer
Andrew Thorndike Director and author at DEFA
Anneliese Thorndike Author at DEFA
Günther Rücker writer
Erich Engel Director for his staging of Bertolt Brecht's “Das Leben des Galilei ” and for his significant contribution to the progressive development of German theater and film art
John Heartfield Member of the German Academy of the Arts in Berlin, photo mechanic, graphic artist, set designer, book designer for the development of the photo montage into an artistic and effective weapon in the fight against imperialism and for its outstanding contribution to the development of socialist poster art, book and stage design
Collective "Captain of Cologne" for their part in the creation of the film “ Der Hauptmann von Köln ”, which uses satire to convincingly unmask the German militarism that has re-emerged in West Germany
Slatan Dudow Director and co-author
Henryk Keisch author
Michael Tschesno-Hell author
Otto Gotsche writer for his literary work, in particular for his novel "Zwischen Nacht und Morgen", which artistically shaped an important stage in the history of the German labor movement with a lasting effect and thereby contributed significantly to the socialist awareness of working people
The Grundig couple for their joint outstanding artistic oeuvre in the field of painting and graphics, which is militantly and impressively directed against the imperialist war and against fascism and expresses the ideas of peace, progress and humanism
Lea Grundig Artist, professor for graphics at the University of Fine Arts, Dresden
Hans Grundig Artist
Walter Arnold
Max Burghardt
Stefan Heym
Helmut Koch
Will Lammert
Jan Petersen
Buchenwald Monument Collective
Waldemar Grzimek
René Graetz
Hans Kies
Ludwig Deiters
Kurt Tausendschön
Hans Grotewohl
Horst Kutzat
Hubert Matthes
Hugo Namslauer
Handel collective
Philine Fischer Chamber singer
Helmut Kaphahn
Jutta Vulpius
Günther Leib
Rolf Apreck
Kurt Huebenthal
Collective of the film " Song of the Sailors "
Kurt Maetzig
Günter Reisch
Karl-Georg Egel
Paul Wiens
Joachim Hasler
Otto Merz
Collective of the Rügen Festival
Kurt Barthel
Hanns-Anselm Perten
Günter Kochan
Collective of the film " Stars "
Konrad Wolf
Werner Bergmann

Prize amounts

year Prize amount in marks
1949 100,000
1950 250,000
1951 300,000
1952 300,000
1953 250,000
1954 150,000
1955 150,000
1956 450,000
1957 150,000
1958 100,000
1959 550,000
total 2,750,000


  • New Germany of the respective years. The awards were made from 1950 as part of the national holiday celebrations on October 7th. Issues from:
    • August 26, 1949, page 3
    • October 9, 1950, pages 3 and 4
    • October 9, 1951, page 3
    • Oct. 7, 1952, page 7
    • October 8, 1953, pages 3 and 4
    • Oct. 8, 1954, page 6
    • Oct. 8, 1955, page 3
    • Oct. 7, 1956, page 7
    • Oct. 7, 1957, page 4
    • Oct. 7, 1958, page 6
    • Oct. 4, 1959, page 3


  1. For documentary reasons, the original historical descriptions used by the SED newspaper Neues Deutschland are presented here. However, these can be flawed, tendentious, outdated or politically extreme. If in doubt, corrections and alternative descriptions should be made in the "Comments" column.