List of rose gardens in Berlin

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The list of rose gardens in Berlin contains rose gardens in Berlin that are independent or integrated into parks. To see some of these flower gardens, you have to pay admission to the entire park, for example in the Britzer Garten or in the Gardens of the World .



  • OT: district, where = AH = Alt-Hohenschönhausen, AT = Alt-Treptow, Br = Britz, Fh = Friedrichshain, Ga = Gatow, Gb = Gesundbrunnen, Ha = Hakenfelde, Kl = Kladow, Kr = Kreuzberg, Lifel = Lichterfelde , Mi = Mitte, Mf = Marienfelde, Mz = Marzahn, Ne = Neukölln, Nieds = Niederschönhausen, Sp = Spandau, Stegl = Steglitz, Tege = Tegel, Th = Tempelhof, Wanns = Wannsee, We = Wedding, Wd = Wilmersdorf, Weißs = Weissensee
district OT Name of the rose plant
In which park
location Brief description and picture
Wd Rose borders in the garden of Villa Harteneck location
Pergola in the garden of Villa Harteneck
The rose borders in the formal garden in front of the Villa Harteneck , built in 1911/12, accompany the paths on the edge of a strictly structured lawned parterre. Opposite the villa, a white pergola with a water basin was built to end the garden . The pergola forms the climbing aids for numerous climbing roses . The garden, overgrown in the 1970s, was restored from 1981 to 1985. The freely accessible rose garden, together with the adjoining English landscape garden of the villa, forms a registered garden monument .
Fh rose Garden location
Rose Garden (Berlin-Friedrichshain)
The rose garden was laid out together with the magnificent buildings on what was then Stalinallee (since 1961 Karl-Marx-Allee ) in the early 1950s. One day before June 17, 1953, construction workers protested at the rose garden, which led to a nationwide popular uprising on June 17, 1953 . The pergola was erected in 1979. The flower arrangement was created again and again, most recently in 2015/16. To mark the 50th anniversary of the uprising, an aluminum plaque was attached to a low brick wall in 2003, referring to the history of the rose garden. The following is written on the board: "We want to be free people" / The construction workers began their protest against the SED government's increase in standards on June 16, 1953. / Your action led to a nationwide popular uprising .
Kr Rose garden in Viktoriapark
Rose garden in Viktoriapark
The Victoria Park, including some flower beds, was laid out between 1888 and 1894 according to plans by garden director Hermann Mächtig . The park was badly damaged in World War II and subsequently redesigned several times. In 1983 a rose garden was built at the entrance and exit of Methfesselstrasse instead of the former Victoria Terraces. The fortified beds laid out by Martin Schumann have since become more of a perennial garden.
Lichtenberg AH Rose garden in the Oberseepark
Rose garden in the Oberseepark
The Oberseepark was redesigned in the early 1960s according to plans by Editha Bendig and Oskar Köster. A screened rose garden with seating niches and an entrance pergola was created near the Hohenschönhausen water tower .
Mz Rose garden in the Gardens of the World
Gardens of the World
location Six individual rose beds in the shape of a rose blossom are laid out on an area of ​​2,500 m². 275 different types of roses grow there, around 5,840 roses. For the 2017 International Horticultural Exhibition , the rose garden was redesigned, expanded and reopened in April 2017.
center Gb Rose garden in the Volkspark Humboldthain location
The Humboldthain rose garden was laid out between Brunnenstrasse and Humboldthöhe . The Church of the Assumption stood at this point until the end of the Second World War . Since its creation, the rose garden has numbered 15,000 roses. The shielded area is modeled on Italian Renaissance gardens, bordered by slopes made of hornbeam and rhododendrons . The boxwood and yew hedges are geometrically trimmed. Box trees are carved in a spherical shape at the crossroads. Climbing roses entwine on the trellises that serve as access to the central rose area. Ornamental cherries and potted plants are also included. A large pergola overgrown with wisteria is located behind a shrub garden at the transition to the Humboldthöhe. The sculptor Walter Schott created the bronze sculpture Diana in 1926 , which was installed in the rose garden in 1987. There is also a small fountain made of beaver figures in the rose garden.
center Wed Rose garden on the fishing island location
center Wed Rose garden in the Luisenstadt Canal location
The Luisenstadt Canal was built between 1848 and 1852 according to the plans of the horticultural artist Peter Joseph Lenné. It was a connecting canal between the Spree and the Landwehr Canal . The canal was filled in between 1926 and 1929. From 1929 to 1932, the rose garden with framing pergolas, which also surrounded the adjoining angel basin , was built according to the plans of gardening director Erwin Barth . After the fall of the Wall , the rose garden was laid out again in 1995 because this area had not been maintained during the existence of the Berlin Wall . It received the basic structure after excavation findings using new building and plant materials. At first the rose garden was called the Indian Garden .
center Wed Rose garden in the Volkspark am Weinberg location
center Day Rose garden in the Großer Tiergarten
Großer Tiergarten
Rose Garden, Tiergarten, Berlin.jpg
In 1909 the rose garden in the large zoo was laid out by the zoo director Felix Freudemann and the rose breeder Peter Lambert. When the Bremer Weg through the rose garden was created in 1951, a third of the garden and the two water lily basins were lost. In 1974 the rose garden was redesigned and the planting was completely renewed in 2004. In 2014, the restoration of the southern colonnades was completed.
center We Rose garden in the Schillerpark
Rose garden in the Schillerpark
The Schillerpark was laid out from 1909 to 1913 according to plans by the Magdeburg horticultural architect Friedrich Bauer. The northern end of the park is formed by a three-tier terrace built from Rüdersdorfer limestone on a sloping site . A symmetrical rose garden was created on the lowest level, supplemented by magnolias and ornamental cherries.
Neukölln Br Rose garden in the Britzer Garten
Britzer Garten
Rose garden in the Britz garden
The rose garden in the Britzer Garten is 12,000 m² and was created for the 1985 Federal Horticultural Show . Scented and cut roses, hedge, wild and park roses, including historical rose varieties, are shown there. In addition, the roses climb a pergola.
Neukölln Br Britz Rosarium location
Britz rose garden
The Britz Rosarium was opened in 1965 and restored in 2013. The pergola received new wooden supports and around 5000 roses and perennials were planted. Hundreds of roses were planted on the hillside.
Neukölln No Rose garden in Volkspark Hasenheide
Volkspark Hasenheide
Rose garden in the Volkspark Hasenheide in winter
The rose garden as a roundabout was created in 1987 next to the pavilion. There are pergolas, benches and a fountain.
Pankow Nieds Rose garden in the Castle Park Niederschönhausen The rose garden with pergola was laid out in the western part of the castle park in 1953 by Reinhold Lingner . It was decorated with a mosaic picture by Bert Heller .
Pankow Pank Rose garden in the Bürgerpark Pankow
Bürgerpark Pankow (Pankow) Rosengarten.jpg
The large rose circle is in the center of several paths through the park. The plantings are also namesake of the Rosengarten café-restaurant, which is established here .
Pankow Whites Rose borders in the Park on the White Lake
Park on the White Lake
Rose borders in the park at the White Lake with sundial
The park on the White Lake has rose borders near the lido with a sundial made of various flowers that were laid out in the 1960s.

In 1998 several new plantings were made according to the plans of the garden planner Christian Meyer: In addition to a slope with summer flowers and forest shrubs, shrub rose borders with accompanying plants were created.

Reinickendorf Tege Rose Garden (Berlin-Tegel) location
Rose Garden (Berlin-Tegel)
Spandau Ga Rose garden of Villa Lemm
Villa Lemm
location The garden of Villa Lemm, built in 1907/08, was laid out in 1912/13 by the gardening company Ludwig Späth. Terrace gardens in northern Italy were the model for the gardens . The horticultural architect Carl Kempkes laid out several formal rose terraces with geometrically aligned paths and added white garden pavilions, pergolas and balustrades to the garden .

The villa with the garden, which stretched to the banks of the Havel, was owned by the Jewish doctor János Plesch until 1933 , who had a swimming pool built in the rose garden in 1930. After the Second World War, the property was the seat of the British city ​​commanders . The villa with the associated gardens went into private ownership in 1995. The garden was restored from 1995 to 1997 by the Berlin Garden Monument Preservation.

Spandau Ha Rose garden in the Evangelical Johannesstift location
Rose garden in the Evangelical Johannesstift Berlin (1) .jpg
Spandau Kl Rose garden in the Dr. Fränkel
country house garden Dr. Frankel
Rose garden in the Dr.  Frankel
Spandau Sp Rose garden in Wröhmännerpark
Rose garden in Wröhmännerpark
The symmetrical rose garden is located in the middle of the Wröhmännerpark. The green area is designed with conifers and shrubs.
Lifel Rondel of roses in Lilienthalpark
Rose ring in Lilienthalpark
To the south of the park near the carp pond there is a rose circle.
Lifel Rose garden in the Parkfriedhof Lichterfelde
Parkfriedhof Lichterfelde
Rose garden in the Lichterfelde park cemetery
Stegl Rose garden in Stadtpark Steglitz
Stadtpark Steglitz
Rose garden in the Steglitz city park
The rose garden in this park is bordered by a hornbeam hedge. In the center of the flower arrangement there is a water lily pond .
When S Rose garden in the garden of the Liebermann-Villa
Rose garden in the garden of the Liebermann Villa
When S Complementary rose garden on Pfaueninsel
location The rose collection on Pfaueninsel goes back to a Berlin doctor who had one of the most famous rose collections in Berlin at Behrenstrasse 48 until 1821. The Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. showed interest in this rose collection and commissioned his court gardener Peter Joseph Lenné to examine it. The report showed that there are 1,100 high trunks in the open ground or in pots and 9,000 bush roses of approx. 200 types of roses. In 1821 the king had the roses bought up. With these, Lenné created a rose garden on Pfaueninsel. It is considered the first rose garden in Prussia and at the same time the most beautiful in Europe. The last rose stocks were plucked out by visitors to the island by 1924 and were lost. In 1989 the rose garden was restored for Lenné's 200th birthday and a supplementary rose garden was created with 300 varieties of roses. In 2007, a wild rose collection with 50 rose varieties was added to the supplementary rose garden.
When S Rose garden on the Pfaueninsel location
Mf Rose garden in the Volkspark Mariendorf
Volkspark Mariendorf
location After the inauguration of the Volkspark Mariendorf in June 1931, the herbaceous and rose garden was designed in 1933/34.
Th Rose garden in the Alter Park
Alter Park
Rose garden in the old park
The rose garden was laid out in 1952 by the gardening department manager Bernhard Kynast.
Th Rose garden in Franckepark
Rose garden in Franckepark
Between the house passages on Theodor-Francke-Strasse five and six, a path leads to the rectangular rose garden, which was restored in a modified form after being destroyed in the war. In the middle of the rose garden is a fountain made in 1930 by Albert Wille made of shell limestone with an octagonal floor plan. The bronze owl figure by Egon Stolterfoth has stood in the middle of the fountain since 1965. The raised rose garden is surrounded by a hedge and has a semicircular seat to the east, which allows a great view over the hollow lawn to the valley basin.
Th Rose garden in the garden city Neu-Tempelhof
Garden city Neu-Tempelhof
Rose garden in the garden city of Neu-Tempelhof
In 1926 a rose garden was created on Rumeyplan as a formal special garden in Parkring Neutempelhof. Rudolf Fischer planted white and red roses on eight beds. Rose arches with climbing roses surrounded the bronze sculpture Eva . The rose garden was destroyed in the Second World War. When Parkring e. V. was founded, the idea arose to rebuild the rose garden. The garden architect Hartmut Teske was commissioned for the reconstruction on the basis of the historical furnishings. On this basis he designed the new rose garden with small simplifications. Since 2010, Parkring e. V. around the rose garden.
AT Rose garden in Treptower Park
Treptower Park
Rose garden in Treptower Park
Lawn with a water fountain in the rose garden in Treptower Park
The first rose garden laid out in the park was created according to plans by the city gardening director Gustav Meyer with an oval meadow for sporting activities. The jewelry plant was destroyed in World War II and never restored. - It was not until the 20th anniversary of the GDR in 1969 that the strictly geometric garden with 25,000 roses was laid out again based on a design by Hubert Matthes . In 1973, the rose garden received additional rose plantings in the south-eastern part and, contrary to the original concept, was expanded to include lawns. From 1988 to 1989 the rose garden was planted with new roses because the pressure on the crown and roots of the old trees and the tiredness of the soil showed ever larger gaps in the beds. In the 2000s and 2010s, reconstruction and restoration work was carried out in the garden.

Individual evidence

  1. Christina Freiberg: Garden Travel Guide Germany The 1,500 most beautiful gardens and parks . Ed .: German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture eV 1st edition. Callwey, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-7667-2200-3 , pp. 176 .
  2. FKTV4: The Rose Garden | Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg TV. Retrieved April 15, 2020 .
  3. Rosengarten Karl-Marx-Allee. November 23, 2015, accessed April 15, 2020 .
  4. Memorial plaques in Berlin - Memorial plaque advertisement. Retrieved April 15, 2020 .
  5. Viktoriapark. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  6. Christina Freiberg: Garden travel guide Germany: The 1,500 most beautiful gardens and parks . Ed .: German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture eV 1st edition. Callwey, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-7667-2200-3 , pp. 181 .
  7. ^ Green areas in Lichtenberg / State of Berlin. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  8. Rose Garden | Green Berlin. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  9. Volkspark Humboldthain. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  10. ^ List, map, database / Landesdenkmalamt Berlin. Retrieved April 19, 2020 .
  11. Kreuzberg Chronicle: The Angel Basin in the Luisenstadt Canal - You are reading the original! from Berlin-Kreuzberg. Retrieved April 19, 2020 .
  12. ^ Rose Garden - Great Tiergarten Berlin / State of Berlin. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  13. For over a hundred years: the Schillerpark in the north of Wedding. In: Weddingweiser. March 20, 2016, accessed April 13, 2020 .
  14. Schillerpark / State of Berlin. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  15. Christina Freiberg: Garden Travel Guide Germany The 1,500 most beautiful gardens and parks . Ed .: German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture e. V. 1st edition. Callwey, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-7667-2200-3 , pp. 163 .
  16. The rose garden | Britz garden. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  17. The rose garden. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  18. ^ Geocaching: Geocaching - The Official Global GPS Cache Hunt Site. Retrieved April 14, 2020 (English).
  19. Berliner Morgenpost- Berlin: Rosarium and green area at the church pond renewed. September 19, 2013, accessed April 14, 2020 .
  20. Volkspark Hasenheide. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  21. Katrin Lesser, Bettina Bergande: parks and town squares . Ed .: Jörg Haspel. Imhof, Petersberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-86568-422-6 , p. 248-249 .
  22. ^ Rosengarten Pankow im Bürgerpark , accessed on April 27, 2020.
  23. Park am Weißen See / Land Berlin. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  24. White Lake | Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  25. Christina Freiberg: Garden Travel Guide Germany The 1,500 most beautiful gardens and parks . Ed .: German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture eV 1st edition. Callwey, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-7667-2200-3 , pp. 168 .
  26. ^ Society of German Rose Friends: Rose Worlds: History, Culture, Gardens, Personalities . 1st edition. Aquensis Verlag, Baden-Baden 2008, ISBN 978-3-937978-21-5 , pp. 124 .
  27. ^ Residence of the city commandant. March 20, 2020, accessed April 22, 2020 .
  28. Dieter Scholz: Berliner Park (ver )führer: from arboretum to citadel; over groves, cascades and playgrounds . Ed .: Hannelore Prüfer. Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein, Berlin 1997, ISBN 978-3-89542-039-9 , p. 134-135 .
  29. Christina Freiberg: Garden Travel Guide Germany: the 1,500 most beautiful gardens and parks . 1st edition. No. 8 . Verlag Georg DW Callwey GmbH & Co.KG, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-7667-2200-3 , p. 180 .
  30. Steglitz City Park. Retrieved April 27, 2020 .
  31. Maria Mail-Brandt: Rose personalities: Rose people: Rose growers, rose painters, rose book authors, rose companies, rose garden planners - a "who's who" of the German-speaking rose world . Books on Demand, 2018, ISBN 978-3-7528-1957-1 ( [accessed April 19, 2020]).
  32. ^ List, map, database / Landesdenkmalamt Berlin. Retrieved April 19, 2020 .
  33. ^ List, map, database / Landesdenkmalamt Berlin. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  34. ^ List, map, database / Landesdenkmalamt Berlin. Retrieved May 10, 2020 .
  35. Garden City Neu-Tempelhof. October 1, 2015, accessed April 19, 2020 .
  36. Treptower Park - Rosengarten. December 12, 2019, accessed April 14, 2020 .