Ludwig Gustav von Thile

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Louis Gustav von Thile after a painting by Franz Krüger
Ludwig Gustav von Thile

Ludwig Gustav von Thile (born November 11, 1781 in Dresden , † November 21, 1852 in Frankfurt (Oder) ) was a Prussian general and statesman. He was the son of the Prussian general Alexander Heinrich von Thile (1742-1812) and his second wife Henriette Friedericke von Runckel (1747-1829). General Adolf Eduard von Thile was his brother.


Thile entered the Prussian military service in 1795, became Adjoint in the General Staff in 1804 and Chief of the General Staff at the command in Pomerania in 1811 . The other stations of his military career were

  • 1812 Major and Director of the 1st Division in the General War Department, which later became the Military Cabinet
  • 1815 promoted to colonel
  • 1818 promoted to major general

Thile earned special services through the peace organization of the Landwehr as an inspector of the Landwehr in the Potsdam region . In 1829 Thile was made adjutant general , and the following year he became commander of the 6th Division. In the meantime he was in command of Erfurt and Torgau before becoming lieutenant general in 1832 . In 1838 he became a member of the State Council and President of the General Order Commission . In 1841 King Friedrich Wilhelm IV appointed him secret minister of state and entrusted him with the administration of the state treasury and coins.

Thile was particularly influential through the immediate lecture he was given on general state affairs. The king followed his advice particularly in questions of the church, in which Thile was on orthodox-pietistic ground. In 1844, Thile became general of the infantry before resigning in 1848. In 1847 Thile opposed progress in the emancipation of Jews in Prussia .

Ludwig Gustav von Thile died on November 21, 1852 in Frankfurt an der Oder.

Orders and decorations


Individual evidence

  1. Jutta Ditfurth : The Baron, the Jews and the Nazis. Journey into a family story . Hamburg: Hoffmann and Campe, 2013, ISBN 978-3-455-50273-2 , p. 76