More than honey

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Original title More than honey
Country of production Switzerland , Germany , Austria
original language German , Swiss German , English , Mandarin
Publishing year 2012
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Markus Imhoof
script Markus Imhoof
production Pierre-Alain Meier , Switzerland
Thomas Kufus , Germany
Helmut Grasser , Austria
music Peter Scherer
camera Jörg Jeshel
Attila Boa
cut Anne Fabini

More than Honey (on TV also More than Honey - Bitterer Honig ) is a documentary film by Swiss director Markus Imhoof from 2012 about the global bee deaths from California to China.

The film premiered on August 11, 2012 at the Locarno Film Festival and was shown at the Hamburg Film Festival on October 2 of the same year . The Austrian premiere took place on October 4, 2012. The cinema release followed on October 25 in German-speaking Switzerland and on November 28, 2012 in French -speaking Switzerland . The film was shown in Germany after November 8, 2012 and in France from February 20, 2013.

The film became the most successful Swiss cinema film of 2012 and the most successful Swiss documentary of all time. In addition to the Swiss Film Prize , the international co-production also won the highest national award for documentary films in Germany and Austria.


The documentary "More than Honey" investigates the worldwide death of bees. He explains that more than a third of our food would not thrive without the help of bees, i.e. without pollination . Albert Einstein is credited with saying: "If the bees die out, humans die out four years later." However, the Einstein Institute in Israel does not know of such a quote .

The film shows various beekeepers and a Berlin research team at work and illuminates their relationship to their bee colonies. And so the life of the bees is shown in very different ways, starting in the hamlet of Twirgi in the Nessental (municipality of Gadmen , Bernese Oberland), to the queen breeders in Mariazell (Styria) and various beekeepers in the USA , to the bee research team in Australia . The film tries to convey that the massive bee deaths occurring in the USA ( Colony Collapse Disorder ) in particular are favored, if not caused, by industrial beekeeping. By factory farming diseases are transmitted between bee colonies, which, with the result that the people with drugs (eg. As antibiotics must be dealt with). Long-term transports of the bee colonies between widely spaced orchards in different climatic zones put additional stress on the bee colonies. As another factor, the film shows the treatment of these plantations with pesticides , which damage the bee colonies. In certain areas of the People's Republic of China the bees are already extinct and the pollination of the flowers is carried out in detail by humans. Each individual flower is dabbed with a cotton ball on which pollen adheres. This must be seen as a warning of what bee deaths can lead to.

Towards the end, the film deals with the "killer bee " ( Africanized honey bee ), which has become known from the media and which proves to be much more resistant than the domestic breeding bees. These bees are considered to be more resistant, but also more aggressive. It is implied that the "gentleness" cultivated over many decades has led to the breeds of the western honeybee becoming much more susceptible to diseases and parasites, especially the Varroa mite , as, for example, the ability to resist is atrophied.

Finally, bees in Australia are shown where bee deaths have not yet arrived. On a lonely island in the Pacific, an attempt is being made to establish a last colony of bees for all time, called “ Noah's Ark of the Bees”.

Markus Imhoof and his team worked on this film for five years.

Awards (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for More than Honey . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , July 2012 (PDF; test number: 133 903 K).
  2. Age rating for More than Honey . Youth Media Commission .
  3. Austrian premiere : MORE THAN HONEY on accessed on September 19, 2013.
  4. More Than Honey on
  5. 10vor10 Schweizer Fernsehen, broadcast on December 6, 2012
  6. a b “More than Honey” goes Oscars article by Markus Tischer from September 27, 2013 on
  7. Nobody wants to hug insects. Article by Peter Uehling in the Berliner Zeitung on November 7, 2012.
  8. Apisticus of the year 2018 on accessed on June 14, 2019
  9. Previous winners on the Solothurn Film Festival website, accessed on February 7, 2018