Nekrolog 1515

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1515 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 1st Louis XII. King of France 52
January 7th Matthäus Landauer German merchant and patron


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 2nd Victor of Carbene German rabbi and convert
February 6th Aldus Manutius Venetian printer and publisher
February 8 Wilhelm I. Landgrave of the Landgraviate of Hesse 48
February 12th Philip II of Daun Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cologne (1508–1515)
21st of February Diego Columbus Spanish navigator, a younger brother of Christopher Columbus


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st March Veit von Fürst Lawyer, university rector and governor of the imperial fief of Modena
5. March Hermann Messmann Merchant, councilor and admiral of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck
March 23 Giacomo Cozzarelli Italian painter 61


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3rd of April Bartholomäus von Munsterberg Duke of Munsterberg and Troppau; Count von Glatz


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
8th of May Hans von Hutten Württemberg stable master of Duke Ulrich von Württemberg


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
12. August Werner von der Schulenburg Statesman in the Pomeranian and Brandenburg service


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 3 Andreas Stiborius German astronomer and mathematician
September 4th Barbara of Brandenburg Duchess of Glogau, Queen of Bohemia 51
the 9th of September Joseph of Volokolamsk Monk, abbot, monastery founder
September 14th Hans Bear Basel councilor


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 2nd Barbara Zápolya Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania
October 21 Pleikard von Gemmingen Landlord on Guttenberg and Gemmingen


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 3rd Diebold Schilling the Younger Swiss chronicler
November 5th Mariotto Albertinelli Italian painter 41
November 6th Peter Numagen Swiss clergy, writer and notary
November 19th Claudine Grimaldi Mistress of Monaco


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2. December Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba y Aguilar Spanish general and statesman 62
11th December Dietrich Coelde Dutch preacher and writer
December 16 Afonso de Albuquerque Portuguese politician and navigator; Governor of India

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Dionysius Böblinger German builder
Ettore Fieramosca Italian condottiere
Giovanni Giocondo Italian Dominican
Lorenz Helmschmied Armorer and armor maker
Bartolomeo Columbus Spanish cosmographer and navigator
Laurentius Laurentianus Italian medic and philosopher
Pietro Lombardo Italian sculptor and builder
Eckhard von Manteuffel Ducal council in Pomerania
Meñli I. Giray Ruler of the Crimean Khanate
Nezahualpilli Ruler (Tlatoani) of the Mesoamerican city of Texcoco
Goswin from Orsoy German theologian and politician, first Chancellor of the University of Wittenberg
Anton Pilgram Sculptor, architect
Heinrich Schodehoet Augustinian hermit and auxiliary bishop in Münster and Osnabrück
Kaspar II. Winemaker Bavarian nurse to Tölz