Nekrolog 1525

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1525 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 5th Albrecht van Loo Dutch state advocate between 1513 and 1525
6th January Amalie of the Palatinate Duchess of Pomerania 34
January 24th Franciabigio Italian painter


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 4th Andreas Meinhardi German humanist
February 24th Guillaume Gouffier de Bonnivet Admiral of France
February 24th Louis II. De La Trémoille French general and vice-count of Thouars
February 24th Richard de la Pole English nobleman
February 28 Cuauhtémoc Aztec ruler of Tenochtitlán (1520–1521)


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3 March Thomas de Foix Marshal of France
26th of March Konrad Thumb from Neuburg Upper Swabian nobleman and hereditary marshal of Duke Ulrich of Württemberg


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3rd of April Giovanni Rucellai Italian poet 49
April 5th Hans Jakob Woe Preacher and peasant leader


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
5th of May Friedrich III. Elector of Saxony 62
May 9 Gregor Reisch Monk and opponent of the Reformation
12th of May Anna of Mecklenburg Princess; Duchess of Mecklenburg; Countess of Hesse 39
12th of May Thomas Maier Leader of the peasant uprising
May 18 Pietro Pomponazzi Italian philosopher 62
May 20th Alonso Fernández de Lugo Andalusian nobleman, conqueror and seafarer
May 21 Jacklein Rohrbach Leader of the peasants in the German Peasants' War in 1525
25. May Anton Eisenhut Leader of the Kraichgau peasantry in the German Peasants' War (1525)
May 27th Thomas Müntzer Protestant theologian and revolutionary during the peasant war
May 27th Heinrich Pfeiffer Cistercian monk, later evangelical preacher and colleague of Thomas Müntzer in the peasant war
May 29th Eberli Bolt Anabaptists in Eastern Switzerland


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2th of June Georg Metzler Leader of the Odenwälder Haufen in the Peasants' War (1525)
June 10th Florian Geyer German knight, diplomat and peasant leader in the German Peasants' War, 1525
June 13th Jakob von Wattenwyl Swiss politician
15th June Vain Friedrich III. Count of Hohenzollern (1512–1525)
June Kaspar Leyser German peasant and leader in the German peasant war


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
5th July Johann of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach Viceroy of Valencia 32
July 12 Nicolaus Marschalk German legal scholar, humanist and historian
17th July Charles I. de Lalaing Dutch Council of State
July 27th Hans Krüsi Baptist preacher in Eastern Switzerland


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
4th of August Andrea Della Robbia Italian Renaissance painter 89
12. August Hans Müller Peasant leaders in the German Peasants' War in 1525
29th August John Sslechta Czech humanist, philosopher and diplomat 59


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
7th of September Matthias Waibel reformer
September 15th Jan van Woerden Dutch priest and martyr
September 29th Vincent Mohr German Benedictine and abbot 50


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 3 Sebastian Sprenz Prince-Bishop of Brixen
4th of October Sigismondo Gonzaga Bishop of Mantua
October 18 Albert of Cologne Abbot of the county monastery
30th of October Claus Kniphoff Danish admiral and pirate


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 17th Eleanor of Portugal Queen of Portugal (as wife, not as regent in her own right) 67
November Guillaume Crétin French clergyman and poet


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
13th December Kunz Jehle Leader of the Hauensteiner Haufen in the German Peasants' War
20th of December Ceporinus Swiss philologist
30th of December Jakob Fugger Augsburg merchant 66

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Attavante degli Attavanti Italian painter
Fernando Francesco d'Avalos di Pescara General Emperor Charles V, Margrave of Pescara and Viceroy of Sicily
Bernardino de Conti Italian painter of the Renaissance era
Ulrich von Dinstedt German lawyer, Catholic and Protestant theologian
Ulrich Fugger the Younger Ulrich Fugger's son
Rodrigo González de la Puebla Spanish diplomat, Ambassador of Spain to the United Kingdom (1485–1489)
Johann Haller is considered to be the founder of printing in Poland
Matern Harder German builder of the early modern period
Kaeo King of the Kingdom of Lan Na
Charles IV Duke of Alençon, Count of Le Perche, Armagnac, Fézensac and Rodez
Margaretha von Zedtwitz abbess
Pierfrancesco de 'Medici the Younger banker
Bernd von Moltzan Pomeranian robber baron
Rhys ap Thomas Welsh nobleman, military man and statesman
Jofre Ibáñez II. De Sasiola Alcalde, Spanish envoy to England (1485–1489)
Lucio Cristoforo Scobar Italian Latinist, Romanist, Italianist, Hispanist, grammarian and lexicographer of Spanish origin
Peter Tritonius Renaissance composer
Giovanni da Vigo Italian medic