Nekrolog 1523

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Other events | Nekrolog (animals)  | Music year 1523

This is a list of famous people who died in 1523 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 30th Fabian von Lossainen Prince-Bishop of Warmia (1512–1523)
31 January Bernhart Lachaman the Younger Bell caster


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 4th Simon Pistoris the Elder German physician and personal physician
February 6th Jens Holgersen Ulfstand Danish knight


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
25th March Gregor Lamparter German professor and rector of the University of Tübingen
28th March Ludwig I of Löwenstein Count of Löwenstein; Founder of the Löwenstein-Wertheim family 59


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 6th Edward Stanley, 1st Baron Monteagle English nobleman and knight
10th of April Wilhelm of Gemmingen Imperial knight with rights in Berwangen
April 23 Henry Clifford, 10th Baron de Clifford English nobleman and politician


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
May 7th Antonio Grimani 76. Doge of Venice (1521–1523) 88
May 7th Franz von Sickingen Leader of the Rhenish and Swabian knighthood 42
May 14th Nicolas Vaux English peer and politician
May 15 Barbara von Gundelfingen Abbess of the Buchau women's monastery
May 27th John VIII Grimholt Bishop of Lübeck
28th of May Ludwig I. Count of Nassau-Weilburg


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
June 9th Diego de Deza Spanish theologian and inquisitor


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Johannes van Esschen first martyr of the Reformation
July 1 Hendrik Vos first martyr of the Reformation
July 12 Thomas Truchseß von Wetzhausen noble dean of the cathedral in the prince-bishopric of Speyer, theologian and humanist
21 July Johann Dölsch German theologian


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
6th of August Johannes Adelphus German doctor and writer
8th August Jean Vallière French evangelical martyr
13 August Gerard David Dutch painter
August 22nd Lucien Lord of Monaco (1505–1523)
August 27 Domenico Grimani Patriarch of Aquileia, patron and art collector 62
29th August Ulrich von Hutten Imperial knight and humanist 35


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 14th Hadrian VI. Pope (1522-1523) 64
September Simon Heins German Catholic theologian


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 1 Dietrich von Bülow Bishop of the Diocese of Lebus
5th October Bogislaw X. Duke of Pomerania
9th October Peter IV of Rosenberg Regent of the House of Rosenberg; Governor and temporarily governor of Bohemia 61
October 11th Bartolomeo Montagna Italian painter
October, 16th Luca Signorelli Italian painter
October William Cornysh English composer


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
21st November Hans Frei important lute maker and composer in Nuremberg and Bologna
22nd of November Achille Grassi Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church 67
November 24th Erpho of Gemmingen Provost at St. Guido Abbey in Speyer and Odenheim Abbey, cathedral provost and archdeacon in Speyer


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
15th December Hans Boner German-Polish merchant and banker, governor of Krakow
December 16 Bernhard Adelmann from Adelmannsfelden German humanist
December 29th Giuliano Dati Florentine theologian and poet
December 29th Nils Henriksson Knight and member of the Norwegian Imperial Council.
30th of December Prospero Colonna Italian condottiere
December Bernhard of Saxe-Lauenburg Provost in Cologne and Münster

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Heinrich II. Basedow Bishop in Courland
Thoman Burgkmair German painter of the Middle Ages
Ulrich Rülein from Calw Humanist, doctor, mathematician and mining scientist
Cesare da Sesto Italian painter and student of Leonardo da Vinci
Alfonso Franco Italian painter
Francisco de Garay Spanish conquistador
Philipp von Gmünd Master builder of the Meisenheim School, late Gothic sculptor
Wilhelm von Graben Nobleman and imperial administrator
Kim Jeon Korean politician and neo-Confucian philosopher
New Years Eve Mazzolini Italian chaplain (Dominican)
Mehmed I. Giray Khan of the Crimea
Johannes Nuhn German chronicler of the state of Hesse and the city of Hersfeld
February or March Perugino Italian painter
Hermann Serges German theologian of the late Middle Ages
Timoteo Viti Italian Renaissance painter
Heinrich Witte Mayor of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck