Nicolaus Böddeker

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Nicolaus Böddeker (* in Wismar ; † September 3, 1459 in Lübeck ) was bishop of Schwerin from 1444 to 1457 and, after his resignation, Lübeck canon .


Böddeker came from a middle class family in Wismar and was very wealthy. He was considered capable and conscientious and had held several church offices relatively early on. From July 8, 1423 to January 3, 1440 he was pleban at the Marienkirche in Wismar, where he was also dean of the minor caland and a member of the major caland. From 1440 he was dean of the cathedral at the Petrikirche in Lübeck for almost five years . Also in 1440 he was dean at the Lübeck cathedral and probably also canon and scholasticus at the Hamburg cathedral after Hermann Dücker . His brother Konrad Böddeker was at the same time Scholasticus at the Schwerin Cathedral .

On January 24, 1444, the Schwerin cathedral chapter announced the election of Nicolaus Böddeker as the new bishop to Archbishop Gerhard von Bremen and authorized his dean Hermann Robin and the cantor Johannes Wolter to obtain confirmation from the archbishop responsible. Already on February 8th, the contingent was issued and on March 3rd, permission was given to be ordained by other bishops and to take the necessary oath before them. The takeover of the monastery estates and collegiate houses of Schwerin , Bützow and Warin took place on March 17 and 28, 1444, the confirmation of the privileges of the monastery town of Bützow on March 20, 1444. On March 17, 1444 Böddeker became bishop of the diocese of Schwerin . On May 8, 1444, there was another confirmation by the now schismatic Council of Basel .

The episcopal ordination took place on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 1444. Consecrators were the bishops Conrad von Havelberg , Johannes II Prohl von Ratzeburg and Heinrich, titular bishop von Sebaste . The named bishop Johannes von Ratzeburg was Johannes II Prohl, who came from a bourgeois family from Wismar. Bishop Heinrich von Sebaste was the Augustinian Heinrich Woggersin , who was already with Bishop Hermann III. worked as auxiliary bishop in the diocese of Schwerin and now exercised this office under Bishop Nicolaus.

As a bishop, Böddeker is of importance for the church history of Northern Germany because of the three diocesan synods in Bützow on September 15, 1444, September 16, 1445 and March 10, 1452, whose synodal statutes with 36 paragraphs prove that the clergy are in great need of reform. He had the statutes of 1444 confirmed by the Cardinal Legate Nikolaus von Kues on September 26, 1451 in the choir of the church in Bützow.

Bishop Nicolaus took it very carefully with the residence obligation and, as the client, did a lot for the expansion and repairs of his monastery locks. In the administration he had a lucky hand, whereby his accumulated fortune from a number of previous benefices came in good use, which he then used again for ecclesiastical purposes. He improved the finances of the diocese considerably during his tenure and made foundations to numerous churches in his diocese. He donated the Marientidenkapelle , the north tower side chapel, in St. Georgen in Wismar. This included a monumental full-screen representation of the bishop kneeling under the cross as the founder, which was brought up in the literature as a model for the later pictorial program of the Triumphal Cross in Lübeck Cathedral .

After the papal power of attorney to draw up a will ( licentia testandi ) was already available on January 27, 1448 , the Schwerin cathedral chapter under its cathedral dean Hermann Robin on January 3, 1449 gave his bishop the consent to resign or rather to abdicate with the search for one suitable successor. Despite a certain degree of official fatigue, Böddeker remained in office until 1456, when he proposed the mayor of Lüneburg, Gottfried Lange , who was a canon in Lübeck. The resignation in the hand of Pope Calixt III. was adopted on April 6, 1457. Dr. Gottfried Lange was ordained bishop in Rome on May 26, 1457. Nicolas Böddeker received a pension of 200  florins from the Schwerin diocese and Gottfried's canon office in Lübeck. The Lübeck cathedral chapter was always involved and agreed to the proceedings, but Schwerin was only dissatisfied.

Due to a threatening illness, Nicolaus Böddeker spent a lot of money in the next few years on his memoria , which was to be celebrated in Hamburg, Wismar, Lübeck, Güstrow , Tempzin and Bützow. He lived in Lübeck until September 3, 1459, and was able to experience the elevation of his former chaplain Werner Wolmers to the position of bishop of Schwerin. Böddeker was buried in the Mul chapel of Lübeck Cathedral; his figure grave plate with full picture as a bishop is described, but has not been preserved since 1898. The memorial plaque in Schwerin Cathedral has not survived either.

A will from Bishop Nicolaus has not been preserved. It seems certain, however, that the Marientidenstiftung in the Georgenkirche in Wismar owes its origin to a testamentary decree. Unfortunately the paintings in the Wismarer Georgenkirche as well as a valuable chasuble that belonged to the Rostock Marienkirche were lost due to war damage. At least ten years after Bishop Nicolaus death, there should have been a dispute about his inheritance.


The seal of the Bishop Nicholas I., Böddeker as he in 1456 at a in Ratzeburger archive located certificate used is worked round and well. On the lattice-covered ground, between two hills overgrown with grass, there is a crowned image of Mary, the child on her left arm. A wall gable stands above it, but without the support of walls. On the right side is the episcopal coat of arms, on the left a shield with a swan with raised wings (the family coat of arms of the Böddeker), over which a bishop's staff is placed.

The inscription is on a ribbon, the ends of which turn into the inner sealing surface and on which the two shields are hung by ribbons. It is:


A second round seal shows a saint with a tower - St. Barbara - under a canopy, below on the right leaning the coat of arms of the bishop: a swan with a bishop's staff over it. The inscription reads:


coat of arms

Bützow Castle in the Middle Ages

The Böddeker coat of arms was shown in the former choir screen of the Georgenkirche in Wismar . A swan in the blue field, which snaps at a ribbon on which the word fides can be read. Occasionally, one was the swan crosier placed. The coat of arms was also depicted on bricks in the former residential palaces of Bützow and Warin .


  • Ernst Deecke : News on the history of the Diocese of Schwerin , in: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology , Vol. 21 (1856), p. 178 (digitized version)
  • Johannes Baltzer , Friedrich Bruns : The architectural and art monuments of the Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck. Issued by the building authorities. Volume III: Church of Old Lübeck. Dom. Jakobikirche. Aegidia Church. Verlag von Bernhard Nöhring, Lübeck 1920, p. 245 Unchanged reprint 2001: ISBN 3-89557-167-9
  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . Hinstorff, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01405-1 .
  • Karl Ernst Hermann KrauseNicolaus I. Böddeker . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 23, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1886, p. 617 f.
  • Friedrich Schlie : The art and history monuments of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Volume II: The district court districts of Wismar, Grevesmühlen, Rehna, Gadebusch and Schwerin. Schwerin 1898. (Reprint: Schwerin 1992, ISBN 3-910179-06-1 )
  • Alfred Rische: Directory of the bishops and canons of Schwerin with biographical remarks. Ludwigslust 1900.
  • Josef Traeger : The bishops of the medieval diocese of Schwerin. St. Benno Verlag, Leipzig 1984, pp. 141-146.
  • Josef Traeger: The Bishops of the Diocese of Schwerin . In: The Stiftsland of the Schwerin bishops around Bützow and Warin . St. Benno Verlag, Leipzig 1984, p. 96.
  • Margit Kaluza-Baumruker: The Schwerin Cathedral Chapter (1171–1400). Cologne, Vienna 1987.
  • Friedrich Lisch : Bishop Nicolaus Böddeker of Schwerin . In: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher . Volume 16. Schwerin 1851, pp. 174-175.
  • Friedrich Lisch: Bishop Nicolaus Böddeker of Schwerin . In: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher . Volume 24. Schwerin 1859, pp. 24-43.
  • Friedrich Lisch: Bishop Nicolaus Böddeker of Schwerin . In: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher . Volume 40. Schwerin 1875, pp. 138-141.
  • Andreas Röpcke : The short life of the Schwerin bishop Gottfried Lange. In: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher. Volume 127. Schwerin 2012, pp. 57-63.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Rische: Directory of the bishops and canons of Schwerin. 1900 p. 3.
  2. ^ Alfred Rische: Directory of the bishops and canons of Schwerin. 1900, p. 20.
  3. State Main Archive Schwerin LHAS Regesten II. Clandrian 282a.
  4. LHAS Regesten II. Clandrian 102a.
  5. LHAS Clandrian II.282b.
  6. ^ Dietrich Schröder: Papist Mecklenburg . Wismar 1741, pp. 204-206.
  7. ^ Friedrich Lisch: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher. Volume 24 (1859) Document Collection, p. 215.
  8. ^ Friedrich Schlie : The art and history monuments of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin . Volume II, pp. 105-108.
  9. ^ Uwe Albrecht , Ulrike Nürnberger, Jan Friedrich Richter , Jörg Rosenfeld, Christiane Saumweber: Corpus of medieval wood sculpture and panel painting in Schleswig-Holstein. Volume II: Hanseatic City of Lübeck, The Works in the City Area. Ludwig, Kiel 2012, ISBN 978-3-933598-76-9 with reference to Max Hasse and Hans Arnold Gräbke .
  10. ^ Friedrich Lisch: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher. Volume 24 (1859) Urkundensammlung, pp. 224–225.
  11. ^ Friedrich Lisch: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher . Volume 24 (1859) Document Collection, pp. 228–244.
  12. ^ Klaus Krüger: Corpus of the medieval grave monuments in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein and Lauenburg 1100–1600. Stuttgart 1999, p. 622 (LÜDO * 171a)
  13. ^ Friedrich Schlie: The art and history monuments of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin . Volume II. Pp. 30-31.
  14. ^ Warin Castle near Burgenland-MV
predecessor Office successor
Hermann III. Köppen Bishop of Schwerin
1444 - 1457
Gottfried III. Long