Ole Stavad

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Ole Stavad (2005)

Ole Stavad (born June 1, 1949 in Ejersted , Saltum Sogn , Jammerbugt Kommune ) is a Danish politician of the Social Democrats who was a member of the Folketing for 27 years, as well as being minister of tax and industry minister for a short time.


Professional career and MP

After training at Saltum Centralskole, Stavad completed vocational training as a commercial clerk from 1965 to 1968 and then worked as an employee in a savings bank . He earned a degree in 1973 business graduate (i Merkonom Finansiering) at the Graduate School in Aalborg (Aalborg Business College) . Subsequently, he was from 1973 to 1979 as a savings bank manager of the Han Mr. Eder Sparekasse in brovst and since 1979 after a bank manager at Nordea A / S operates.

Stavad began his political engagement when he became a member of the main board of the Social Democrats in 1977 and was a member of it until 1981. In 1980 he was elected to the Folketing for the first time as a candidate for the Social Democrats in the constituency of Nordjyllands Amtskreds and was a member of the Folketing until the Folketing election on November 13, 2007 . During his membership in parliament he served as chairman of the committee for taxes and duties (Skatte- og Afgiftsudvalg) from 1985 to 1990 and then until 1992 chairman of the political-economic committee (Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg) . In the meantime, from 1987 to 1990 he also acted as spokesman for tax policy for the social democratic parliamentary group and took over this office again from 1992 to 1993. At the same time, between 1992 and 1993 he was also the parliamentary group's spokesman for financial policy.

Tax and Industry Minister

On January 25, 1993, Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen appointed him Minister of Taxation (Skatteminister) in his first government and held this post in his second government until he was replaced by Carsten Koch on November 1, 1994.

Stavad, who was vice-chairman of the Social Democrats between 1995 and 2000, briefly chaired the economic committee of the Nordic Council in 1995 and was then chairman of its European committee between 1995 and 1998.

He was appointed tax minister by Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen on March 23, 1998 in his fourth government . As part of a cabinet reshuffle, he then replaced Pia Gjellerup as Minister of Industry (Erhvervsminister) on December 21, 2000 , while Frode Sørensen was his successor as Minister of Taxation. He held the office of Minister of Industry until the end of Rasmussen's term on November 27, 2001.

After the Folketing election of November 20, 2001 , he became spokesman for the social democratic group for local politics and remained in this position until 2005. In 2007 he briefly took over this office again until he was not re-elected as a member of the 2007 Folketing election.

In addition, he was chairman of the Danish delegation to the Nordic Council between 2001 and 2007 and President of the Nordic Council in 2006.

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