Ottaviano Ubaldini

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Ottaviano Ubaldini (* 1213 or 1214 in Mugello near Florence ; † March 1272 or 1273 in Rome ), also Attaviano Ubaldini , Oktavian Ubaldini or Ottaviano degli Ubaldini , was a cardinal of the Roman Church and papal diplomat.


Origin and early years

Ottaviano was the third of five children of Ugolino Ubaldini and his wife Adala. He studied at the University of Bologna the rights . After that, he was a papal chaplain and apostolic subdeacon , the consecration received his Pope Gregory IX. personally. From November 4, 1230 to April 19, 1233 he was canon of the cathedral of Bologna and met in 1236 as its archdeacon . He was also an auditor of the Apostolic Palace.

Church career

On February 21, 1240 the cathedral chapter of the cathedral of Bologna elected Ottaviano Ubaldini as bishop . However, since he had not yet reached the canonical age of 30, Pope Gregory IX appointed. him on June 17, 1240 administrator of the diocese.

In the consistory of May 28, 1244 , Pope Innocent IV elevated Ottaviano Ubaldini to cardinal deacon of Santa Maria in Via Lata . As a cardinal, he signed papal bulls between September 1244 and February 1268 . In 1245 he was a participant in the First Council of Lyon . In 1246, the Pope gave him all rights to ownerless benefits in Tuscany .

Diplomatic missions

On March 8, 1247, Ottaviano Ubaldini set out from Lyons at the behest of the Pope to put a stop to the advance of Emperor Frederick II in Italy. He crossed the Alps with a small escort because Duke Amadeo of Savoy , who was allied with the Emperor, had forbidden the cardinal's army to pass through his territory. Ottaviano Ubaldini returned to Rome in June 1251 and was appointed legate in Lombardy , Romagna and Aquileia in November of the same year . He returned from this mission on February 25, 1253.

In 1254, Ottaviano Ubaldini was a participant in the papal election of Alexander IV. In January 1255 he appointed him legatus a latere in Sicily , but Ubaldini did not immediately set out on his mission, but named the Franciscan Rufinus of Piacenza , papal chaplain and penitentiary of the Roman Curia , as deputy. He himself stayed in Naples with Alexander IV to take part in the dispute against Manfred of Sicily , who had taken the kingdom. However, the cardinal failed and signed a peace treaty with Manfred, which the Pope rejected. Thereupon Ottaviano Ubaldini was accused of treason in Florence because, in cooperation with Tesauro Beccaria , he should have left the rule to the Ghibellines .

Ottaviano Ubaldini was the protector of the Camaldolese and Vallombrosan . Around 1260 he was a legate in France, while he opposed the installation of Charles of Anjou as King of Sicily. He took part in the papal election in 1261 , from which Urban IV emerged . He was also involved in the election of the Pope from 1264 to 1265 , which Clement IV raised to the chair of Peter. Finally, he was in the papal election 1268-1271 , the longest-running papal election in church history, a member of the six-member committee, which was responsible for the papal election by compromissum , and finally Teobaldo Visconti, who was still on seventh with the army of Edward I of England Crusade in Palestine was elected Pope. Charles of Anjou stayed in Viterbo throughout the election. After his arrival, Ottaviano Ubaldini accompanied the elect , who took the Pope's name Gregory X. , from Viterbo to Rome.


Ottaviano Ubaldini died in Rome between March 5th and 13th, 1273. His body was transferred to the Mugello and buried there outside the church of Santa Maria di Fagna . In 1592 the grave was moved inside the church, where it was found during restoration work in 1763.

Impact history

Among his contemporaries, Ubaldini was referred to as Il Cardinale , "the cardinal par excellence". The judgment of later generations is harsher. Dante Alighieri already writes - according to the commentators on Ubaldini - in La Divina Commedia about Il Cardinale , whom he finds among the " Epicureans ", the deniers of an immortal soul :

Inferno , X, 118–120:
Dissemi: “Qui con più di mille giaccio:
qua dentro è 'l secondo Federico
e' l Cardinale; e de li altri mi taccio”.

He said: "Here lie more than a thousand souls,
the cardinal, the second Friederich,
and others who do not need to enumerate."

Wilhelm Kohl judged him:

“U [Baldini], interested in art and worldly minded, sought above all for the power and wealth of his family. He was on the side of the Ghibellines [...] "

Another cardinal from the same family was Roberto Ubaldini .


  1. What is meant is the Hohenstaufen emperor Friedrich II.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Date after Miranda, Wilhelm Kohl dates the appointment to June 12, 1240, cf. Wilhelm Kohl:  UBALDINI, Ottaviano. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 12, Bautz, Herzberg 1997, ISBN 3-88309-068-9 , Sp. 799-800.
  2. for example Jacopo della Lana, quoted in the edition by Dante Alighieri: La Divina Commedia. Ulrico Hoepli Editore, Milan 1979, ISBN 88-203-0209-8 , p. 81
  3. ^ Rudolf Pfleiderer (Ed.), Karl Streckfuß: Dante Alighieris Divine Comedy . Philipp Reclam jun., Leipzig 1876. (modernized spelling)
  4. Wilhelm Kohl:  UBALDINI, Ottaviano. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 12, Bautz, Herzberg 1997, ISBN 3-88309-068-9 , Sp. 799-800.


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