Parliamentary election in Turkey 1927

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The parliamentary election in Turkey in 1927 was a general election held in Turkey on July 20, 1927.

It was the first parliamentary election after the founding of the Republic of Turkey by the great constitutional amendment of October 29, 1923. Between the proclamation of the republic in 1923 and the parliamentary election in 1927, the so-called Kemalist revolution began. The CHF of state founder and party leader Mustafa Kemal Pascha was the only party that was admitted after the opposition had been got rid of with the help of the independence courts in 1926, after the Smyrna conspiracy had been exposed.

The CHF won all 335 parliamentary seats. After the election, Parliament elected Mustafa Kemal Pasha as President of the Republic for the second time. İsmet İnönü was re-elected Prime Minister. After the election, the members of parliament were sworn in for the last time with the words "by God". With the constitutional amendment in 1928, the swearing-in formula "by my honor" was introduced.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Establishment of the Republic of Turkey (1923)
  2. ^ Constitutional Law of the Republic of Turkey (1924)