Police call 110: Icarus

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title Icarus
Country of production Germany
original language German
DOKfilm television production
on behalf of the rbb
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 350 ( List )
First broadcast May 10, 2015 on Das Erste
Director Peter Kahane
script Uwe Wilhelm
production Frank Schmuck ,
Jost Bösenberg
music Thomas Klemm
camera Gero Steffen
cut Gudrun Steinbrück

Ikarus is a German crime film by Peter Kahane from 2015. It is the 350th episode in the film series Polizeiruf 110 and the 25th and last case for police chief Horst Krause . It is the eighth case for Commissioner Olga Lenski .


Chief Inspector Olga Lenski and Chief Police Officer Horst Krause are called when one of the inmates falls out after a loop of a small aircraft and gets stuck in the trees. After the fire brigade freed the seriously injured man from his predicament, Krause recognizes the victim as Daniel Reef. He immediately informs the parents of their son's accident. Daniel's father, Martin Reef, and Peter Tender are the owners of a medium-sized solar company and Tender is the owner of the machine, which has now disappeared without a trace. For Olga Lenski, all of this seems mysterious. At the sports airfield, she learns that Daniel is actually an even more talented stunt pilot than his father and, as a pilot, sits in the back, the passenger in front. Since both are only allowed to fly buckled up, it is inexplicable how the pilot could fall out, especially since the machines are regularly serviced.

A short time later, fellow inmate Anjela Krol is found. She had flown on with the plane and had not even noticed that Daniel had "got lost". With a soft crash landing, she was able to bring the aircraft to the ground and was only slightly injured. Daniel, on the other hand, may be paraplegic and is currently in a coma. After a bag with half a million euros is found on the plane, Lenski suspects that the two wanted to get away with the money. Daniel's parents can't explain it all, after all, Martin Reef's company is currently struggling to survive. When interviewing business partner Peter Tender, Lenski quickly finds out that things are no longer the best between the two. Tender is also not very popular in the company. He's the businessman, while Reef is the creative mind and - it looks like - Tender wanted to sell the patents of Reef's latest solar module developments and therefore still had this large sum on the plane.

The forensic investigation reveals that the seat belt was tampered with. Lenski suspects an act of jealousy, because Anjela Krol was not only friends with Daniel, but actually engaged to Paul Riemann, who works in Reef's company and has to do with aqua regia , with which the belt was soaked. Against it speaks that he would have put his girlfriend in danger.

Lenski discovers that Tender was planning to sell the company, which Reef would not allow. According to the partnership agreement, if one partner dies, the remaining partner will receive everything. Since Tender had apparently already received an advance payment for the sale, he could not afford the project to fail. Knowing that Martin Reef was about to practice for a small air show, the attempted murder could possibly be attributed to him. But the plan was exactly the opposite. Not Tender but Reef had manipulated the seat belt and had now let his own son become a chance victim when he unexpectedly used the plane.

Tender has also found out that Reef had planned the attack on him and is now blackmailing him with this knowledge. He thinks he has it in hand, so that he will agree to sell the company without contradiction. But Reef quickly shoots his business partner and gets into his sport plane. After it lifts off the ground, you can see it crash a short time later.

In the evening, Lenski said goodbye to her long-term colleague Horst Krause into well-deserved retirement.


Ikarus was shot by Eikon Media GmbH on behalf of the rbb in Beelitz and Prenzlau .

After 17 years of service on the police call, Sergeant Krause says goodbye with this episode. Lenski will work alongside the Polish commissioner Adam Raczek and together with him will form a German-Polish homicide commission based in Frankfurt .


Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Ikarus on May 10, 2015 was seen by 8.12 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 24.8 percent for Das Erste .


Roger Tell from tittelbach.tv thinks: “Peter Kahane staged the farewell episode with Horst Krause: calm, thoughtful, with a lot of love for the characters. A rather quiet, stylish exit for the man who never carried a pistol, for whom the word was the weapon. ”And he“ does not rely on speed and action, even if the end of the case is very dramatic. But that also takes place in very reduced images. "

At welt.de , Barbara Möller evaluates: “This case is dragging on. Becomes long and boring (script: Uwe Wilhelm, director: Peter Kahane). If it was over now, you think, you wouldn't cry for this RBB crime thriller. But it's only over with Krause. "

Marek Bang from giga.de assesses this police call in a similar way and writes: “At a narrative pace that feels like a tractor that clatteringly blocks the avenue, the thriller meanders slowly towards its end and also the fact that Mr Krause will soon retires only plays a subordinate role. The 90 minutes feel like three hours and the action-poor and sedate television game demands a good dose of patience from the crime fanatic. So it remains to be seen whether Horst Krause's successor will bring a breath of fresh air and speed to the Brandenburg police call, or whether we can simply go back to sleep. "

The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm give the thumbs up and say: "Too cumbersome to fly high."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. audience rating at meedia.de, accessed on August 22, 2015.
  2. Roger Tell: Maria Simon, Feifel, Schir, Kahane. Meat was his vegetable: Horst Krause goes! Film review at tittelbach.tv , accessed on August 22, 2015.
  3. Barbara Möller: Police call when Horst Krause drives a motorcycle. Film review at welt.de , accessed on August 22, 2015.
  4. Marek Bang: Police call criticism: Ikarus & Horst Krause's brazen farewell from Brandenburg at giga.de, accessed on August 22, 2015.
  5. TV thriller. Police chief Krause solves one last case. Short review by TV Spielfilm at tvspielfilm.de, accessed on August 22, 2015.