President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

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President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Standard of the President (since 1984)
Standard of the President
President Mustafa Akıncı
Mustafa Akıncı
since April 30, 2015
Official seat Presidential Palace, North Nicosia
Term of office 5 years
Creation of office November 15, 1983
Last choice April 26, 2015
Deputy Sibel Siber ( CTP ), Speaker of Parliament

The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ( Turkish Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı ) is the head of state of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus . It is elected by the people every five years. A president can be elected for several terms.

Mustafa Akıncı has held this position since April 30, 2015. He is not officially a member of any political party, but was strongly supported by the Toplumcu Demokrasi Partisi in his election .

Previous presidents

Surname Taking office Resignation Political party
Up Denktaş November 15, 1983 April 17, 2005 UBP
Mehmet Ali Talat April 20, 2005 April 23, 2010 CTP
Derviş Eroğlu April 23, 2010 April 30, 2015 UBP
Mustafa Akıncı April 30, 2015 2020 independently

Web links