Reinhard Scheffer the Younger

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Reinhard Scheffer the Younger (born February 17, 1561 in Marburg , † March 9, 1623 in Kassel ) was a German lawyer and statesman.


Scheffer was the eldest son of the Landgrave Hessian Vice Chancellor and later Chancellor Reinhard Scheffer the Elder (1529–1587) and his wife Christine (1537–1608), daughter of the former Landgrave Chancellor Johann Feige (1482–1543).


After school in Kassel, Scheffer studied law in Marburg (from November 1575) and Heidelberg (from November 1580). After completing his studies with a licentiate in both rights, in 1583, at the request of his father, who had been Chancellor of Landgrave Wilhelm IV of Hesse-Kassel since 1570 , he was admitted to the Samthof Court in Marburg, which for 1568 was from the former Landgraviate Hesse originating (sub) counties responsible court court.

In 1584 he became a councilor, and in 1586 he was a sovereign diplomat mediator in the dispute over the orphaned county of Königstein . From 1587 to 1597 he was assessor (i.e. assessor ) at the Samthof Court. From 1585 he was named among the councilors of the Kassel chancellery and from 1598 he only worked as a councilor in the chancellery of Landgrave Moritz in Kassel. In 1603 he became court counselor , in 1608 vice chancellor, and in 1615 Moritz appointed him privy councilor and chancellor. He held this office until his death.

As sovereign envoy , Scheffer was in Naumburg in 1587 and 1614 to renew the hereditary association between the electoral and other princes of Saxony, Brandenburg and Hesse, which had existed since 1457 . In 1600 he was envoy to the Reich Chamber of Commerce in Speyer and in 1603 and 1613 to the Reichstag in Regensburg . On February 3, 1610, in Schwäbisch Hall , he signed Landgrave Moritz's accession to the Protestant Union . In 1622 he and his brother Heinrich Ludwig Scheffer acquired the Lüderbach estate and knight seat from Georg Oswald Treusch von Buttlar for 18,000 guilders . As early as 1618 the Agnaten Treusch von Buttlars had given their consent to the sale to the Scheffer brothers. 1,623 Georg Oswald Treusch von Buttlar sold the brothers Reinhard and Louis Scheffer on re-purchase nor the agricultural service , which his 19 tenants had to do to Lüderbach year, namely 117 acres 64 rods for 1,600 dollars.

Scheffer's coat of arms

Due to the manor ownership , the family coat of arms of the Scheffer was recorded in Johann Siebmacher's coat of arms book with the Hessian knighthood ; it shows a gold star on a blue background, on the helmet with blue-gold covers the star between two gold-blue buffalo horns divided over a corner.


Reinhard Scheffer the Younger was married to Margarethe Heintzenberger (1567–1632), daughter of Johann Heintzenberger (1531–1581), from 1569 until his death Chancellor of Landgrave Ludwig IV of Hesse-Marburg .

  • The son David Ludwig Scheffer (1603–1673) became a member of the government and consistorial councilor in Kassel as well as father of the later mayor of Kassel , Sebastian Reinhard Scheffer (1641–1698, mayor 1678, 1679, 1692 and 1693), through this also the grandfather of the Kassel mayor Christoph Ludwig Scheffer (Mayor 1720 and 1722–1724).
  • A fourth son, Sebastian Reinhard Scheffer (1608–1695), became a member of the Hessian government.
  • The daughters were married to landgrave officials: Helfrich Gerlach, court court procurator in Giessen; Johann Friedrich von Weyhe, Hofmeister in Kassel; Johann Wilhelm Horn, Hessian war commissioner; and Hermann Nordeck, Hessian velvet customs clerk in St. Goar .

Notes and individual references

  1. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm von Rohrscheidt (ed.): Prussia`s state contracts. F. Schneider & Comp., Berlin, 1852, pp. 382-384
  2. Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg , Urk. 49 No. 3661
  3. Christoph von Rommel: History of Hessen , Volume 5, Kassel 1835, p. 439.
  4. Marburg State Archives, Document 49 No. 3657
  5. State Archives Marburg, Urk. 49 No. 3662
  6. ^ Adam, Melchior: Vitae Germanorum iureconsultorum et politicorum, qui superiori seculo et quod excurrit floruerunt.
  7. Scheffer, David Ludwig. Hessian biography. In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  8. Scheffer, Sebastian Reinhard. Hessian biography. In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  9. Scheffer, Sebastian Reinhard. Hessian biography. In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).

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