UN Security Council resolution 655

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UN Security
Council Resolution 655
Date: May 31, 1990
Meeting: 2925
Identifier: S / RES / 655 ( document )

Poll: Pro: 15  Ent. : 0  Cons: 0
Object: Conflict between Israel and Syria
Result: Accepted

Ruins in the Golan Heights

The UN Security Council Resolution 655 is a resolution that the United Nations Security Council at its 2925th meeting, on 31 May 1990 unanimously decided. After considering a report by the Secretary-General on the United Nations withdrawal observer force , the Council took note of its efforts to build a lasting and just peace in the Middle East.

The resolution decided to call on the parties concerned to implement resolution 338 ( 1973 ) immediately; she extended the mandate of the observer group for a further six months to 30 November 1990 and asked the Secretary-General to submit a report on the situation at the end of that period.

See also

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