Rita Tamašunienė

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Rita Tamašunienė (born September 27, 1973 in Maišiagala , district of Vilnius ) is a Lithuanian politician of Polish origin. Since August 20, 2019, she has been Minister of the Interior, the first woman in this ministerial position in Lithuania .


After graduating from the Maišiagala Middle School in 1991, Rita completed a degree in pedagogy and ethnic culture at the Juozas Tallat Kelpša Conservatory in Vilnius , a bachelor’s degree in educology in 2002 and a degree in German philology at the Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas in 2003 and a master’s degree in 2006 the administration at the Mykolo Romerio universitetas in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius .

From 1994 Rita Tamašunienė worked as a teacher in Karvys . From 2004 she was director of the Pikeliškės secondary school near Vilnius . She has been a member of Seimas since 2012 and Minister of the Interior since August 2019 , the first woman in this position in the history of Lithuania .

Rita Tamašunienė is a member of Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija .

Rita Tamašunienė speaks Russian, Polish, German and English.


Rita Tamašunienė is married and has one daughter.

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-08/08/c_138291612.htm
  2. Seimas Info
predecessor Office successor
Eimutis Misiūnas Interior Minister of Lithuania
since August 2019