Sandro von Lorsch

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Sandro von Lorsch 1954

Sandro von Lorsch (during the Third Reich also Heinz Lorsch , Sandor Lorsch ; * August 18, 1919 in Hamburg , † February 17, 1992 there ) was a German painter of late Expressionism .


His father was Count Willy Walther von Lorsch, his mother the noble Spaniard Bobilla Josefina Rothe de Gomez. Von Lorsch grew up in the Hamburg district of Nienstedten , in Nettelhof 19, which leads to Jenischpark . His father was his first teacher. The family traveled frequently in Europe, including France, Spain, Hungary, Austria and northern Italy. Even as a boy he painted oil paintings, some of which still exist with motifs from the Alps, Venice and Pomerania. For a year he was enrolled at the Academy for Fine Arts in Dresden , his first and only official teacher was the well-known restorer Otto Klein . In 1936 he was arrested and mistreated by the Gestapo in Hamburg after he and friends hoisted the British Union Jack on a boat on the Alster, where he suffered a broken jaw, and his pictures were confiscated. His father was deported and slain for alleged high treason (contacts with noble houses in Europe). Von Lorsch fled to Hungary via Prague , where he first met Oskar Kokoschka . There he received a Hungarian passport, which he continued to use after the Second World War . He fled on to England via Paris , where he became a translator for the British Army. After an often unsteady life with five marriages, he died in 1992 of pelvic inflammation.


From 1945 von Lorsch lived in the east of Hamburg ( Wentorf and Reinbek ) and supplied Hamburg galleries and collectors with numerous paintings, including industrialists, academics and merchants. His pictures, mostly in oil, more rarely in charcoal drawings, watercolors or in oil pastels, can clearly be classified as Expressionist, influenced by French Fauvism , namely Pierre Bonnard , Maurice de Vlaminck and Chaim Soutine , whom he had met before the war. However, his early paintings are mostly kept comparatively realistic, reminiscent of the painting of French modernism such as Paul Cèzannes, Armand Guillaumines or Camille Pissaros. In the late 1950s he moved back to the west of Hamburg and painted particularly in the area around Blankenese , but also south of the Elbe near Hittfeld , Stade and in the moors. During this time he met Karl Schmidt-Rottluff and painted with him on the Baltic Sea and in Ticino , where one also met his painter friend Hans Purrmann on various occasions. He also met Kokoschka again and painted with him in the port of Hamburg and in Bremen . He was also known to Max Pechstein , but never joined an artists' association. Around 1960 his pictures fetched prices well into the five-digit range (Schwabroh auction) and he exhibited in well-known galleries such as Commeter. If he painted more landscapes at a young age, it became urban landscapes. London , Bruges , Paris , Milan and especially Hamburg, but also small towns such as Reinbek, Bergedorf , Mölln , Büsum , Andernach , Zell am See and Montagnola as well as Sylt and the northern German Halligen . Most recently, until his death, he lived in the Hamburg district of Winterhude at Leinpfad 27, where many pictures with motifs around the Outer Alster were taken. Von Lorsch also painted numerous portraits of patrons and their families, as well as of artists such as the actress Tilla Durieux , the chanson singer Alexandra and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Large-scale works with biblical motifs were also created. In the 1970s, after a trip to the USA and the encounter with Abstract Expressionism, which he admired as early as 1972, his pictures became increasingly abstract and finally apparently completely non-representational. During his lifetime he exhibited in a number of galleries, particularly in Hamburg, but also in London, Worpswede and Lugano . In 2014, for the first time since his death, more than 40 of his paintings were shown in Reinbek Castle , some of which were published. The Salisbury Museum , the Sprengel Museum in Hanover and the Kunsthalle Bremen are in possession of some of his paintings. So far over 730 of his pictures have been registered, mostly with collectors, but some also with institutions such as the Hamburg Lawyers' Association , the Hamburg Harbor Pilots Association , the Nordmetall Association and the Heiligen-Geist-Hospital in Lübeck. The Museum Ludwig in Cologne has created a dossier on the artist in its archive, in which documents are collected.


Web links

Commons : Sandro von Lorsch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ohlsdorf cemetery - relocation Jan. 2018 to chapel 1, 1-1-127-R4 / 66 (honorary grave)
  2. a b c d Spontaneous in bright colors , works by Sandro von Lorsch until October 6 in the Hubert Gallery, Wümme Zeitung / Weserkurier, September 26, 1991
  3. a b Un pittore ospite del dintorni di Lugano , Libera Stampa, Milano, May 18, 1957
  4. ^ Andrew Ross: Called for help over "lost" years of renowned exiled artist who lived in Hampshire , Daily Echo, Southampton, June 9, 2015
  5. ^ Heinrich Dittmar: "Paint my factory!" How a young artist was helped , Welt am Sonntag, September 2, 1951
  6. a b R.L .: The painter Sandro von Lorsch. Encounter with a young artist , Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, November 25, 1955
  7. Lorsch "fights" with color and form. Painting count rests in Hittfeld. The painter is at home all over the world , Hittfelder Zeitung / Hamburger Abendblatt, July 11, 1971
  8. ^ Sandro Lorsch: Strasse in Blankenese , Hamburger Abendblatt, July 27, 1950
  9. Briefly noted , Hamburger Abendblatt, July 11, 1950
  10. Painter thanks his patron with a portrait , Hamburger Abendblatt, July 19, 1954
  11. ^ Johanna R. Müller - Lampertz: Alessandro Graf Lorsch , Winsener Anzeiger (weekend supplement Marsch und Heide), January 29, 1972
  12. Anja Pries: Pictures by Sandro von Lorsch are exhibited in Reinbeker Schloss , Hamburger Abendblatt, May 9, 2015, ( online )
  13. ^ Sandro von Lorsch, Mein Hamburg , painting from 1950-1975, LorSti Kunst GbR, Hamburg, calendar 2018, July 28, 2017