Sleeping Dogs (computer game)

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Sleeping dogs
Studio United Front Games
Square Enix London Studios
Publisher Square Enix
Namco Bandai Games (AUS)
Windows , PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 August 14, 2012 August 17, 2012 August 16, 2012 September 27, 2012 Windows , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One (Definitive Edition) October 10, 2014 October 14, 2014 macOS (Definitive Edition) March 31 2016
United StatesUnited States

European UnionEuropean Union
United StatesUnited States

platform Windows , macOS , PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One
genre Action , open world
Game mode Single player
control Game controller , keyboard and mouse
system advantages
medium DVD , Blu-ray , download
language English
copy protection Steamworks (PC)
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI recommended for ages 18+
information International version indexed ( List A )

Sleeping Dogs is an action-adventure game in an open game world developed by United Front Games with support from Square Enix London Studios . It deals with the undercover mission of the police officer Wei Shen against the Triads in Hong Kong . It was released in 2012 for Windows , Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 . In Germany, the game appeared in a reduced-violence form; the international version was indexed by the Federal Testing Office for Media Harmful to Young People. In 2014 a revised Definitive Edition was released for Windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 , and in 2016 also for macOS .

Originally, the game was developed for the publisher Activision under the name True Crime: Hong Kong and should thus appear as the successor to True Crime: Streets of LA and True Crime: New York City . In 2011, these plans were dropped by Activision and the funding stopped until Square Enix took over the project, but had to rename it due to a lack of naming rights.


The action of Sleeping Dogs takes place in the Chinese metropolis Hong Kong and tells of the Chinese-American police officer Wei Shen, who returns to his hometown from the USA and there on behalf of the British Interpol superintendent Thomas Pendrew, the notorious triad organization Sun On Yee as undercover Investigators supposed to infiltrate. Pendrew wants to bring down the entire organization and needs an insider to do so after a previous undercover agent has been exposed and cruelly executed. He chooses Shen for this job because, on the one hand, he grew up with some of the triad members and is familiar with local customs, and on the other hand, because Shen is also willing to use unconventional methods for success.

After Wei Shen is arrested on a broken drug deal, he meets his old friend Jackie Ma again in the prison cell, who promises to introduce him to Winston Chu, the leader of the "Water Street Gang" and a Red Pole (紅 棍), i . H. Lieutenant of the Sun On Yee. Winston competes against Sam "Dogeyes" Lin and his gang. Both are known to Shen from childhood. Shen shares Winston's hatred of Dogeyes for introducing Shen's sister Mimi to drugs, which ultimately led to her death. The criminal environment in Hong Kong prompted Shen's mother to leave the city for the USA. Already in the American police service Shen stood out for his tendency to excessive use of force, but found a supporter in Thomas Pendrew. With the return to the old environment and the difficult balancing act between the fulfillment of official duties and personal attachment to the target persons, conflicting emotions break out in Shen. Added to this are Shen's personal feelings of revenge because of the death of his sister, the permanent fear of losing his camouflage and the psychological stress of the brutal violence that Shen has to witness and sometimes use himself during his mission. This conflict does not go unnoticed by Shen's senior officer Raymond Mak, who therefore regularly openly doubts Shen's suitability for the mission and only reluctantly bows to Pendrew's instructions.

Both Winston and Dogeyes are trying to win the trust of the aged leader of the Sun On Yee, David Wa-Lin Po or "Uncle Po" for short, and are therefore at odds. After Wei persuades one of Dogeyes' drug suppliers to change sides, the Water Street gang wins the trust of Uncle Po and Wei is accepted into the gang as a reward by Winston. Winston also invites Wei to his wedding to his fiancée Peggy Li. However, the wedding is attacked by a killer squad, Winston and Peggy are murdered and Uncle Po is seriously injured. Wei takes Uncle Po to the hospital and looks for the person who commissioned the killer squad. He tracks down the leader of the troop and brings him to Winston's mother, who cruelly slaughters him in revenge for her son. Dogeyes, who turns out to be the mastermind behind this plot, later suffers the same fate.

After Winston's death, Henry “Big Smile” Lee, another Sun-On-Yee lieutenant, tries to take over the affairs of the Water Street Gang. After Wei has successfully defended her, he meets “Broken Nose” Jiang, the only woman among the Red Poles who Lee also cannot stand and who is in competition with him. Through them, Wei and Jackie are officially accepted into the organization and Wei takes on Winston's position as lieutenant. Meanwhile, Pos nephew Howard "Two Chin" Tsao is appointed temporary leader of the Sun On Yee. In order to prevent Lee from becoming the leader later, Wei takes on orders for his business partner Sonny Wo in order to get behind Lee's activities and thus harm him. Shortly afterwards, Wei learns that Uncle Po has died in the hospital. At the same time, Jackie Ma is arrested by Pendrew, contrary to Wei's demands. To get him free, Wei collects enough evidence against Sonny Wo for Pendrew to arrest him. Pendrew also wants Wei to end his undercover work and withdraw from the triad, as he says that Wo's imminent arrest is enough to disrupt the organization's business. Wei refuses, however, as he sees an even greater danger in Big Smile Lee's attempts to take power.

At Uncle Po's funeral, which Wei, Jackie and the entire leadership of the Sun On Yee (with the exception of Two Chin Tsao) attend, Pendrew arrests Sonny Wo a little later and leaves the rest of those present to a raid squad of the enemy 18k triad. Lee then again claims the leadership of the organization, but Wei ensures that Po's successor should be chosen according to tradition. Lee then threatens revenge and sends his henchmen to kill Shen. He defends his territory and rescues the kidnapped Jackie from a buried wooden box. A little later, Wei is lured out of his hiding place and finds Jackie's body hanging on a pipe. Shortly afterwards he is knocked down near the body and taken to Mr. Tong, the executor of the Sun On Yee. He knows of Shen's true identity as a police officer and begins to brutally torture Wei. Wei frees himself after a while and manages to kill Tong. As revenge for Jackie's death, he finally succeeds in confronting Big Smile Lee and killing him, ending the war within the organization.

Wei learns from his command officer Raymond Mak that Thomas Pendrew is to be promoted for Sonny's arrest. Days later Wei receives a package with a video recording leaked from Broken Nose Jiang. It shows Pendrew finding Uncle Po in the hospital and killing him. From the conversation between the two it can be inferred that Pendrew's police career was once supported by Po through the extradition of some triad members. For Pendrew, Shen's work had, among other things, the elimination of Pos as a dangerous confidante and should further promote his career with the smashing of the triad. With this video recording, Wei succeeds in convicting and arresting Pendrew. During the interrogation, Pendrew explains to him that he betrayed Wei because he was too close to the Triads and should therefore be extradited to Big Smile Lee. Wei reveals that he informed the imprisoned Triad members about Pendrew, which means that Pendrew is threatened with murder while in prison. Although Broken Nose Jiang now also knows that Wei is a police officer, she leaves him alone in the end, as he has shown himself to be loyal and useful to her. This allows Wei to resume work as a police officer in Hong Kong.


Sleeping Dogs is an action adventure game in an open game world, i. H. After the initial charging process, the Hong Kong city area is freely accessible without any further charging pause. The program simulates a city that appears to be alive, with procedurally generated traffic, pedestrian traffic and everyday events such as traffic accidents or small thefts. The play area is topographically based on Hong Kong Island and is divided into the four districts of Central , North Point, Aberdeen and Kennedy Town, which are grouped around the central elevation of Victoria Peak . The player character is controlled directly from the pursuer's perspective. The player mainly explores the open city areas, only a few buildings are accessible and are mostly visited as part of missions related to the main campaign. The player can use motor vehicles such as cars, motorbikes, trucks and buses, as well as boats, to explore and traverse the game world more quickly. Every vehicle visible on the screen can be hijacked and stolen at the push of a button. One focus of the game is its freerunning system, with which the movement is staged on foot. When sprinting through the game world, the game figure can automatically push passers-by to the side, snake between people and, by pressing a button in time, jump over obstacles and chasms in parkour style or pull up on ledges. The freerunning system thus ensures an action-packed staging of the regularly occurring escape and pursuit sequences and is already presented in detail in the introduction of the game in the form of a tutorial .

The narrative is driven forward by individual missions that are started by looking for predetermined starting points in the city. They are staged with stylistic devices and elements of classic crime and gangster stories, for example in the form of racketeering, car chases and on foot, attacks by and on rival criminal organizations, the kidnapping and execution of people, but also the infiltration of buildings to procure certain objects or for placing bugs. The installation of eavesdropping devices, the hacking of cameras, the opening of locks and the tracking of people using their cell phones are symbolized by various mini-games. Cinematic animation sequences with fixed camera settings drive the narrative forward. In addition, there are side missions that match the scenario and are much shorter in content, which are similar, although less elaborately, to the main campaign. In addition, there are entertaining challenges such as participating in races, games of chance or backyard competitions. For many of these tasks, the playing figure receives money, which it can use to purchase vehicles for the private garage and items of clothing or (to a limited extent) for furnishings for the individual design of the playing figure and its living quarters. When the player turns to which activity, he can largely determine himself. A limited control takes place only via the narrative logic and the achievement of certain intermediate goals or new skills, through which new options for action are only unlocked.

The combat system offers both the possibility of close combat with a mixture of mixed martial arts (MMA) and Asian martial arts, as well as firefights with various types of firearms. The hand-to-hand combat against mostly outnumbered opponents allows the player different punching and kicking combos, the more advanced variants of which have to be unlocked through certain game progress, the completion of certain missions or the purchase of certain items of clothing. Also, enemy attacks can be blocked or countered. Similar to Batman: Arkham Asylum , threatening attacks are indicated by visual highlighting of the attacker and can be averted by pressing a button in good time. There are different types of opponents that require different approaches from the player. A special feature is the inclusion of the environment in the fighting, the so-called environmental kills. Certain objects such as telephone booths, fans, garbage cans, aquariums and fountains, but also meat hooks, circular saws and metal tips can be used to immediately and spectacularly staged elimination of the opponent through short, automated animations. The opponents are sometimes brutally killed, which contributed to the indexing decision in Germany. In addition to unarmed combat, players and opponents can use cutting and stabbing weapons. The player can disarm his opponents through appropriate fighting behavior and then pick up the objects himself.

In firefights, the integrated cover system lets the pawn look for protection from enemy fire behind walls and other obstacles at the touch of a button. From the cover, the playing figure can shoot blindly at opponents or fire targeted shots by leaning forward, for example to score head hits. Some maneuvers, such as jumping over obstacles with enemies behind, trigger a slow-motion effect that simplifies targeted attacks on nearby enemies. The possibilities of the environment can also be included in firefights, for example through targeted shots at explosive pressure vessels or vehicles. During the car and boat trips, the character can lean out of the vehicle and shoot other vehicles. Continuous fire can cause these to explode or to rollover with a tire hit, and the driver can also be killed. Similar to the firefights, eliminating an enemy chaser triggers a slow-motion effect, which makes it easier to fire at other enemies and, if successful, extends the effect. The program also offers the possibility of hijacking other moving vehicles from inside the car. At the push of a button, a corresponding automated sequence is played in which Shen jumps out of the moving car onto the roof of the vehicle to be hijacked.

If the character commits a crime outside of the missions in the presence of a police patrol (e.g. theft of a car, killing of a civilian), this triggers a police operation and the character is pursued until it is either arrested and the life energy has dropped to zero or the pursuers were shaken off by the player. How many police officers pursue the player and what means they use depends on the alert level, which in turn depends on the seriousness of the crime. The life energy of the player character is symbolized by a life bar. If it drops to zero, the player character goes to the ground and comes to in a hospital again, with part of her money being deducted as a punishment. If this happens in an ongoing mission, however, the game often returns without consequences to an earlier intermediate storage point of the mission, from which the player can start a new attempt. The player can regenerate life energy through the consumption of food, but also through skillful combat behavior. For every successful attack and every kill he receives so-called reputation points, which fill a bar similar to life energy. If the bar is full, a regeneration phase is activated in which the bar empties again, but at the same time every successful attack restores a limited amount of life energy. How quickly the reputation bar fills depends on the difficulty of the attack that was successfully carried out. This also includes environmental kills.

The player can save his game progress and his successes at any time, but not his whereabouts within the game world or his progress during a mission. If the player leaves the program, the player character is moved back to the nearest accommodation when the game is loaded and interrupted missions have to be started again by going to the starting point.


United Front Games originally conceived the game as an independent title. Initially, however, it was commissioned by Activision as a reboot of the True Crime series and announced at the Spike Video Game Awards in 2009 . Compared to the originally communicated release period, the game has been postponed twice and the budget has been increased twice. In 2011, Activision finally decided to discontinue the project as management had lost faith in the title's sufficient success. Activision managing director Eric Hirshberg described the title as not good enough to belong to the top of the open world action adventure games and to compete with comparable products such as Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption . Since Activision did not see a sufficiently large buyer base for its goals, it was therefore decided to cancel the financing. At this point in time, according to the developer, all content had already been integrated and the program was playable from start to finish. Due to the demolition, United Front Games had to lay off employees. In August 2011, the Japanese publisher Square Enix took over the project without the naming rights to the True Crime brand and supported the development by integrating Square Enix London Studios. The game was announced again in February 2012 in the form of a live action trailer designed by Goldtooth Creative with real actors under its final title. Square Enix 'North America boss Mike Fischer was convinced of the quality and the prospects of success of the title in an interview in May 2012 and described Sleeping Dogs as a "diamond in the rough", whose Activision task he described as "crazy" and incomprehensible.

In order to stand out from the competition, United Front Games built on three pillars: the unspent scenario, the story about an undercover investigator and his inner turmoil during the mission as well as the freerunning system with which the protagonist moves through the game world on foot . The actual existing triad Sun Yee On (義 安) from Hong Kong served as a model for the triad Sun On Yee , the rival triad 18K is derived from the 14K triad (十四 K). Square Enix also worked with the martial artist Georges St-Pierre (GSP) to develop and market it . The GSP package, distributed as a pre-order bonus, includes several themed items of clothing and an additional fighting movement, and one month before the game was released, an advertising trailer with Georges St-Pierre, which thematizes the combat system, was released. The cover image of the game packaging was designed by Tyler Stout. It was intended to be consciously oriented towards a cinematic style and to express the dichotomy between Wei Shen's work as a police officer and his role in the triad.

The original PC version came on the market with some additional technical and graphical improvements compared to the consoles. The PC version offered support for the DirectX 11 graphic interface with improved ambient occlusion and could be optically upgraded with a package of high-resolution textures if required. In addition, the player was given more detailed setting and selection options for shadow display, motion blur and ambient shadows ( Screen Space Ambient Occlusion ), Super Sample Anti-Aliasing , Soft Particles and Contact Hardening Shadows (objects initially cast a very hard shadow, which with additional distance always is displayed softer). The multi-monitor technologies from Nvidia and AMD, 3D Vision, SLI and Crossfire systems as well as quad-core processors were also supported.


The game was only published in English. The German-language versions are provided with German subtitles.

role speaker description
Wei Shen Will Yun Lee protagonist
Thomas Pendrew Tom Wilkinson Wei Shen's manager
Raymond Mak Byron man Wei Shen's senior officer
Jane Teng Kelly Hu Police inspector
Jackie Ma Edison Chen Triad member and childhood friend of Wei Shen
Winston Chu Parry Shen Lieutenant of the Sun On Yee
Conroy Wu Robin Shou Winston Chu's confidante
David Wai-Lin "Uncle" Po James Hong Head of the Sun On Yee
Sam "Dogeyes" Lin Ron Yuan Lieutenant of the Sun On Yee
"Broken Nose" Jiang Elizabeth Sung Lieutenant of the Sun On Yee
Howard "Two Chin" Tsao Conan Lee Lieutenant of the Sun On Yee
Henry "Big Smile" Lee Tzi Ma Lieutenant of the Sun On Yee
Sonny Wo Chin Han Business partner of Sun On Yee
Ricky Wong Ian Anthony Dale Liaison to Sonny Wo
Amanda Cartwright Emma Stone Wei Shen's love affair
Tiffany Kim Kim Yunjin Wei Shen's love affair
Not ping Celina Jade Wei Shen's love affair
Ilyana Megan Goldsmith Wei Shen's love affair
Sandra Steph Song Wei Shen's love affair
Vivienne Lu Lucy Liu Movie star


The game was released on August 14, 2012 in North America, August 16 in Australia, and August 17 in Europe. The release in Japan took place on September 27, 2012 under the name Sleeping Dogs: Hong Kong Secret Police . In Germany, the release was temporarily postponed indefinitely due to problems with the release by the USK . The unedited original version of the game was initially indexed on List B by the Federal Testing Office for Media Harmful to Young People. However, after the Cologne Administrative Court saw no violation of the criminal law, the title was moved to Part A of the list, which only prohibits advertising, public display and sale to minors. An abbreviated USK version was published in Germany on November 8, 2012. It mainly lacks a few environmental kills, i.e. options to eliminate opponents by interacting with elements of the game world. In contrast to the international version, the USK version received only limited support from the publisher and therefore still contains many bugs and problems that have been fixed in the international version.

Square Enix released more than 30 downloadable add-ons (DLC), most notably several smaller packs with new vehicles and races, clothing, missions and battle animations. In addition, three larger expansions with new storylines appeared. The Nightmare in North Point , published in October 2012, builds its plot on Chinese mythology and sends Wei Shen into the fight against vampires ( Jiang Shi ) and demons (Yaoguai). They are led by the spirit of revenge of the Smiley Cat, a former Sun On Yee who was once murdered on behalf of Uncle Po and almost entirely made into cat food. On a mystically charged night, Smiley Cat returns from his shadowy existence and kidnaps Shen's girlfriend Not Ping after a trip to the cinema together. Shen must free them and compete against the returning ghosts of Dogeyes, Johnny Ratface and Ponytail. Nightmare in North Point is limited to the district of the same name and can be played separately from the main game. The Zodiac Tournament was released in December 2012 and adds a new island to the main game. There is a large, exclusive tournament with deadly brutal fights in which Shen can participate. Year of the Snake was launched in March 2013, is also available separately from the main campaign and takes place after the final. Shen has since returned to the police force, but has to do simple patrol duty. During the celebrations leading up to the Chinese New Year and the beginning of the year of the snake, Shen comes across terrorists who are trying to carry out an explosive attack. Shen is able to prevent this and thus exposes the machinations of a sect that believes in the approaching apocalypse at the turn of the year. Its members want to intensify the chaos with terrorist attacks and at the same time gain their soul for the afterlife. Shen follows the trail of the sect and tries to prevent further attacks.

List of DLCs

Pre-order bonuses
  • Police Protection Pack
  • Martial Arts Pack
  • GSP pack
  • Deep Undercover Pack
  • Triad Enforcer Pack
  • ANZ pack
  • Japanese Presel Pack
August 2012
  • High Resolution Texture Pack (only for PC)
  • Top Dog Silver Pack
  • Retro triad pack
  • Red Envelope Pack
  • Top Dog Gold Pack
  • High Roller Pack
October 2012
  • Street Racer Pack
  • Tactical Soldier Pack
  • Community Gift Pack
  • SWAT pack
  • Valve T-Shirt Pack (only for PC)
  • Screen Legends Pack
  • Ghost Pig Pack
  • Nightmare at North Point
November 2012
  • Square Enix Character Pack
  • Dragon Master Pack (Summary of Pre-Order Bonuses Police Protection Pack, Martial Arts Pack, GSP Pack, Deep Undercover Pack, Triad Enforcer Pack, Drunken Fist Pack)
  • Gangland Style Pack
December 2012
  • Zodiac Tournament Pack
January 2013
  • Movie Master Pack
  • Monkey King Pack
February 2013
  • Law Enforcer Pack
  • Wheels of Fury Pack
March 2013
  • Year of the Snake Pack

In October 2014, Square Enix released a so-called Definitive Edition for Windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. In addition to revised graphics and audio playback, all previously published download extensions have been integrated. United Front Games increased the graphics output of the console versions to 1080p with a consistent 30 frames per second . The higher hardware performance of the new generation of consoles enabled the use of further display techniques such as dynamic lighting effects and volumetric fog. The number of simultaneously visible NPCs on the streets has been increased by 25%, as has the number of surrounding objects. Similar to the download extension for the original PC version, higher-resolution textures have been integrated and the figure models of the main characters have been revised again, especially the faces. The physics engine as well as the control and driving behavior of the vehicles have also been revised . Because of the indexing of the original version, the Definitive Edition did not even come onto the market in Germany. On March 31, 2016, Sleeping Dogs appeared for the first time in the Definitive Edition for macOS, the port was taken over by the British developer Feral Interactive .


The game received mostly positive reviews and has an average rating of 81% for Windows, 80% for Xbox 360 and 83% for PlayStation 3 on Metacritic . Colin Moriarty from IGN said: “ A few finicky issues aside, Sleeping Dogs has proven itself worthy of joining the top class of open-world sandbox games revolutionized by the likes of Grand Theft Auto IV and currently topped by more recent additions like Saints Row: The Third. ”(German:“ If you ignore a few minor flaws, Sleeping Dogs has proven itself worthy of the top tier of open-world sandbox games, revolutionized by titles like Grand Theft Auto 4 and now by more recent releases like Saints Row : The Third will be significantly advanced. ")

By November 2012, the game had sold around 1.5 million times. Sleeping Dogs did not meet the publisher's sales expectations, but was defended against criticism by Square Enix's CEO Yoichi Wada. Games like Sleeping Dogs have the potential to sell in the western market over a long period of time. At the presentation of the 2013 annual report, the company, together with Tomb Raider and Hitman, described Sleeping Dogs : Absolution was ultimately a failure. Because of the associated decline in sales and operating loss, Wada, who had been at the helm since his appointment as Square's CEO in 2000, stepped down from the executive board.

In 2013 United Front Games worked on concepts for a sequel. The setting should be the metropolitan region of the Pearl River Delta , which also includes Hong Kong. In addition to Wei Shen, Henry Fang was to be introduced as a second main character with an alternate course of the mission. The concept envisaged, among other things, the connection with a mobile game - also playable separately from the console title - which should have an impact on the gaming experience of the console title. Apart from a few technical prototypes for the proof of concept , the project was not very advanced and in many details it was still in flux. In late 2013, plans for a direct sequel were finally abandoned as Square Enix shifted the focus of its investments to its established Hitman and Tomb Raider brands . Instead, Square Enix and United Front Games announced Triad Wars, an offshoot based on Sleeping Dogs , which should take up some of the concept ideas. The title announced with a free-to-play business model was intended to transfer the game principle of the template into an online multiplayer mode, in which the players as triad members can compete and fight with other players. The game was discontinued in 2015 after a closed beta test phase as the feedback from the test players was less positive than hoped. United Front Games had to cease operations in October 2016.

In March 2017, plans for a film adaptation of the game by the production company Original Film ( The Fast and the Furious ) and with actor Donnie Yen in the lead role were announced.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. System requirements:
  2. ^ Luke Reilly: Sleeping Dogs Never Intended to be a True Crime Game. In: IGN. Retrieved April 1, 2012, April 30, 2017 (American English).
  3. ^ Owen Good: From the VGAs: Sequels Announced for Force Unleashed, True Crime . In: Kotaku . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  4. Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg on True Crime, Bizarre Creations, the 'Hero' franchise, and transparency. Retrieved April 27, 2017 .
  5. a b News: True Crime was 'virtually complete'. In: Archived from the original on August 11, 2011 ; accessed on April 27, 2017 (English).
  6. ^ United Front Games hit with layoffs in wake of True Crime cancellation. Retrieved April 27, 2017 .
  7. ^ Christian Nutt: Square Enix Nabs Rights To True Crime: Hong Kong From Activision . ( [accessed April 27, 2017]).
  8. Sleeping Dogs - Square Enix brings True Crime 3 with a new title - GamePro . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  9. Sleeping Dogs Announced With Explosive Live Action Trailer. February 8, 2012, accessed April 30, 2017 .
  10. How Sleeping Dogs' Live Action Announcement Trailer Was Created. In: Siliconera. April 29, 2012. Retrieved April 30, 2017 .
  11. Square Enix's Mike Fischer says Activision was “crazy” to abandon True Crime: Hong Kong (interview). In: VentureBeat. May 25, 2012. Retrieved April 30, 2017 .
  12. ^ Luke Reilly: MMA Champ Georges St-Pierre Collaborating on Sleeping Dogs. In: IGN. April 11, 2012, Retrieved April 30, 2017 (American English).
  13. Tom Phillips: Sleeping Dogs release date, limited edition detailed. In: Eurogamer. Retrieved April 13, 2012, April 30, 2017 (UK English).
  14. Sleeping Dogs: Martial Arts Champ George St. Pierre in Action . In: Pc Games Hardware . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  15. IGN Staff: Tyler Stout Talks Sleeping Dogs Box Art. In: IGN. March 1, 2012, Retrieved April 27, 2017 (American English).
  16. Sleeping Dogs: PC version with sharper textures and DX11 features, system requirements known. Retrieved April 30, 2017 .
  17. Abridged in Germany:
  18. ^ VG Köln, judgment of November 28, 2014, Az .: 19 K 5130/13
  19. Gerald Wurm: Sleeping Dogs - Uncensored version indexed on List B. Retrieved April 30, 2017 .
  20. ^ BPjM: The indexes in January 2015 . In: . January 30, 2015 ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  21. Sleeping Dogs - Shortened USK version in stores today - GamePro . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  22. Gerald Wurm: Sleeping Dogs. Retrieved April 30, 2017 .
  23. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition announced, will bundle DLC and improve graphics . In: pcgamer . ( [accessed April 27, 2017]).
  24. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is 1080p / 30fps on both PS4 & Xbox One - . In: . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  25. Sleeping Dogs: "Definitive Edition" for PC, PS4 and Xbox One will not be released in Germany - . In: 4Players . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  26. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - Anger over blocking the Steam version in Germany - Update: Statement from Square Enix . In: PC GAMES . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  27. ^ Sleeping Dogs. Retrieved April 27, 2017 .
  28. ^ Sleeping Dogs. Retrieved April 27, 2017 .
  29. ^ Sleeping Dogs. Retrieved April 27, 2017 .
  31. Sleeping Dogs ships 1.5 million copies, Dragon Quest X ships 700,000. In: Retrieved April 27, 2017 .
  32. ^ Sleeping Dogs Is Not Selling Poorly Says Square Enix President. In: Siliconera. December 11, 2012, accessed April 27, 2017 .
  33. ^ Square Enix Reiterates Commercial Failure Of Top Titles. Retrieved April 27, 2017 (English).
  34. a b Inside the Ambitious 'Sleeping Dogs' Sequel We'll Never Get to Play. Retrieved April 30, 2017 (American English).
  35. ^ New Sleeping Dogs game, Triad Wars, coming from United Front. October 7, 2013, accessed April 30, 2017 .
  36. Square Enix: work on the Sleeping Dogs offshoot Triad Wars stopped - . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  37. United Front Games reportedly shut down . In: . ( [accessed April 30, 2017]).
  38. ^ Sleeping Dogs movie in development with Donnie Yen. March 2, 2017. Retrieved April 30, 2017 .