Crime scene: shadow wedding

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Shadow wedding
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 88 minutes
classification Episode 592 ( List )
First broadcast March 20, 2005 on Das Erste
Director Kaspar Heidelbach
script Karl-Heinz Beetle
production Martina Mouchot
Doris J. Heinze
Kerstin Ramcke
music Arno Steffen
camera Daniel Koppelkamm
cut Corina Dietz

Shadow Wedding is a television film from the crime series Tatort and was first broadcast on March 20, 2005 on Das Erste . In his fourth case, the Kiel investigator Klaus Borowski has to solve two murders that lead him to a marriage of convenience and the fateful double life of a building contractor.


In the middle of the night, the building contractor Ulrich Wahl is called and goes to an apartment on the pretext that there is a problem on the construction site. His young Cuban lover Teresa awaits him there, completely disturbed. A dead person lies on the floor of the room, apparently stabbed to death.

So that the mutual love nest and thus Wahl's double life is not discovered, he helps Teresa remove the traces and make the corpse disappear. He stows the man in his SUV and drives him to one of his construction sites. But just as he is about to dispose of the body there, a guard unexpectedly appears. Wahl wants to flee with the car and look for another place where he can hide the body. When the security guard Bernd Ruda approaches him, he runs over him.

The next morning, Ruda is found at Wahl's construction site. Chief Detective Borowski is called, who starts the investigation together with his assistant, Detective Superintendent Alim Zainalow. Since the tire marks of the accident vehicle belong to a very unusual model of an off-road vehicle, the owner can be determined quickly. It is a man named Torsten Brück, who is married to Teresa but has currently disappeared. Wahl hired him even though Brück has a criminal record and a drinking problem. Allegedly, he hasn't turned up for work in weeks. His off-road vehicle is soon found at the port and shows clear signs of an accident. For the investigators, it initially appears as if Brück had run over the man and so he is put out to be searched. Borowski suspects that he wanted to steal material from the company, was surprised and that the security guard, who completed his round later than usual that night, lost his life. During his investigation, the inspector also meets Teresa, whose private life seems somewhat suspect to him. Since Wahl's reaction to the incident was not very surprised either, a fictitious marriage between Brück and Teresa is obvious to Borowski. The inspector suspects the connections: Wahl was often in Cuba on business, but has a wife at home, so that he could only bring Teresa to Germany through a straw man. Brück is an alcoholic, has a criminal record, has never been to Cuba and could use money and a permanent job. So he had Wahl give him a job and the expensive off-road vehicle in return.

When Brück's body was found a short time later and had stab wounds, it was clear to Borowski that everything should only look as if Brück had run over the security guard and then went into hiding. Through elementary detective work, Alim Zainalow succeeds in locating Teresa's second home, where the caretaker knows how to tell that the young woman was often visited by an older man. This prompts Borowski to have a thorough house search carried out at Wahl, which, to everyone's surprise, brings to light a blood-smeared knife. But the knife found is not the murder weapon, only Brück's blood is on it. So in the end it turns out that Brück did not accept the role of the dummy man and wanted to rape Teresa. When Teresa's secret friend Rafael Ortiz came along, he stabbed Brück and took the murder weapon with him. To protect Ortiz and not to betray herself, Teresa pretended to Wahl as if she had been. When Wahl found out, his house of cards collapsed completely. The contractor takes his revolver and goes to Teresa, for whom he had found another second home after the incident. He catches her in bed with Rafael Ortiz. On the spur of the moment he shoots him and injures him seriously, but not fatally. He then escapes with Teresa as a hostage. Borowski is on his track and when he catches him, Wahl threatens to shoot Teresa. But he surrenders without resistance, as Borowski can make it clear to him how hopeless his situation is.


The film was produced by Studio Hamburg and Norddeutscher Rundfunk and shot in and around Kiel.


Audience rating

The first broadcast of Schattenhochzeit on March 20, 2005 was seen by a total of 8.52 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 23.1 percent for Das Erste .


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm judged this "tricky Cuba crime thriller" as a "solid case with a detective with a crack in the film."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Production details and audience rating at, accessed on March 7, 2014.
  2. Tatort: ​​Schattenhochzeit short review on, accessed on March 7, 2014.