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Чары́ш, Чарыш
On the middle reaches of the Tscharysch

On the middle reaches of the Tscharysch

Water code RU13010200312115100008801
location Republic of Altai , Altai ( Russia )
River system If
Drain over Whether  → Arctic Ocean
source on the Korgon ridge in the Altai,
50 ° 39 ′ 24 ″  N , 84 ° 51 ′ 10 ″  E
Source height approx.  1450  m
muzzle Whether south of Barnaul coordinates: 52 ° 21 ′ 42 "  N , 83 ° 43 ′ 21"  E 52 ° 21 ′ 42 "  N , 83 ° 43 ′ 21"  E
Mouth height 143  m
Height difference approx. 1307 m
Bottom slope approx. 2.4 ‰
length 547 km
Catchment area 22,200 km²
Discharge at the Tscharyschski Sernowoi Sowkhos
A Eo : 20,700 km²
Location: 82 km above the mouth
MQ 1948/2000
Mq 1948/2000
185 m³ / s
8.9 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries Kumir , Korgon , Inja , Belaya , Loktewka , Porosicha
Right tributaries Bashchelak , Maralicha , Kalmanka
Communities Ust-Kan , Charyschskoje , Krasnoschtschokowo , Ust-Kalmanka
Navigable 80 km
Course of the Tscharysch (Чары́ш) in the south of the Ob river basin

Course of the Tscharysch (Чары́ш) in the south of the Ob river basin

The Tscharysch ( Russian Чары́ш ) is a 547 km long left tributary of the Ob in the Altai and its foreland in south-western Siberia ( Russia ).


The Tscharysch rises in about 1450  m on an eastern side ridge of the Korgon ridge in the western part of the Russian Altai, which is a good 2000  m high . It flows first in a northerly direction, then in a north-westerly to westerly direction between the gradually flattening and low mountain range ridges Korgon and Bashchelak through the north-western part of the Altai. He soon left the Altai Republic on this section and reached the Altai region to the north .

Here the river enters the Altai foreland at a height of about 400  m and turns in a wide arc in a north-easterly to easterly direction. The Tscharysch approaches the Alei, which runs further to the north, in places over a distance of almost 20 kilometers. It flows through the hilly steppe landscape in the lower reaches of this mountainous area in a strongly meandering manner until it finally flows into the Ob between the village of Ust-Tscharysch and the district administrative center of Ust-Tscharyschskaja Pristan . At this point the Ob has turned sharply north from its westerly direction of flow since it emerged from Bija and Katun near Bijsk .

The main tributaries of the Charysch are Bashchelak and Maralicha from the right and Kumir , Korgon , Inja , Belaya and Loktewka from the left .

There are no cities on the Charysch; on its banks, however, are the larger settlements and administrative centers of the Ust-Kan district of the Altai Republic as well as Tscharyschskoje , Krasnoschtschokowo and Ust-Kalmanka of the Altai region.


The catchment area of ​​the Tscharysch covers 22,200 km².

The mean annual runoff is just under 100 kilometers above the mouth of 186 m³ / s with a monthly minimum of 30.0 m³ / s in February and a maximum of 592 m³ / s in May.

Above the mouth, the Tscharysch is up to 200 meters wide and over two to three meters deep; its flow velocity here is 0.5 m / s.

The Tscharysch freezes in the lower reaches from the end of October / November, in the upper reaches from December to the end of March / April.

Economy, infrastructure and use

The lower reaches of the Charysch are navigable. The 80 km from Ust-Kalmanka to the mouth are considered to be inland waterways; for smaller vehicles a further 100 km from the village of Beloglasowo are passable. In the intensively agriculturally used Altai foothills, the water of the Charysch is used for irrigation .

In the entire course, also in the area of ​​the otherwise sparsely populated high mountain part of the Altai, there are a number of villages on the river banks. Therefore, the area through which the water flows is relatively well developed by roads, albeit especially in the upper and middle reaches of unpaved roads. The streets Aleisk –Ust-Kalmanka – Tscharyschskoje – Sentelek, Ust-Kalmanka – Krasnoschtschokowo – Kurja and Schipunowo – Berjosowka cross the river several times. The upper reaches are accessed by the regional road R373 Tuekta - Ust-Koksa - Tjungur , which branches off from the trunk road M52 ("Tschujatrakt") and reaches the Tscharysch near Ust-Kan.

The Tscharysch and some of its tributaries are popular destinations for water sports enthusiasts and tourists, not least because of the relatively favorable transport links in the upper reaches. The left tributaries Kumir and Korgon are considered the most difficult rivers of the western Altai and the Altai region for canoeing and are classified in the second highest Russian category 4, the Charysch itself in category 2, as a combined tour with both tributaries category 5.

Runoff level

The following discharge levels (in the direction of discharge) are on the Tscharysch:

Web links

Commons : Tscharysch  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Tscharysch in the State Water Register of the Russian Federation (Russian)
  2. a b Article Tscharysch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D121532~2a%3D~2b%3DTscharysch
  3. a b Tscharysch at the Tscharyschski Sernowoi sovkhos gauge - hydrographic data at R-ArcticNET
  4. List of Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation (confirmed by Order No. 1800 of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2002)
  5. Topographic map 1: 200,000 O-44-35 (1981, 1988 edition)
  6. GM Egorov (ed.): Altajskij kraj . Profizdat, Moscow 1987, p. 212–215 ( The Altai region ; Turističeskie rajony series (Tourist areas of the USSR) ; Russian).