Wesoła (Warsaw)

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coat of arms
coat of arms
PL Warsaw wesoła location.svg
Basic data
Geographic location : 52 ° 15 ′  N , 21 ° 13 ′  E Coordinates: 52 ° 15 ′  N , 21 ° 13 ′  E
Population city : 18,482 ( 2003 )
Population density : 818 inhabitants per km²
Area : 22.6 km²
Website : www.wesola.waw.pl
Mayor : Edward Klos
Location of the districts

Wesoła has been a district of the Polish capital Warsaw , which is located in the southeast of the city , since October 27, 2002 .

Wesoła received city ​​rights on December 17, 1968 and at that time consisted of the residential areas Wola Grzybowska, Wesoła, Groszówka, Grzybowa, Zielona and Stara Miłosna. The development of the area was determined by its spatial proximity to three important traffic routes.

The first of these paths is called the Stary Trakt (literally translated: "Old Path"), it leads from the Grochów district via Okuniew , Ivano-Frankiwsk (Polish Stanisławów, German Stanislau) and Podlachia to Russia . Near this road, the village of Grzybowa was founded with the Zielona (German: Green) and Wola Grzybowa inn , which is now called Wola Grzybowska .

The village of Miłosna developed near the second road, which comes from Prague and leads via Kamion and Grochowo to Mińsk Mazowiecki and then on via Terespol to Brest . In 1823, on the initiative of Stanisław Staszic, a street was built, which is now called Trakt Brzeski .

The third traffic route is the Kolej Terespolska ( Terespol Railway ), which began on September 18, 1867 and leads from Warsaw via Siedlce and Łuków to Terespol.

Although the city of Warsaw grew and additional areas were added to the urban area, the case where two streets had the same name did not initially occur. The only exception is Wesoła, where a large number of streets have the same name as streets in Warsaw itself. To avoid confusion, the addresses in Wesoła have the addition Wesoła .

Wesoła's residential areas

Crossing of Wspólna and Brata Alberta in Wesoła in 2005

Wola Grzybowska

In the beginning, Wola Grzybowska was a large estate (Polish: folwark) and belonged to the Okuniew community. The name is said to be due to the fact that the owner of Wola Grzybowska is said to have been a Starost named Grzybowski from Warsaw. The site belonged to Duke Emanuel Bułhak at least since the beginning of the 20th century. According to the 1931 statistics, there were 52 houses in Wola Grzybowska. During the Second World War the place was badly destroyed and later rebuilt. In 1968 he was incorporated into Wesoła.

Wesoła Center

The Wesoła Center area, which is now part of the municipality, was owned by the Długa village 500 years ago and belonged to the Okuniew municipality in the 17th century. The settlement of the area began with the construction of the Kolej Terespolska . Wesoła was founded as a charging station for the Russian Army . Over time it became a train station with many houses built in its vicinity. The name Wesoła was officially adopted in 1918. The development of the place was later closely linked to that of Warsaw. According to the 1937 census, there were 70 houses in Wesoła. At the end of the 1930s, many villas were built due to the climate and the beautiful landscape.


The name is derived from the low price for the country, 20 kopecks , or one dime , for one cubit . Sandy and densely forested hills were not the best conditions for settlement in the area. Even today most of the streets are tree-lined avenues .

Grzybowa and Zielona

Grzybowa was a small settlement in the 17th century, the development of which was influenced by the traffic route from Grochów to Stanisławów . Near the path there was the Zielona inn. According to the 1827 census, there were only three houses and twelve residents in Grzybowa. The village of Zielona then developed around the inn.

In 1895, the village of Zielona belonged to the Warsaw district and in that part of the Okuniew municipality. The village comprised 245 acres (approx. 122 ha ) of land and had 68 inhabitants. In 1795 Austria started building a customs post. It was a classic brick building that was destroyed in 1944. Grzybowa and Zielona were incorporated into Wawer . Today there are delightful properties that are located around the woods between the two parabolic dunes . On one of them is the Kamień Piłsudskiego ( Piłsudski Stone ), which commemorates the maneuver of the secret Polish Military Organization ( POW , Polish Polska Organizacja Wojskowa ) held here on April 29, 1917 .

Stara Miłosna

The church in Stara Miłosna

Stara Miłosna is the oldest part of Wesoła, its history can be traced back to the 14th century. Stara Miłosna was a village of the Szlachta , the Polish nobility. First the name was Milosina , later Miłośnia , Miłośna and finally Miłosna . There is a path through Miłosna that was used to drive cattle and supply Warsaw. There were many inns and post offices near the path. In the first half of the 19th century, most of the area belonged to the then finance minister, Prince Franciszek Ksawery Drucki-Lubecki . He had a palace there, which was destroyed in the Battle of Olszynka Grochowska in 1831 . After that, Miłosna essentially belonged to the Rychłowski family. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the Miłosna area was divided and surveyed. In the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (German: Geographical Directory of the Kingdom of Poland ) it is noted that in Miłosna there are some estates (Polish: folwarks) (Miłosna, Borków, Kaczydół and Żurawka), the named areas Pohulanka, Janówek and Zakrętek the village of Zakręt gave.

During the First World War in 1915, the German army captured the Russian defense line, which was located in the hills of Miłosna, the Warsaw bridgehead (Polish: Przedmoście Warszawy ). During the Second Polish Republic , the city developed well, with summer houses, a spa house for peat cures and an airfield for gliders. Much of it was destroyed in World War II.

Barracks area

Up until the First World War there was a large barracks area of the Russian tsar's army near the old road to Ivano-Frankivsk . During the Second Polish Republic it was used as a military training area.

The measuring department of an artillery unit from Torun (Polish: Dywizjon Artylerii Pomiarowej z Torunia ) was stationed here, for which a headquarters , an orchestra building and three barracks buildings were built. Between 1949 and 1956 the location was the headquarters of the Army Information Training Center (Polish: Centralny Ośrodek Szkolenia Informacji Wojskowej ) and was subject to confidentiality. The 1st Infantry Regiment of the 1st Tadeusz Kościuszkos Infantry Division (Polish: 1st Pułk Piechoty, 1st Dywizji Piechoty im. Tadeusza Kościuszki ) has been stationed in the barracks since 1957 . Many residential buildings, an amphitheater , the Zachęta allotment garden , kiosks and the 'Kościuszkowiec' club were built on the site. Today around 2,000 people live here and the area is open to everyone.

Web links

Commons : Wesoła  - collection of images, videos and audio files