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The Wittigbach near Zimmer, between Wittighausen and Grünsfeld, 2017

The Wittigbach near Zimmer, between Wittighausen and Grünsfeld, 2017

Water code EN : 2468


River system Rhine
Drain over Grünbach  → Tauber  → Main  → Rhine  → North Sea
confluence of sheep Bach and Seebach in Wittighausen - limits mill
49 ° 37 '14 "  N , 9 ° 51' 22"  O
Source height approx.  242  m above sea level NHN
muzzle from the left into the Grünbach in the city center of Grünsfeld , coordinates: 49 ° 36 ′ 19 ″  N , 9 ° 44 ′ 35 ″  E 49 ° 36 ′ 19 ″  N , 9 ° 44 ′ 35 ″  E
Mouth height approx.  204  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 38 m
Bottom slope approx. 1.5 ‰
length 25.1 km 
from the source Höfelsbrunnen of the Kesselbodengraben

11.1 km

from the confluence of the Schafbach / Seebach to the Wittigbach

Catchment area 181.727 km²
Discharge at the Grünsfeld
A Eo gauge : 180.9 km²
Location: 6 km above the mouth
344 l / s
645 l / s
3.6 l / (s km²)
13.87 m³ / s
71 m³ / s

The Wittigbach is an approximately 11 km long stream in the Main-Tauber district in the extreme northeast of Baden-Württemberg , which flows into the Grünbach from the left at Grünsfeld . With all the upper reaches from the Grundgraben it comes to a length of about 25 km. It thus exceeds the Grünbach itself at its mouth in terms of length as well as its catchment area and is therefore to be regarded as its main upper course from a hydrological point of view.



The Wittigbach arises at the border mill of Wittighausen from its upper reaches Schafbach and Seebach.

The right Schafbach flowing in from the north is, together with its upper course, the more important upper course of several watercourses with different names. Its uppermost, permanently pouring spring is the Höfelsbrunnen in the Irtenberg Forest in the Bavarian district of Würzburg . From here, this 14.2 km long stretch of water with a partial catchment area of ​​82.8 km² in consistently southern directions near the state border, over which it crosses three times, through Kirchheim and Oberwittighausen to the border mill.

The left Seebach approaching from the east, also called Gützinger Bach after the last place on the bank , is only 8.5 km long and also contributes a smaller sub-catchment area of ​​only 21.7 km², which is predominantly in Bavaria.

From the Grenzmühle the newly created Wittigbach flows first in an approximately south-westerly direction through the village of Unterwittighausen in the municipality and then through a narrow forest valley, in which it changes to the area of ​​the small town of Grünsfeld , to the village ofzimmer , from which it starts on something The smaller second half of its name runs west-northwest in a wider and more open valley to Grünsfeld itself. At its core city it flows from the left into the only 14.8 km long Grünbach coming from the north, which until there has only accumulated a partial catchment area of ​​46.2 km², while the Wittigbach with its 25.1 km long total strand 181.7 km² drained. The combined brook is still called Grünbach and runs in an approximately 5.7 km long S-valley loop southwest to its confluence with the Tauber near Gerlachsheim .

The Wittigbach is from the at about 370  m above sea level. NHN springing Höfel wells at the beginning of his right main headwaters strand 25.1 km, at the confluence of its two headwaters 11.1 km long. It empties about 38 meters below the confluence and has a mean bed gradient of about 3.4 ‰ on its name section. The total gradient of around 166 meters from the Höfelsbrunnen to the mouth gives this section a value of 6.6 ‰ that is about twice as high.

Catchment area

The 181.7 km² catchment area lies on both sides of the border between the Main-Tauber district in Baden-Württemberg and the Bavarian district of Würzburg . In terms of natural space, it belongs to the two upper reaches of the Ochsenfurter Gau and Gollachgau almost up to their confluence , while the smaller remaining part in the south-west lies in the Tauberland , where a separate sub-area Wittigbachtal is designated for the actual valley , while the plateau and side valleys on the right and north of it are part of the sub- area Großrinderfelder surface , left and south corresponding to the sub-area Messelhauser plateau . The highest point is far to the north on a forest height in the Irtenberg Forest between the Irtenberg wilderness and the Höfelsbrunnen at about 391  m above sea level. NHN .

From a geological point of view, the landscape is characterized by shell limestone , on which a thinner layer of Lettenkeuper ( Erfurt Formation ) still rests on the plateaus and, very often on the higher hills, even younger loess sediments from Quaternary deposits. Most of the upper valleys are already dug into the Upper Muschelkalk , the Wittigbach reaches the Middle Muschelkalk a little in front of Zimmer below and the Lower Muschelkalk a little before Grünsfeld . It also ends at this level.

In the northern part there is a lot of, partly contiguous forest, on the southern edge there are smaller forest islands. For the most part, however, the area is an open landscape which, apart from the steep slopes of the valleys, is almost exclusively used for arable farming thanks to the favorable soils of this gauze landscape . The overall low population remains almost entirely in the basins and valleys; here are some larger villages and the small town of Grünsfeld.


Hierarchical list of all major tributaries and all direct ones on the name section, in each case from the source to the mouth. Length of water as a rule according to LUBW-GeNe (data record entries), catchment areas according to LUBW-BEZG, height information according to the contour map on LUBW-TK. Selection. Other sources for the information are noted.

  • Schafbach , right upper course of the Wittigbach , 3.4 km, with all upper courses from the Grundgraben 14.2 km. Arises at almost 265  m above sea level. NHN on the southern edge of Kirchheim in Lower Franconia from the confluence of Rimbach and Moosbach .
    • Rimbach or Renkbach , right upper reaches of the Schafbach , as a name section 2.9 km, with all upper reaches from the Grundgraben 10.5 km and 29.1 km². Arises from the Rasiggraben at about 277  m above sea level. NHN through a name change at an inlet at the Egenburgerhof in Kirchheim.
      • Rasiggraben , 2.4 km, with the upper course Grundgraben 7.6 km. Arises at a little over 285  m above sea level. NHN through name change at the brief first entry of the brook to Baden-Württemberg and to the Großrinderfelder district from the Grundgraben .
        • Grundgraben , the uppermost part of the Wittigbach name, 5.2 km. Rises at about 370  m above sea level. NHN as Kesselbodengraben the Höfelsbrunnen in the southern Irtenberg Forest in the triangle from the state road 578 in the northwest, the A in the southeast and the state border with Baden-Württemberg in the southwest. The origins of Grünbach and Gerchsheimer Grundgraben in or on the same large forest are both less than a kilometer away.
    • Moosbach , left upper reaches of the Schafbach , 7.8 km and 21.6 km². Arises at about 307  m above sea level. NHN just under one kilometer southeast of Geroldshausen on the district road WÜ 33.
    • Sulzdorfer Graben , in the lower reaches also Dammbach , in the upper reaches also Katzenbach , from the left to below 255  m above sea level. NHN at the Gaubüttelbrunn stop of the Frankenbahn, 7.1 km and 23.4 km². Runs on the northern edge of the market Giebelstädter Pfarrdorfs Ingolstadt from a small pond at about 298  m above sea level. NHN .
  • Seebach , on the lower reaches also Gützinger Bach , left upper reaches of the Wittigbach , 8.5 km and 21.9 km². Arises at about 275  m above sea level. NHN less than 0.5 km northwest of the Gaukönigshofener parish village Wolkshausen .
  • Grenzbach , on the lower reaches of the Effelter Graben , from the right to around 240  m above sea level. NHN at the beginning of Unter-Wittighausen, 3.4 km and 4.5 km². Arises at over 335  m above sea level. NHN on the forest island of Strut about one kilometer northwest of the Wittighausener village Poppenhausen.
  • Insinger Bach , from the left to below 234  m above sea level. NHN at the Wittighausener Langenmühle, 8.1 km and 22.9 km². Runs below 305  m above sea level. NHN a pond between the B 19 and the market Bütthardter parish village Gaurettersheim .
    • Mühlbach , from the left to below 256  m above sea level. NHN at the market Bütthardter Hetzenmühle, 3.5 km and 6.5 km². Arises at about 325  m above sea level. NHN south of Bütthard on the edge of the Rammerschlag forest just before the state border of Baden-Württemberg.
  • (Bach from the Adamstal ), from the right to about 234  m above sea level. NHN on the southern edge of Unterwittighausen , 1.7 km.
  • Tiefentalgraben , from the right to about 227  m above sea level. NHN at the lower Wittighausen sewage treatment plant, 3.2 km. Is something below 325  m above sea level. NHN in the Deichselwiesen west of the Wittighausener village Poppenhausen.
  • Wurmgraben , from the left to about 220  m above sea level. NHN , 5.0 km and 14.9 km². Flows at about 315  m above sea level. NHN the 1.7 hectare Marstadter Lake southeast of the Lauda-Königshofener hamlet of Marstadt and then first passes through the Marstadter , then the Zimmerer Grund .
  • Messelhausener Graben , from the left to about 217  m above sea level. NHN at the railway station of the Grünsfeld village rooms , 2.4 km and 5.3 km². Arises at around 275  m above sea level. NHN west of Messelhausen on the K 2801.
  • Uhlberger Graben , from the right through rooms at around 215  m above sea level. NHN , 6.9 km and 10.4 km². Arises at around 300  m above sea level. NHN southwest of the Wittighausener hamlet Lilach next to the K 2882 on the western tip of the Vogelherd forest island .
  • Kützbrunner Graben , from the left and southwest to about 210  m above sea level. NHN to rooms, 2.4 km.
  • Franzengraben , from the right and north-northeast to about 208  m above sea level. NHN , 0.7 km.
  • Egelseegraben , from the left and south-southwest to about 207  m above sea level. NHN , 0.7 km.
  • Geisberggraben , from the right and northeast to about 206  m above sea level. NHN from the Giebelsberger Graben after the first houses in Grünsfeld, 1.3 km.
  • Ungerstalgraben , from the right and north-northeast to about 205  m above sea level. NHN in Grünsfeld before the center, 1.1 km.

Wittigbach river system

Wittigbachtal cycle path

The Wittigbachtal cycle path runs along large parts of the Wittigbachtal. The cycle path is asphalted from Oberwittighausen via Unterwittighausen and Zimmer to Grünsfeld. In Grünsfeld there is a connection to the Grünbachtal cycle path , which in turn connects to the Taubertal cycle path in Gerlachsheim .


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as single sheet No. 6224 Helmstadt, No. 6225 Würzburg, No. 6324 Tauberbischofsheim Ost, No. 6325 Giebelstadt and No. 6424 Lauda-Königshofen

Individual evidence

Area or length information, unless otherwise noted, based on measurements on the topographic map 1: 50,000.


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Wittigbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b Height according to the contour line image on the topographic map background layer .
  2. a b c d e Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  3. ↑ Catchment area after the layer aggregated areas 04 .
  4. a b catchment area after the layer aggregated areas 05 .
  5. a b c Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  6. a b Name after labeling on the background layer topographic map .
  7. Alternative name after labeling on the background layer topographic map and - for an underflow section - also after the layer water body name .

Other evidence

  1. Flood forecast center, State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (adopted on February 12, 2018)
  2. ^ Horst Mensching , Günter Wagner : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 152 Würzburg. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1963. →  Online map (PDF; 5.3 MB)
  3. Height queried on the background layer Official map (right click) on: BayernAtlas of the Bavarian State Government ( information )
  4. Geology according to the layers

Web links

Commons : Wittigbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files