Yener Karahanoğlu

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Yener Karahanoğlu (* 1946 in Erzurum , Erzurum Province ) is a former Turkish admiral , who was last from 2005 to 2007 Commander in Chief of the Navy ( Türk Deniz Kuvetleri ).


After attending school, Karahanoğlu entered the naval school ( Deniz Harp Okulu ) and graduated from it in 1966 as a sub-lieutenant at sea. Subsequently, he found uses in various naval units and finally became an officer and ship commander in the fleet command in 1976, before he entered the naval academy ( Deniz Harp Akademisi ) as an officer student in 1978 . After its completion, he first became a staff officer and then was first intelligence and communications officer and first officer on the ship TCG Tınaztepe . After a subsequent employment as commander of the ship TCG Yarhisar (P-113), he became an officer for general staff duties and communications officer in the high command of the Navy before he became first officer of the ship TCG Kılıçalipaşa . After he was an operations officer in the operation and training department of the naval command, he became an operations officer in the control department of the high command of the Navy and then commodore of the 1st destroyer flotilla ( Muhrip Filotilla ).

In 1990 he was promoted to flotilla admiral and appointed deputy head of the training department in the high command of the Navy and then commander of the landing forces ( Çıkarma Gemileri Komutanlığı ). In 1994 Karahanoğlu was promoted to Rear Admiral and appointed head of the logistics department in the Navy High Command, before he was then deputy Commander in Chief in the Fleet Command.

After he was promoted to Vice Admiral in 1998 , he took over the function of head of the control and evaluation department in the High Command of the Navy and then of the Chief of Staff of the Naval Command South ( Güney Deniz Saha Komutanlığı ) in Izmir , to which the amphibious vehicle associations in Foça , the Maintenance and Engineering Command Izmir, the Regional Command Mediterranean and the naval bases İskenderun and Aksaz belong.

After being promoted to admiral, Karahanoğlu became Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Command ( Donanma Komutanlığı ) on August 30, 2003 , which includes the mine-laying, submarine , assault boat , anti-mine vehicles , logistics support and naval aviation associations .

Almost two years later he finally succeeded Özden Örnek on August 26, 2005, as Chief Commander of the Navy. He also held this position for almost two years until he was replaced on August 24, 2007 by Metin Ataç , who had previously followed him as Commander in Chief of the Fleet Command.

Web links

  • Entry in Kim Kimdir? (Who is who?)