Güven Erkaya

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Güven Erkaya (* 1938 in Salihli , Manisa Province ; † June 24, 2000 in Istanbul ) was a Turkish admiral who was last from 1995 to 1997 Commander in Chief of the Navy (Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri) .


Erkaya joined the sea cadet institute (Deniz Lisesi) in 1952 and then in 1957 the naval school (Deniz Harp Okulu) , which he graduated in 1959 as an ensign at sea (Asteğmen) . He then found use on the destroyer TCG Gaziantep and was there successively air defense, gun, navigation and operations officer and finally first officer , but also in other naval units. In 1968 he was a graduate of the Naval Academy (Deniz Harp Akademisi) and in 1970 the Armed Forces Academy (Silahlı Kuvvetler Akademisi) .

In 1970, Erkaya became an officer in the Department of Basic Planning in the General Staff of Turkey and was also a graduate of the Royal Naval College in Greenwich in 1972 and, after his return in 1973, section head in the personnel department of the High Command of the Navy. From 1973 to 1974 he was in command of the destroyer TCG Kocatepe (D-354) , the former USS Harwood (DD-861) of the US Navy , and then from 1974 to 1977 planning officer on the staff of the Turkish military representative in the NATO military committee in Brussels . After his return he was again an officer in the department for basic planning in the General Staff of Turkey from 1977 to 1978 and then between 1978 and 1980 commodore of the 2nd destroyer flotilla .

On August 30, 1980, Erkaya was promoted to flotilla admiral (Tuğamiral) and was then for seven years to 1987 head of the training department in the High Command of the Navy and then from 1987 to 1988 commander of the miners' associations (Mayın Filosu Komutanlığı) . After his promotion to rear admiral (Koramiral) on 30 August 1988, he was head of the Department of Policy Planning in the General Staff, then 1990-1991 Chief of Staff of the Navy and 1991-1992 supreme commander of the naval forces in the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea competent Regional Command South (Güney Deniz Saha Komutanlığı) .

On August 18, 1992, Erkaya became commander-in-chief of the naval command (Donanma Komutanlığı) and was promoted to admiral (Oramiral) on August 30, 1992 . Most recently he was on August 18, 1995 successor to Admiral Vural Bayazıt Supreme Commander of the Navy (Deniz Kuvetleri Komutanı) and held this office until August 29, 1997. His successor was then Admiral Salim Dervişoğlu .

Erkaya was married and the father of two children.

Web links

  • Entry on the homepage of the Navy