11th century BC Chr.
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The 11th century BC Chr. Began v on January 1, 1100. And ended on December 31, 1001 BC. Chr.

The feudal states of the western Zhou dynasty
Events / developments
- In the 11th century BC The so-called Doric migration probably began .
- Around 1093 BC Chr .: Panehsi , the viceroy of Kush , Amenophis expels the high priest of Amun from Thebes .
- Around 1087 BC Chr .: Pianch drives Panehsi out on behalf of Pharaoh Ramses XI. from Thebes and Upper Egypt.
- Around 1076/75 BC Chr .: Pianch dies. Herihor takes over the office of High Priest of Amun and the title of Viceroy of Kush from his father-in-law Pianch.
- Around 1076/1070 BC Chr .: Ramses XI., Pharaoh in Egypt , dies. Late 20th dynasty . Beginning of the Third Intermediate Period .
- 1072 BC Chr .: Panehsi last documented
- Beginning of the " ionic colonization ", according to tradition in 1053 BC. BC Miletus was founded
- From approx. 1050/1000 BC. BC: emergence of protogeometric ceramics in Greece , which replaced Sub-Mycenaean ceramics .
- Around 1046 BC The Shang dynasty ends in China when Di Xin was defeated by Shang in the battle of Muye by Wu by Zhou . This is the beginning of the Zhou dynasty , which in turn begins with the western Zhou dynasty . This creates a number of feudal states, including the state of Cai , Cao , Chen , Chu , Jin , Lu , Qi , Shu , Song , Wey , Wu , Yan , Teng and of course Zhou.
- On May 9, 1012 BC A complete solar eclipse was documented in Ugarit at 6:09 pm local time
- Urnfield culture carriers settle in Kitzbühel to mine copper ore.
- End of the 11th century BC The kingdom of Ammon was founded.

The gold mask of Pharaoh Psusennes I.
Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates.
Pharaohs of Egypt
- Ramses XI. (1105-1069 BC)
- Smendes I (1069-1043 BC / founder of the 21st dynasty )
- Amenemnesut (1043-1039 BC)
- Psusennes I (1039–991 BC)
Kings of Assyria
- Tiglat-Pileser I (1114-1076 BC)
- Ašared-apil-ekur (1075-1074 BC)
- Aššur-bel-kala (1073–1056 BC)
- Eriba-Adad II. (1055-1054 BC)
- Šamši-Adad IV. (1053-1050 BC)
- Assur-Nasirpal I (1049-1031 BC)
- Shalmaneser II (1030-1019 BC)
- Aššur-nirari IV. (1018-1013 BC)
- Aššur-rabi II (1012–972 BC)
Kings of Babylonia
- Enlil-nādin-apli (1101-1097 BC)
- Marduk-nādin- aḫḫē (1097-1079 BC)
- Adad-apla-iddina (1066-1044 BC)
- Simbar-šīpak (1024-1008 BC)
- Ea-mukīn-zēri (1008 BC)
Kings of china
Kings of Israel
(according to the great empire hypothesis , which the Bible interprets)
- Saul (1050-1010 BC)
- Isch-Boschet (1010–1008 BC)
- David (1008–970? BC)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Berit Hildebrandt: Damos and Basileus: Reflections on social structures in the dark centuries of Greece. Herbert Utz Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3-8316-0737-0 , p. 157
- ↑ Chinese Dynasties ( Memento of May 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive ). In: china-erleben.com . Retrieved February 17, 2012.
Web links
Commons : 11th century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files