15 cm cannon 16

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15 cm cannon 16

General Information
Military designation: 15 cm cannon 16
Manufacturer country: German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire
Developer / Manufacturer: Friedrich Krupp AG , Rheinmetall
Development year: 1913
Production time: 1916 to 1918
Technical specifications
Pipe length: 6.02 m
Caliber :

14.93 cm

Caliber length : L / 43
Cadence : 3 rounds / min
Elevation range: −3 ° to +42 degrees
Side straightening area: 8 °

The 15 cm cannon 16 ( K 16 for short ) was a field cannon that was used by the imperial army in the First World War , by the Reichswehr and the Wehrmacht in the Second World War .


The cannon, introduced in 1916, was taken over by the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic after the First World War . According to the Versailles Treaty , some had to be given to Belgium (local name Canon de 150 L / 43 ) as reparations .

Until the introduction of the 15 cm cannon 18 in 1938, it was in use by field units. After that she was transferred to reserve and training units.

After the beginning of the Second World War and the successful course of the Western campaign , the former reparations guns were brought back from Belgium. These guns continued to be used in the Wehrmacht under the designation 15 cm K 429 (b).

As an emergency solution, in 1941 some K 16 pipes were placed in the carriage of the 21 cm mortar 18 and led into the mortar carriage under the designation 15 cm cannon 16 .

The life of a tube that fired 51.4 kilograms of HE shells was approximately 3000 to 4000 rounds.


  • Terry Gander, Peter Chamberlain: Encyclopedia of German Weapons 1939-1945 . 2nd Edition. Special edition. Motorbuchverlag, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-613-02481-0 .

Web links

Commons : 15 cm cannon 16  - collection of images, videos and audio files