Adam Wolf

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Adam Wolf (born July 12, 1822 in Eger , † October 25, 1883 in Graz ) was an important Austrian historian of the Theresian and Josephine times.

Live and act

Georg Adam Wolf was born on July 12, 1822 in Eger in Bohemia as the son of the citizen and red tanner master Joseph Wolf and Magdalena, née. Götz was born.

In his hometown he attended high school and then went to study in Prague , where he finished his philosophical and legal studies at the university in 1845 . He received his doctorate in 1846 from the University of Vienna (Dr. phil.) And has taught there since 1850 as a lecturer in Austrian history. Since 1852 he taught as a professor of general and Austrian history at the Pesther Hochschule (Ofen-Pest) and as a professor of general history from 1865 to 1883 at the University of Graz. He was educator for the daughters of Archduke Albrecht . He is the author of numerous publications. For the historical series published by the German historian Wilhelm Oncken general history in individual representations , he contributed the volume Austria under Maria Theresia , Josef II. And Leopold II. 1740-1792 , which appeared posthumously (1884) and with the completion of which he his student Hans von Zwiedineck had commissioned. For the series “ Austrian History for the People ” he contributed the volume Kaiser Franz from the foundation of the Austrian imperial dignity until the outbreak of the Russo-French War 1804-1811 .

Wolf has the following to report about the statesman Prince Metternich :

“He was the creator of the 1809 war . His wife spoke and rushed for it in Vienna. Metternich himself came to Vienna and took part in the cabinet deliberations in which the war of 1809 was decided. On January 1st, apparently harmless and happy, he returned to Paris and listened to Napoleon's angry words with the greatest patience and cold-bloodedness. "

Publications (selection)

  • The abolition of the monasteries in Inner Austria 1782–1790. Vienna 1871.
  • Austria under Maria Theresia, Josef II. And Leopold II. Grote, Berlin 1884 digitized .
  • Lucas Geizkofler and his autobiography. Braumüller, Vienna 1873.
  • Emperor Franz from the foundation of the Austrian emperor until the outbreak of the Russo-French War 1804–1811. (= Austrian history for the people , Volume XVI). Commission publishers by Prandel and Ewald, Vienna 1866.
  • Princess Eleonore Liechtenstein, 1745–1812. After letters and memoirs of her time. Vienna 1875.


Web links

Wikisource: Adam Wolf  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ADB .
  2. ^ A. Wolf: Princess Eleonore Liechtenstein, 1745–1812. After letters and memoirs of her time. Vienna 1875, p. 318 .