August Basse

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August Basse (born December 14, 1834 in Hanover ; † April 18, 1910 ibid) was a German businessman , entrepreneur and banker , politician and patron .



August Basse was the son of a staff hornist , father of Wilhelm Basse and grandfather of the later film director and film producer Wilfried Basse .


August Basse completed an apprenticeship as a merchant and then worked in several goods stores from 1850. From 1857 to 1866 he worked as an accountant for the Adolph Meyer bank and in 1867 became general agent for the Providentia insurance company . Between 1869 and 1872 Basse participated in the establishment of 2 construction companies and in the relocation of the military service insurance, which had previously been based in Hamburg , to Hanover. Basse was appointed to the supervisory board of all three institutions .

In 1884 the banker and mayor saved the facade of Overlach's house

In 1877 Basse was elected to the Hanoverian Citizens Committee (BVK), of which he was a member for a quarter of a century until 1902. In 1889 he became second spokesman for the BVK, and finally also a member of the Prussian provincial council .

When the square around the market church was to be expanded in 1884 and several houses had to be demolished for this purpose, the banker had the so-called Overlach'sche Haus , the facade of which the master bricklayer and stone carver Adrian Siemerding had created for Johann Overlach in 1663 , carefully dismantled and a new residential building was built - and the commercial building at (today's) Lavessstrasse 84 . August Basse thus saved the listed , only one in Hanover completely “preserved civil Renaissance facade”.

August Basse was one of the founders of the Braunschweig-Hannoversche Hypothekenbank and one of its directors until 1908. In the meantime, according to the new stock exchange law passed in 1901, he had made a contribution to the official Hanover stock exchange , which was subsequently established and on whose board he was also active until 1908.

In addition, August Basse was treasurer of the Lower Saxony sewer construction association , through which he suggested the preparation of the first development plans and the creation of a drinking water supply .

The sponsor of cycling became one of the co-founders of the Lower Saxony Heimatbund . As a co-founder of the Fatherland Museum at that time (today: Historical Museum Hannover ), Basse donated the so-called Finkam collection of orders and decorations .

August Basse was buried in the Engesohde city cemetery .


References and comments

  1. a b c d e f g h Waldemar R. Röhrbein: BASSE, (1) Wilhelm (see literature)
  2. At the corner of today's Hanns-Lilje-Platz at the corner of Bonehauerstrasse , compare text and the two photos in Ludwig Hoerner : Demolition of the houses at the corner of Bonehauerstrasse, Marktplatz, 1884. In: Hanover in early photographs. 1848-1910 . Schirmer-Mosel, Munich 1979, ISBN 3-921375-44-4 , p. 126 f.
  3. a b Helmut Knocke : Siemerding, (1) Adrian. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 566
  4. Gerd Weiß, Marianne Zehnpfennig: Bürgerhäuser am Marktplatz In: Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany , architectural monuments in Lower Saxony, City of Hanover, Part 1, [Bd.] 10.1 , ed. by Hans-Herbert Möller, ISBN 3-528-06203-7 , pp. 56f., as well as the middle annex . In: List of architectural monuments according to § 4 (NDSchG) (except for architectural monuments of the archaeological monument preservation), as of July 1, 1985, City of Hanover, Lower Saxony State Administration Office - Institute for Monument Preservation , p. 3 ff.
  5. Compare August Finkam: The Badges of Honor awarded to Braunschweig and Hanoverians for war, merit and seniority , Lafaire, Hanover 1901