August von Hobe

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August von Hobe , complete August Johann Ludwig Elias Friedrich von Hobe (born August 26, 1791 in Chemnitz in Mecklenburg (now part of Blankenhof ), † 1867 in Potsdam ) was a Prussian officer , district administrator and landowner.


Hobehaus in Neustrelitz

August von Hobe came from the Mecklenburg prehistoric noble family von Hobe . He was the son of the chief forest master and later court marshal at the court of Mecklenburg-Strelitz Friedrich Eugen von Hobe (1760-1808) and his wife Lisette, née von Lützow , and grew up in Neustrelitz in what is now called the Hobehaus at the castle. Charlotte von Hobe was his sister. His brother fell as a lieutenant in the C-Hussars in the Battle of Leipzig .

He was given to the cadet house in Berlin at an early age to prepare for Prussian military service. At the Prussian court he served as the personal page of Queen Luise until her death in 1810.

In 1812 Hobe was second lieutenant in the Brandenburg Hussar Regiment under the command of his relative Karl Friedrich Bernhard Helmuth von Hobe . The 3rd squadron in which he served was drawn to join Napoleon's Russian campaign as part of a Prussian auxiliary corps .

On July 5, 1812, he distinguished himself in the battle near Koschiany on the Dysna (today Kasjany Казяны in Belarus ) when he was one of the first to cross the river. For this he received the Knight's Cross of the Legion of Honor and in the following year the order Pour le Mérite . He survived the Russian campaign, but remained ill when he retreated in Königsberg. After the Tauroggen Convention , he made himself available to General Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg at the beginning of 1813 , who, together with Karl von Canitz and Dallwitz, ordered him to the headquarters of the Russian Colonel Friedrich Karl von Tettenborn to help set up volunteer associations. In Soldin he reached Tettenborn and entered Berlin with his troops on January 20, 1813. Tettenborn appointed him at the end of March as a cavalry captain to head the 3rd squadron of the Hanseatic Legion , which was built by the wealthy Hamburg merchant Johann Joachim Hanfft (1780–1827) at his own expense and had a strength of 220 men. In 1814 he moved to the 2nd Squadron and was leader of the 1st Cavalry Battalion. For his work in the Legion he received the Order of St. Vladimir IV Class.

From 1815 to 1817 he was, now again as a lieutenant, adjutant in the 7th Hussar Regiment . He said goodbye as Rittmeister and bought the Dyrotz estate near Nauen , now part of Wustermark .

From 1826 von Hobe was the royal district administrator for the Osthavelland district . After a disciplinary investigation , he was retired in late 1841.

The Dyrotz manor next to the village church

In 1838 a fire destroyed a large part of Dyrotz, including the manor house. As a result, von Hobe built a new building, the main features of which have been preserved to this day.

In his hikes through the Mark Brandenburg, Theodor Fontane describes an outdoor election event in Finkenkrug chaired by Hobes:

“It was a delightful picture. The glittering forest, the snow-covered house, on whose white roof the red lights fell, and around the fire, wrapped in furs, all the Havelland Bredows, the Ribbecks, the Hünekens, Erxleben von Selbelang, Risselmann von Schönwalde, in between the pastors in their branch coats, finally the coachmen and servants with their horse blankets. Every vote was valid. The old district administrator of Hobe presided and assured us once about the other that von Patow-Potsdam had to be elected. "" And what happened? "" Well, he was elected. But not without incident. It must be true, I have never seen grog and mulled wine like this being consumed . At such a moment of extreme heat, the chief preacher from Kremmen , a sharp liberal, jumped onto the platform and shouted: 'What are you going to put young cider in old hoses; away with Patow, I'll stand for election. 'And his companions shouted bravo to him. But a tenant from Pressentin, who was already completely under grog, shouted into the meeting: '' Down with him and into the fire. 'There was general laughter. But the chief preacher, who wisely did not want to wait to see how much was serious or fun here (because some were already grasping) saved himself by jumping and disappeared into the undergrowth of the Brieselang. He couldn't forget the day. "

- Theodor Fontane : Hikes through the Mark Brandenburg , Spandau and the surrounding area

In 1851 he protested against his participation in the provincial parliament and its costs, as he considered it illegal.

Bismarck portrait by Moritz Berendt

When, in the early 1850s, the painter Moritz Berendt wanted to sell his full-length portrait of Otto von Bismarck , which showed him as a member of the United State Parliament against the backdrop of the Schönhausen estate, together with his Danish mastiff Odin , von Hobe joined a group from Brandenburg landowners to acquire it. His wife won the picture, and at her request the major donates a. D. von Bredow auf Briesen in 1854 to the magistrate of the city of Brandenburg an der Havel , where it hung in the Neustadt town hall. When the town hall was destroyed in World War II , it was also destroyed.

On the occasion of his 50-year ownership, King Wilhelm I awarded him the crown of the order Pour le Merite on January 9, 1862. In 1865 he sold Dyrotz to Karl Johann Maximilian von Bredow (1832-1914) and moved to Potsdam.

Since December 12, 1815 he was married to Johanne August Caroline Christiane von Beyer, a daughter of the secret war council Friedrich Carl Ferdinand von Beyer . In his second marriage, he married Maria Louise de Titre in Magdeburg in 1831. The daughter Elisabeth (1842–1866) from the second marriage married Carl von Ledebur .


  • Armand von Ardenne : History of the Zieten'schen Hussar Regiment. Mittler, Berlin 1874.
  • Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le mérite. Volume 2, Mittler, Berlin 1913, p. 89. ( digitized version )

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Wilhelm Adami : Fifty years ago: According to the records of eyewitnesses and the voices of that time. Heinicke, Berlin 1863, p. 285.
  2. Ardenne (Lit), p. 295.
  3. Ardenne (Lit), p. 343; Hobes own report in Friedrich Wilhelm Adami : Fifty years ago: According to the records of eyewitnesses and the voices of that time. Heinicke, Berlin 1863, p. 285ff.
  4. Friedrich Wilhelm Adami : Fifty years ago: According to the records of eyewitnesses and the voices of that time. Heinicke, Berlin 1863, p. 285.
  5. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek : Hamburg antiquities: Contribution to the history of the city and its customs. Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1859, p. 206.
  6. Adolf von Deines : The Hussar Regiment King Wilhelm I (1st Rheinisches) No. 7 from the formation of the main regiment to the present. Berlin 1876, digitized , pp. 90, 336.
  7. a b c Chronicle of Dyrotz , accessed April 30, 2018
  8. Almut Andreae, Udo Geiseler: The manor houses of the Havelland: a documentation of their history up to the present. Lukas, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3931836592 , pp. 107-110.
  9. ^ Digitized at
  10. Bayreuther Zeitung of September 6, 1851 based on a report in the Vossische Zeitung .
  11. Otto Tschirch : A forgotten Bismarck picture. In: Westermannsmonthshefte . 52, 1908, p. 137.
  12. ^ Sebastian children, Haik Thomas Porada (ed.): Brandenburg an der Havel and surroundings. A regional study in the Brandenburg an der Havel, Pritzerbe, Reckahn and Wusterwitz area. (=  Landscapes in Germany . Vol. 69). Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-412-09103-0 , p. 417.