Bartlmä Dill Riemenschneider

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Bartlmä Dill Riemenschneider (* around 1495 / 1500 Würzburg , † 1549 / 50 ) was a German painter of the Renaissance , which in South Tyrol worked.


Bartlmä Dill Riemenschneider was a son of the famous Würzburg carver Tilman Riemenschneider and his second wife Anna Rappolt that to 1506 / 07 died. He was trained to a large extent in Augsburg and perhaps also with Albrecht Dürer in Nuremberg . He migrated to South Tyrol around 1525 , and by 1526 at the latest he was based in the trading city of Bozen . In 1531 he stayed for a short time at the court of the Prince-Bishop of Trento, Bernhard von Cles . Riemenschneider belonged to the radical Reformation Anabaptist movement and was captured as an Anabaptist together with other Bolzano citizens in 1528 and forced to withdraw .


Riemenschneider created altar paintings and sacred wall and vault paintings, but above all profane wall paintings and the first tiled stoves for noble castles and mansions painted using faience technology . He is considered the most important Renaissance artist in southern Tyrol.

Selected works:

Adoration by the Three Kings in the parish church of Burgstall


  • Leo Andergassen, Leo: Renaissance altars and epitaphs in Tyrol (Schlern-Schriften 325), Innsbruck 2007
  • Hanns-Paul Ties: Il pittore Sudtirolese Bartlmä Dill Riemenschneider (1500 approx. - 1549/50) and the "invenzione" delle step in maiolica dipinte . In: Francesco Angelelli (a cura di): Atti del I Convegno Internazionale “Le antiche stufe ad olle in ceramica di Sfruz-Val di Non, Trentino. Produzione, storia, materie prime e tecniche: rapporti con altri centri ” , Sfruz 5-7 Settembre 2008, Trento 2011, pp. 73–90
  • Hanns-Paul Ties: The barons of Völs and antiquity. Image programs of the Renaissance in the castles of Prösels and Haselburg (South Tyrol) . In: Stefanie Lieb (ed.): Burgen im Alpenraum, research on castles and palaces , Vol. 14, Petersberg 2012, pp. 171–184
  • Hanns-Paul Ties: Bartlme Dill Riemenschneider - Transit Region and Art Transfer. Research results and perspectives on early modern art in Tyrol and Trentino . In: The Sciliar. Zeitschrift für Südtiroler Landeskunde , vol. 89, 2015, issue 12, pp. 31–43, here pp. 31–37
  • Hanns-Paul Ties: folding picture and conversion. Bartlme Dill Riemenschneider's three- king retable from the Bressanone Cathedral and the relationship between Christians and Muslims in the Renaissance , in: David Ganz / Marius Rimmele (ed.): Klappeffekte. Foldable picture carriers of the premodern (picture + picture 4), Berlin 2016, pp. 309–336
  • Johann Kronbichler / Hanns-Paul Ties (ed.): Renaissance in the mountains. The painter Bartlme Dill Riemenschneider and his time , catalog for the exhibition in the Diözesanmuseum Hofburg Brixen, May 27th - October 31st 2017, Brixen 2017
  • Hanns-Paul Ties: The painter Bartlme Dill Riemenschneider and the traces of the Reformation in Tyrolean art , in: Leo Andergassen (ed.): Luther und Tirol. Religion between reform, exclusion and acceptance , catalog for the exhibition in the South Tyrolean Museum for Cultural and Regional History Castle Tyrol, July 1 - November 26, 2017, Castle Tyrol 2017, pp. 122–138, here pp. 122–126; Pp. 128-130, cat. 4.1-4.3

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Justus Bier : Bartholomäus Dill Riemenschneider - an assistant to Albrecht Dürer? In: Der Schlern 36, 1962, pp. 180-181.

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