Boehmer (family)

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Böhmer or Boehmer is the name of numerous family lines in Germany, but only a few are related to each other. The family described here has its origins in Göttingen , Halle an der Saale , Berlin and Hanover and can be traced back to around 1550.

The original spelling of her name was initially Böhmer , only in non-German texts mostly Boehmer was used. The descendants of the lines not raised to the hereditary nobility remained with Böhmer . Under the descendants of Justus Henning Friedrich von Böhmer (1807–1867), on the other hand, from the introduction of the civil regulations of 1875, the Boehmer spelling prevailed.

The family has produced numerous outstanding personalities throughout its history. In addition, two lines of the family were raised to hereditary nobility by Frederick the Great in 1743 and 1770, respectively . In the 18th and 19th centuries, branches of the family belonged to the so-called Pretty Families in Kurhannover and in the early Kingdom of Hanover .

The family is u. a. related by marriage to the von Ditfurth , von Görzke , von Kalckreuth , Müller-Hillebrand , Poensgen , Rennie , von der Ropp , von Saldern , Stahl and Torhorst families .


It is not entirely clear where the first ancestors came from. They could have immigrated from Bohemia or fled from there as a result of the Hussite Wars from 1419 to 1439. In the article about Maria Magdalena Böhmer in her book: Women - Music - Culture on page 406, Linda Maria Koldau points out that the family descended from Bohemian religious refugees ( exiles ). The genealogist Dr. F. Nagel explains the origin of the family in the fact that the first documented ancestor Hans Behmer (around 1530 - before 1615) must have arrived in the Magdeburg area with the army of the Saxon Elector Moritz during the Schmalkaldic War and in 1551 at the siege of the Elbestadt could have participated.

Valentin Böhmer's house,
Osterstraße 46, in Hanover

The documented ancestors of the family therefore initially called themselves "Behme" or "Behmer", later Böhmer and Boehmer. The first proven ancestor is the aforementioned Hans Behmer, by profession Ackermann, who acquired the court of Heine Öltze in Bornstedt around 1565 , possibly through marriage, and was enfeoffed with this property by the Dompropstei in Magdeburg. His son Joachim (around 1570 - before 1636) acquired an estate in Groppendorf as Ackermann and was also the church leader there. His son, Andreas Behmer (1598–1643), moved from Groppendorf to Helmstedt at the end of the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) .

Already his son Valentin Böhmer (1634–1704) enjoyed a legal education and became an imperial notary and legal consultant . He rose to the educated middle class. In Hanover he lived, among other things, in a half-timbered house at Osterstrasse 46 that was destroyed in World War II. Since 1873 there has been a memorial plaque with the information that his son, the legal scholar Justus Henning Böhmer, was born on January 29, 1674 in this house. Since Valentin Böhmer, numerous descendants have opted for a legal career, often holding high-ranking positions. Sun can be found in the pedigrees of the family with currently 383 documented persons over 27 professors and / or doctors of the law and other legal scholars, 11 professors and / or doctors of medicine, nine senior military ranks, otherwise landowners, engineers and merchants.

Justus Henning Böhmer and his descendants

Valentin's son, Justus (Jobst) Henning Böhmer , was one of the most important legal scholars of his time. He became a law professor, Hofpfalzgraf , Privy Councilor , government chancellor of the Duchy of Magdeburg and full professor of the law faculty of the University of Halle an der Saale , which was founded in 1694 and is now the Martin Luther University. In his youth he composed a number of hymns that are still used today.

Of his four sons, Johann Samuel Friedrich von Böhmer , Kgl. prussia. GehRat, Professor of Law and Director of the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt , and Karl August von Böhmer , Kgl. prussia. GehRat and President of the OAmtsReg in Glogau / Silesia due to their services by Frederick the Great on March 8, 1770 and October 12, 1743, respectively, raised to the hereditary Prussian nobility . During this time, non-ennobled and inheritance-ennobled descendant lines arose. Since the only son of Karl August von Böhmer died in the first year of life, his noble line in the male line has died out. The currently living noble namesake therefore all descend exclusively from Johann Samuel Friedrich von Böhmer.

The former, not ennobled lines included, for example, Philipp Adolph Böhmer , professor of anatomy and personal physician to King Friedrich Wilhelm II , and Georg Ludwig Böhmer , professor of criminal and church law. One of his children was Georg Wilhelm Böhmer , who was initially a private lecturer in theology in Göttingen , then a Jacobin on the left bank of the Rhine and co-founder of the Mainz Republic . From 1795 to 1807 he held various offices in Paris under the Paris Directorium and under Napoleon Bonaparte and was then appointed justice of the peace and police commissioner in the Napoleonic Kingdom of Westphalia and finally died again in Göttingen as a private lecturer in law. Furthermore, his brother Johann Franz Wilhelm Böhmer (1754–1788), medical officer and mining doctor, first husband of the writer Caroline Michaelis and father of her daughter Auguste Böhmer (1785–1800), who, however, based on biographical evidence, was also suspected to be one could be the illegitimate daughter of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe . One of the descendants of the “Jacobin” Georg Wilhelm Böhmer was his grandson Carl Claus Ludwig Böhmer (* 1858), who was the fifth child of Georg Friedrich August Boehmer (1819–1868) and headed the home for young women and women “ Asylum am Neuendeich “Was at Glückstadt. Of the descendants of the criminal and canon lawyer Georg Ludwig Böhmer, the great-grandchildren Gustav Boehmer (1858 – after 1914) and Georg Boehmer (1866–1942) emigrated from Hameln to the USA during the wave of emigration in the 1880s . The older one had to be admitted to a mental hospital near Cincinnati before 1887 , where he died after 1914, the younger returned to Germany in 1911, became impoverished and died in Herford in 1942 .

The branch of Johann Samuel Friedrich von Böhmer

Johann Samuel Friedrich von Böhmer's son Georg Friedrich von Böhmer was appointed legation secretary at the court of Emperor Joseph II in Vienna by Frederick the Great and represented Prussia in the Perpetual Diet in Regensburg and at the courts of several principalities of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation . More recently, his descendants include the brothers Bruno von Boehmer , engineer and creator of the municipal water supply in Rheinhessen, and Hugo Erich von Boehmer , engineer, secretary and senior government councilor at the Reich Patent Office and genealogist. By Hugo Erich's wife Ellinor Seliger (1868–1954), great-granddaughter of the preacher Johann Gotthilf Seliger and daughter of the landowner and court appointee Carl Gustav Albert Seliger (1829–1901) and Mary Barbara Rennie (1836–1920), the latter sister of the Scottish writer Eliza Rennie , all of their descendants come from Kilsyth through the Scottish Rennie family in a straight line, including William Bradford , who emigrated to Plymouth (Massachusetts) / USA together with the Pilgrim Fathers on the Mayflower in 1620 . Through this connection they as well as all other descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers are entitled to become members of the renowned General Society of Mayflower Descendants in the USA.

One of Hugo Erich von Boehmer's sons was Hasso von Boehmer , lieutenant colonel in the general staff and resistance fighter in the Third Reich , executed on March 5, 1945 in Berlin-Plötzensee ; one of his sons is the immunologist Harald von Boehmer , a professor at Harvard University . The other two sons of Hugo Erich von Boehmer were Henning and Thilo von Boehmer . His eldest son Henning von Boehmer was the managing director of the CDU e. V. and Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce - Germany (ICC). Other well-known family members are the ambassador a. D. Götz von Boehmer and the lawyer Hartmut von Boehmer.

Genealogical overview

  • Maria Magdalena Böhmer (1669–1743); Hymn poet and member of the Moravian Brethren
  • Justus Henning Böhmer (1674–1749); Legal scholar and canon law scholar as well as government chancellor of the Duchy of Magdeburg ∞ Eleonore Rosine Stützing (1679–1739), daughter of the finance secretary and Pfänner Johann Gotthilf Stützing
    • Johann Samuel Friedrich von Böhmer (1704–1772); Legal scholar and criminal lawyer ∞ Catharina Charlotte Stahl (1717–1784), daughter of the court councilor and royal personal physician Georg Ernst Stahl
      • Georg Friedrich von Böhmer (1739–1797); Diplomat in the service of Prussia ∞ Johanna Rosina Kleinert (1756–1821), daughter of the manorial estate owner and lord of Niedersiegersdorf / rural community Nowogrodziec Caspar Gottfried Kleinert (1702–1759)
        • Johann Philipp Friedrich von Böhmer (1775–1841); Royal Prussian Premier Lieutenant ∞ Bernhardine Charlotte Elisabeth von Saldern (1774–1834), daughter of the gentleman on Plattenburg Hans Georg Friedrich von Saldern (1732–1780)
          • Justus Henning Friedrich von Böhmer (1807–1867); Royal District Judge ∞ Friederike Auguste von Görtzke (1823–1866), daughter of the Kgl. Prussia. Colonel Friedrich von Görtzke (1757–1835)
            • Hugo Erich von Boehmer (1857–1939); Engineer and patent attorney ∞ Ellinor Seliger (1868–1954), daughter of the landowner and court clerk Carl Gustav Albert Seliger (1829–1901)
              • Henning von Boehmer (1903-1987); Entrepreneur and lawyer ∞ I. Hanna Hugenberg (1901–1982), daughter of the media entrepreneur and Reich Minister Alfred Hugenberg ; II. Birute Baronesse von der Ropp (1917–2011), daughter of Dipl.-Ing. Friedrich von der Ropp (1879–1964), hut director, writer and co-founder and head of the "Baltic Brotherhood", a forerunner organization of today's Brotherhood .
                • Götz von Boehmer (1929-2019); Lawyer and Ambassador a. D. ∞ Freda Baronesse von Haaren (1935–2003)
              • Hasso von Boehmer (1904-1945); Lieutenant Colonel in the General Staff and involved in the military resistance against the Nazi regime ∞ Käthe Torhorst (1911–2019), daughter of the Wuppertal doctor Hermann Torhorst and niece of the politician and educator Marie Torhorst
                • Harald von Boehmer (1942-2018); Biologist, immunologist and professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School ∞ Monica Hilbenz (* 1946)
              • Thilo von Boehmer (1911-1997); Entrepreneur, lawyer and senior government director ∞ I. Brigitte Maria Barbara Poensgen (1922–1986), daughter of the industrialist Helmuth Poensgen ; II. Gisela Rombolotto born Hornemann (1914-2002)
            • Bruno von Boehmer (1866-1943); Hydraulic engineer and construction officer ∞ Maria Carolina Fischer (1871–1964), daughter of the landowner Philipp Fischer
        • Karl Friedrich Wilhelm von Böhmer (1783–1814); Prussian captain and company commander as well as holder of the order Pour le Mérite
    • Karl August von Böhmer (1707–1748); Prussian administrative and church lawyer as well as senior official of Glogau ∞ Sophia Elisabeth Amalie von Kalckreuth (1727–1793), daughter of the landowner in Ober- and Lower Siegersdorf Hans Ernst von Kalckreuth
    • Georg Ludwig Böhmer (1715–1797); Legal scholar and university professor for criminal and church law ∞ Henriette Elisabeth Philippine Mejer (1734–1796), daughter of the secretary at the German law firm in London Johann Friedrich Mejer (1705–1769).
    • Philipp Adolph Böhmer (1711–1789); Medical professor and anatomist ∞ Johanna Dorothea Naumann (1718–1761), daughter of the court lord and Pfänner Johann Christoph Naumann


  • Editor:  Böhmer. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 2, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1955, ISBN 3-428-00183-4 , pp. 391-393 ( digitized version ).
  • Genealogical manual of the nobility , Adelslexikon Volume I, Volume 53 of the complete series, CA Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 1972, ISSN  0435-2408
  • Hugo Erich von Boehmer: Genealogy of the families Boehmer and von Boehmer, descended from Justus Henning Boehmer, as well as some of the families related by marriage to them . Knorr & Hirth, Munich, 1892 ( digitized )
  • Hans-Thorald Michaelis : History of the von Boehmer family - In continuation of the genealogy, written by Hugo Erich von Boehmer in 1892, of the Boehmer and von Boehmer families descended from Justus Henning Boehmer as well as some of the families related to them. Rheinische Verlagsanstalt, Bonn-Bad Godesberg (1978), 247 pages. Private archive; in Library of Congress
  • Hans-Thorald Michaelis: The descent of the legal scholar Justus Henning Boehmer (1674-1749) . In: Genealogy , vol. 8 (1966); Issue 6, pp. 213-223.
  • Hans-Thorald Michaelis: News on the descent of the legal scholar Justus Hennig Boehmer (1674–1749) . In: North German Family Studies (NFK) Vol. 13, (1986); Volume 2, pp. 489-495.
  • Hans-Thorald Michaelis: Descendants of the pilgrim Governor William Bradford (1589–1657) in Germany - The return of their ancestors to Great Britain and from there to Germany (1620–1987) In: Genealogie , Jg. 56 (1987); Issue 8, pp. 636-641.
  • Angelika Michaelis-Gilles, Dieter Gilles: From Mary Barbara Rennie to Charlemagne - The genealogical connections to the European high nobility of the families Körbin, Müller-Hillebrandt, von Boehmer and Pflug . In: Genealogy , vol. 56 (2007); Book 3, pp. 653-666.

Web links

Commons : Boehmer (Family)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Mlynek : Pretty families. In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , p. 310.
  2. Linda Maria Koldau: Women - Music - Culture, a manual on the German language area of ​​the early modern period. Böhlau, Cologne 2005, p. 406 ( digitized version )
  3. Special Volume 8 Family Research Today, Dr. Horst F. Nagel, "Bördeahnen Part II: Part List Shield", Magdeburg 2008, 1st edition see Genealogy Hans Behmer ( Memento of the original from May 5, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ Volker Ebersbach:  Schelling, Caroline. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 22, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-428-11203-2 , pp. 655-658 ( digitized version ).
  5. ^ Longview State Hospital for the Insane, Carthage, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - 1899 report
  6. Eliza Rennie in the English language Wikipedia
  7. General Society of Mayflower Descendants in Massachusetts, USA (Eng.)
  8. ^ Entry in the Library of Congress