Boris Lvovich Wannikov

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Boris Lwowitsch Wannikow ( Potschta Rossii , 1997)

Boris Lvovich Wannikow ( Russian Борис Львович Ванников * August 26 . Jul / 7. September  1897 greg. In Bib-Eilat in Baku , † 22 February 1962 in Moscow ) was a Russian engineer and politician .


Wannikow was the son of a Jewish oil worker . After attending primary school, he worked in the oil industry, building railways and as a locksmith in a factory. In 1916 he joined the Social Revolutionary Party , which he left in 1917. He graduated from the Baku Polytechnic School after the October Revolution . He then served in the Red Army during the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1919 . In 1919 he joined the CPSU and worked for the party in Baku and Tbilisi until 1920 . In 1920 he was sent to Baku, which had meanwhile been ruled by the Bolsheviks , where he worked for the Chief Inspector of the People's Commissariat for the Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection (RKI) of the RSFSR . In the same year he came to Moscow, where he became chief inspector in 1921 and deputy manager of the RKI's economic inspectorate in 1924. At the same time he studied at the Moscow Technical University named after Nikolai Ernestowitsch Bauman , graduating in 1926. Boris Evsejewitsch Tschertok described him as an intellectual with great organizational talent.

1927 Wannikow began as an engineer in agricultural machine-building plant in Lyubertsy to work, where he was technical director. In 1930 he became chief of the tractor division and deputy chief of the main agricultural engineering department of the USSR Supreme Council for National Economy . Then in 1933 he became director of the Tulski Oruscheiny Zavod and in 1936 director of the mechanical engineering plant in Perm .

In 1936, Wannikov became head of the artillery - tank headquarters and in 1937 head of the tank administration of the People's Commissariat for the Defense Industry of the USSR. In December 1937 he was Vice Commissar of the defense industry and 1939 People's Commissar for Defense Industry of the USSR. He was arrested on June 7, 1941, and Dmitri Fyodorovich Ustinov took his place. After the start of the German-Soviet war and problems with the ammunition supply , Wannikov was suddenly released on July 20, 1941 at the instigation of Stalin and appointed Deputy People's Commissar for Armaments. From February 16, 1942 to January 1946, Wannikow was People's Commissar for Ammunition. At the end of 1942 it had doubled production compared to 1941 and tripled it in 1943. In mid-1943, production was switched to assembly line production. In January 1946, Wannikow became People's Commissar (in March 1946, Minister) for agricultural machinery, after the People's Commissariat for Ammunition had merged into the People's Commissariat for Agricultural Machinery after the end of the war.

By resolution of August 20, 1945, the State Defense Committee of the USSR (GKO) had appointed Wannikov as head of the first main administration at the GKO for the implementation of the Soviet atomic bomb project and released him from his ministerial duties. The atomic bomb project was led by Lavrenti Beria . As Beria's deputy, Wannikow was now responsible for the engineering work in the project. He worked with the People's Commissar for the Chemical Industry, Mikhail Georgievich Pervukhin . Wannikow planned and built together with Igor Wassiljewitsch Kurtschatow , Avraami Pawlowitsch Savenjagin (Vice People's Commissar for Internal Affairs) and Nikolai Andrejewitsch Borissow (Vice Chairman of the Gosplan ) Plant No. 817 (later the Mayak Nuclear Plant ), and with Isaak Konstantinowit the Mayak plant No. 813 (later Ural Electrochemical Combine ) as well as with Borissow and Abram Isaakowitsch Alichanow with changes by Ivan Alexandrowitsch Benediktow the laboratory No. 3 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (later Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics ). Wannikow was also a member of the member of the State Defense Committee of the USSR Anastas Mikoyan led Commission with the Gosplan chairman Nikolai Voznesensky , the People's Commissar for the electrical industry Ivan Grigorevich Kabanov , Sawenjagin and Borisov that the uranium ore -supply of Noginsker plant no. 12 (later Maschinenbauwerk Elektrostal ) had to take care of imports and reparations deliveries from the GDR . In Plant No. 12, the uranium rods for the F-1 nuclear reactor were melted using Soviet-made vacuum induction furnaces . At the end of 1947, Wannikow fell seriously ill, so that Perwuchin took over his duties (until the end of 1949).

In 1953, Wannikow became 1st Vice Minister for medium machine construction. In 1954 he received the third gold star as a hero of socialist work for leading the creation of the hydrogen bomb . In 1958 he was retired.

Wannikow was a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1939–1961) and a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1946–1950).

Wannikow was married to Rebekka Lvovna Wannikowa. Her son Rafail Borissowitsch Wannikow (* 1922) was a colonel in the Red Army . Wannikov's urn was buried on the Moscow Kremlin wall .

In 1982 a Wannikov bust was erected in Baku . The mechanical engineering plant Schtamp bears Wannikov's name.

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Landeshelden: Ванников Борис Львович (accessed on May 5, 2019).
  2. Chronos: Опора строя (accessed on May 5, 2019).
  3. Лазарь Ратнер: Создатели оружия Победы . In: Еврейская Газета . ( [accessed May 5, 2019]).
  4. a b c d e Elektronnaja ewreskaja enziklopedija: Ванников Борис (accessed on May 5, 2019).
  5. a b c Tschertok BJ: Глава 4. Становление на родной земле. Три новые технологии - три государственных комитета . In: Ракеты и люди. Т. 1 . Машиностроение, Moscow 1999 ( [accessed May 3, 2019]).
  6. Михаил ГОЛЬДЕНБЕРГ (Вашингтон): "МОЙ ОТЕЦ, БЕЗУСЛОВНО, БЫЛ ОТВЕТСТВЕНЕН ЗА ПОЛИТИЧЕСКУВе Бивина СТАна ПОЛИТИЧЕСКУВе Вивингана (accessed 3rd Сверана Ури СТАрь Свевика) (May 2019 Ури СТАвика ПОЛИТИЧЕСКУВе Вивингана) ( Ури СТАна Орвина) СКУВе СТАвивана Ури СТОна Ури СТОна Ивена СТАм Иве СТАН Ивекиве Ори СТАм .
  7. Распоряжение ГКО № 9887сс / оп от 08/20/45 . ( Wikisource [accessed May 3, 2019]).
  8. Протокол № 9 заседания Специального комитета 30 ноября 1945 . ( Wikisource [accessed May 4, 2019]).
  9. М. Г. Первухин: Как была решена атомная проблема в нашей стране . In: Новая и новейшая история . No. 5 , 2001 ( [accessed May 4, 2019]).