Coloman Belopotoczky

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Coloman Belopotoczky, Austro-Hungarian apostolic field vicar, 1890–1911
The book that Prof. Albert Ehrhard dedicated to the Apostolic Field Vicar Coloman Belopotoczky in 1901
Dedication in Albert Erhard's book, 1901

Coloman Belopotoczky (also the spellings Koloman and Belepotoczky occur more often), (* February 6, 1845 in Rosenberg, ( Austria-Hungary ), today Ružomberok in Slovakia; † December 15, 1914 in Großwardein, Austria-Hungary, today Oradea in Romania) was a priest from the diocese of Spiš , professor of pastoral and moral theology , titular bishop of Tricale , from 1890 to 1911 apostolic field vicar (= highest Catholic clergyman) of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces and thus bishop for the soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian army.


Coloman Belopotoczky studied philosophy at the seminary in Spišské Podhradie in the diocese of Spiš and Catholic theology in Innsbruck at the Canisianum . On June 14, 1868, he was ordained a priest in Brixen Cathedral in South Tyrol . He then went to the Frintaneum in Vienna to complete his studies. In 1872 he received his doctorate in theology at the University of Vienna and was then appointed professor of pastoral and moral theology, as well as spiritual at the seminary in Spišské Podhradie. In 1876 the Prince Primate of Hungary, Cardinal Johann Simor , appointed him as prefect of studies at the Hungarian Central Seminary in Budapest and as a professor at the local theological faculty there. From 1882 Belopotoczky worked as a professor at the Frintaneum and as court chaplain to the emperor in Vienna.

Franz Joseph I valued Belopotoczky's skills and manners, which is why he gave him the position of Apostolic Field Vicar on June 6, 1890, d. H. of the chief cleric of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces. The Apostolic Field Vicar, as head of the Apostolic Field Vicariate, held spiritual jurisdiction over all members of the Austro-Hungarian army , navy and gendarmerie corps and their families. On July 22 of the same year, Belopotoczky was appointed titular bishop of Tricale . On October 5, 1890, the Bishop Zipser he donated György Császka in the cathedral in Spišské Podhradie episcopal ordination . In the same year he was also canon in the Latin chapter of the Cathedral of Oradea . Leo XIII had it already in 1884 . honored with the title of Secret Chamberlain of the Pope. He held the office of field vicar for 21 years and was involved in the board of the Leo Society .

At one of the congresses of the Leo Society, Karl May also appeared in the presence of the Apostolic Field Vicar . On February 21, 1898, he spoke to the Leo Society in Vienna in the presence of important men from the Viennese aristocracy and society. The writer Richard Kralik (1852–1934), at his time one of the leading figures in Austrian intellectual life, left a short report on this:

“They urged him from all sides to give another little lecture, and he did so with the greatest effect. He told still unknown scenes from the life of his Indian friend Winnetou, whose day of death happened to be today, he revealed sublime features of the soul from his last moments, and so he lifted all listeners above the narrowness of European life. When he stepped down from the stage, everyone pushed to shake his hand, touched. The speech was also well received in the press. With the psalm words: “I lift my eyes to the mountains, from which my help and my salvation come”, he referred to the aim of his literary activity. And he tied in with this in an exciting improvisation about his "friend" Winnetou whose interesting sayings about the aristocracy of faith, love, patience and humility ... "May concluded his speech with a toast to the Leo Society:" Enthusiastic and truly exalted the whole, crowded hall agreed and cheered the speaker, who was still shouting into the meeting: “Gentlemen! Do as I do: look up to the mountains, from which help and salvation come! Amen! ” Se rose immediately. Episcopal graces, the High Apostolic Field Vicar Dr. Belopotoczky and, on behalf of the Presidium of the Leo Society, expressed his admiration for the lovable guest, so effectively that Dr. May was quickly accepted into the ranks of the members of the Leo Society ... ""

Coloman Belopotoczky was close friends with the famous Alsatian church historian Albert Ehrhard , rector of the theological faculty of the University of Vienna. In 1901 he dedicated one of his best-known books to him: “Catholicism and the Twentieth Century in the Light of Church Development in Modern Times” , an analysis of church history from the Middle Ages, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries. The book sparked fierce controversy throughout the church and Bishop Belopotoczky, who appears in the dedication immediately after the title page, gained fame far beyond the borders of the Habsburg monarchy - despite his somewhat complicated name.

The Deutschmeisterdenkmal, which still exists today, at Deutschmeisterplatz in Vienna was inaugurated by Field Vicar Belopotoczky on September 29, 1906 in the presence of Archduke Eugen and Archduke Rainer .

He resigned from his office on June 1, 1911 and died in 1914 as the Grand Provost of the cathedral chapter in Oradea.

The church historian and book author Gerhard Hartmann writes about Coloman Belopotoczky: He had “a special focus on religious education in the military educational institutions. The military chaplaincy he founded continues to this day ”.


Web links

Commons : Coloman Belopotoczky  - collection of images, videos and audio files