The cardboard carrier

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Title: The cardboard carrier
Genus: foreplay
Original language: German
Author: Johann Nestroy
Literary source: “Marriage through the horse comedy” by Hermann Herzenskron , adaptation by Ferdinand Raimund
Publishing year: 1827
Premiere: December 15, 1827
Place of premiere: State Playhouse Graz
Place and time of the action: The action takes place in an anteroom
  • the steward of a rich lady
  • Andres , in-house operator
  • Nicodemus Papp , note bearer of a traveling actor society

The Zettelträger Papp is a one-act prelude by Johann Nestroy . The play was written in 1827 and premiered on December 15 of this year in the state theater in Graz .


The first version of the prelude is written for twelve girls in uniform , the second for gymnastic performances and the third (incomplete) for the animal pieces popular at the time.

The steward and the servant Andres talk about the taste while waiting for the new theater bill. Andres always only wants to see the same piece, namely “Genofeva” , because

"[...] this is the most beautiful piece, and they haven't played it for me for 12 years." (Scene 1)

the steward only the very latest from a new acting troupe, the madam only the "spectacular", namely the animal pieces and the female heroes. The slip of paper sums it up:

That's the real thing, that's what I say, a society just has to be new, afterwards it's good too. If people spend a few years in one place, oh my God, that's something boring, you can't even whistle to whistle 'con amore', and there is certainly no talk of 'applause'; [...] (Scene 2)

In a dialogue with the steward, the bearer of the note castigates the manners and bad habits of the contemporary theater business, whereby there is no lack of swipes at the audience.

Factory history

Johann Nestroy used the harmless posse Marriage by the horse comedy or Die Räuber in den Abruzzen, local posse with singing in one act and a related spectacle pantomime in one act by Hermann Herzenskron as a template for the little work . It was first used on November 28, 1822, in the adaptation of Ferdinand Raimund (as part of a benefit performance for Raimund in the Leopoldstädter Theater ). Raimund played the note bearer himself and counted this role among his best achievements as an actor, which he therefore played many times later.

With the new version of Nestroy, the work was rewritten into an accurate satire. In the original, the bearer of the note speaks personally to the landlord von Kieselbach, who has an acting troupe come to his estate for his birthday. The text of this original is kept in the theater collection of the Austrian National Library (M 1612).

The program of the state theater in Graz dated December 15, 1827 named Nestroy for the first time as the author of a play, even if “only” a prelude, a brief one-act play. He wrote this prelude in different versions, depending on which part of the evening program should be introduced with it. At the first performance it was “Seven (Twelve) Girls in Uniform” (by Louis Angely , 1825) in which he first gave his later star role, the Sansquartier soldiers. Further performances were the introduction to the “Dorfbarbier” by Paul Weidmann , “Indian- equilibristic art performances ” and “Animal pieces”. The prelude was given a total of seven more times, namely on February 19 and May 1, 1828, on March 3 and December 12, 1829, on August 30 and November 26, 1830, and on September 16, 1831.

The "Zettelträger Papp" is a theater satire, a theater within the theater, a topic that Nestroy took up again and again throughout his entire life as a writer, from this early prelude to the late one-act " Earlier Conditions " .

In a criticism of the Grätzer Zeitung in its supplement Der Aufmerksame of December 13, 1828:

Both pieces are preceded by a trifle, as it were as a prelude, titled: The cardboard holder, set up by Mr. J. Nestroy, known to the public on the part of his wit, thanks to many good ideas.

Johann Nestroy played the note carrier Nicodemus Papp.

Only a censorship manuscript by a hand other than that with the title Der Zettelträger Papp has survived. A prelude with additional notes by Nestroy, as well as an enclosed slip of paper with a personal variant of the introductory text. Read the censorship notice and allow the performance. Gratz, December 11, 1827 , can be read on it. This manuscript was in the possession of Fritz Brukner in 1927 ; its current location is not known.


  • Helmut Ahrens : I'm not auctioning myself off to the laurel. Johann Nestroy, his life. Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1982, ISBN 3-7973-0389-0 , pp. 72-73.
  • Fritz Brukner / Otto Rommel : Johann Nestroy, Complete Works. Historical-critical complete edition in fifteen volumes, ninth volume, Verlag von Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 1927, pp. 1–16, 501–512.
  • Friedrich Walla (Ed.): Johann Nestroy; Pieces 1. In: Jürgen Hein / Johann Hüttner : Johann Nestroy, Complete Works, Historical-Critical Edition. Jugend und Volk, Vienna / Munich 1979, ISBN 3-7141-6953-9 ; Pp. 89-106, 397-412.

Individual evidence

  1. In the Viennese means Papp one (usually made of flour dough even been touched) paste
  2. ^ Friedrich Walla: Johann Nestroy; Pieces 1. p. 93.
  3. ^ Friedrich Walla: Johann Nestroy; Pieces 1. p. 95.
  4. ^ Brukner / Rommel: Johann Nestroy, Complete Works. Pp. 506-507.
  5. at this time also very often understood as Indian
  6. ^ Friedrich Walla: Johann Nestroy; Pieces 1. p. 409.
  7. ^ Brukner / Rommel: Johann Nestroy, Complete Works. P. 501.