The one-syllable

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Title: The one-syllable
Original title: The monosyllabic or
a stupid servant of his master
Genus: Stagger in an elevator
Original language: German
Author: Johann Nestroy
Literary source: " A loyal servant of his master " by Franz Grillparzer (uncertain)
Publishing year: 1829
Premiere: January 16, 1829
Place of premiere: State Playhouse Graz
Place and time of the action: The action takes place in a large city in Germany, in 1829
  • Kitty Kipfelton , see a rich miss
  • Claire Beigl , her old maid
  • Sir Semmelschmarn , a wealthy particular from London
  • Carl Maria Siegelwachs , his valet
  • an old servant to Miss Kipfelton

The monosyllabic or a stupid servant of his master is a swank in an act by Johann Nestroy . The play was written in 1829 and was performed on January 16 of this year in the state theater in Graz on the “benefit evening” for the actor Carl Kindler.


The content is not known, though for the subtitle of his master A silly servant on a parody of the Grillparzer - drama " A faithful servant of the Lord " could be closed.

Factory history

Johann Nestroys Schwank is only known from a play bill and an advance notice of the benefit performance for Mr. Kindler in the Grazer Aufmerksamen on January 15, 1829. Simultaneously with the Schwank, two other comedies were performed that evening, namely “Herr von Chavigny, the hero of chance” by Eugène Scribe and Germain Delavigne and “The childhood friend, or lover and lover in one person” , by Franz August von Kurländer. In the issue of Attentive January 24th, only the other two pieces are discussed, but not Nestroy's Schwank. No further performance can be determined.

The assumption that Nestroys Schwank could be a parody of Grillparzer's work is reinforced by the simultaneous performance of this drama (premiere on December 13, 1828) in Graz, in which Johann Nestroy is said to have played the minor role of the doctor. However, the list of people hardly suggests any parody going beyond the title.

Johann Nestroy played the seal wax valet. The piece was repeated only once, on January 22nd, 1829.


  • Fritz Brukner / Otto Rommel : Johann Nestroy, Complete Works. Historical-critical complete edition in fifteen volumes, ninth volume, Verlag von Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 1927, pp. 17–18, 513.
  • Friedrich Walla (Ed.): Johann Nestroy; Pieces 1. In: Jürgen Hein / Johann Hüttner : Johann Nestroy, Complete Works, Historical-Critical Edition. Jugend und Volk, Vienna / Munich 1979, ISBN 3-7141-6953-9 ; Pp. 239-240, 461-462.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kipfel or Kipferl is a breakfast pastry (croissant) in Viennese ; Beigl or Beug (e) l is shaped like the croissant, but mostly with a sweet filling (not to be confused with the bagel )
  2. Semmelschmarn, Semmelschmarrn = in Vienna a dessert made from rolls and milk - a dish similar to the poor knight ( Peter Wehle : Do they speak Viennese? From Adaxl to Zwutschkerl. Verlag Carl Ueberreuther, Vienna / Heidelberg 1980, ISBN 3-8000-3165 -5 ; p. 222.); here presumably in the second meaning for something insignificant, nonsensical ( Viennese : Red 'kan' Schmarr'n! = You are talking nonsense!); compare also the magician Semelschmarn in Nestroy's rodent and glove
  3. see sealing wax
  4. kept in the Styrian State Library ; Facsimile in Brukner / Rommel: Johann Nestroy, Complete Works. P. 18.
  5. ^ Franz August von Kurländer on Wikisource (accessed February 14, 2014)
  6. ^ Brukner / Rommel: Johann Nestroy, Complete Works. P. 513.