Dietrich Ebener

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Dietrich Ebener (born February 14, 1920 in Berlin-Neukölln ; † July 13, 2011 in Bergholz-Rehbrücke ) was a German classical philologist , author and translator.


Dietrich Ebener in Potsdam in 1947 as a new teacher at the teacher's desk in the Viktoria Gymnasium
Dietrich Ebener - student ID

Flat put 1938 in Cottbus the High School from. From 1939 to 1945 he served as a soldier in World War II , most recently as a lieutenant in the reserve. in the winter semester of 1941/1942 he was able to study classical philology at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin with study leave ; At the front he had foreign-language reading texts, mini-dictionaries and short grammars with him and worked on dramas. At the end of the war he was taken prisoner by the British in Austria in 1945.

After his release he was arrested by the NKVD on his return to Cottbus in Vienna on suspicion of espionage and then released to the Soviet occupation zone in central Germany. Since 1946 he worked in Cottbus and Potsdam as a new teacher for the subjects Russian, Latin, Greek and history, which he also studied at the HU Berlin . In 1951 he passed the first state examination and worked as an assistant and lecturer at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg , where he received his doctorate in 1954 and completed his habilitation in 1956.

In 1957 Ebener came to the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald , where he became director of the Institute for Classical Philology from 1958, initially as a lecturer and from 1959 as a professor. Before the Wall was built in 1961, he went on study trips to Italy , Egypt , India , Sudan and Greece .

From 1967 Ebener lived as a freelance author in Bergholz-Rehbrücke near Potsdam . Ebener was neither a party member nor a member of the GDR Writers' Association .

Ebener married Johanna Knaack (1930–2019) in 1958. He has two children with her.


Ebener is known for his verse translations from Latin and Greek. In Akademie Verlag Berlin many of his translations, including a six-volume bilingual appeared Euripides -Issue (1972-80). In the Aufbau-Verlag he published text editions by the authors Virgil , Homer , Aeschylus , Nonnos , Terenz and Sophocles , in the Insel-Verlag by Theokrit . His broadcast of the "Troerinnen" was performed for the first time in 1976 in the Schauspielhaus Zurich under the direction of Spyros A. Evangelatos. Since then, more than fifty productions with Ebeners translations, many of well-known platforms (u. A. Playhouses in Frankfurt / M., Dresden, Cologne, Bochum, Essen, Thalia Theater Hamburg, ETA Hoffmann Theater Bamberg) were listed, among others, Frank Castorf . In 2014, productions in the Mülheim / R. realized in co-production with the Theater Chur and the theater 'Schlachthaus Bern' (both Switzerland) (Lukanus: "The Civil War" [Pharsalia]) as well as a production of "Philoktetes" (Sophocles) in the Theater Rambazamba Berlin (resumption 2015), also a production of Odysseus in the Schauspielhaus Essen. Currently, productions of “King Oedipus” (Sophocles) at the Residenztheater in Munich (premiere October 17, 2015) and “Die Schutzflehenden” (Aeschylus) at the Leipzig Theater (premiere October 2, 2015) are in preparation.

Ebener also went public with works of fiction. Three novels appeared from 1955 to 1985 ("Landsknecht against Will", "Vala und seine Sohn", "Kreuzweg Kalutta" in two editions) by Greifenverlag Rudolstadt , several short stories in daily newspapers. He wrote his first children's story at the age of 10 (printed in "Karstadt-Magazin" in 1931), and others followed.

In 1996, Ebener was awarded the Brandenburg Literature Prize for his life's work .

Ebener's academic and artistic legacy is looked after by the Greifswald University Archives.


  • Nina Mindt : Translation Theory in the GDR. In: Josefine Kitzbichler, Katja Lubitz, Nina Mindt: Theory of the translation of ancient literature in Germany since 1800 (= Transformations of Antiquity. 9). de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-11-020623-4 , pp. 317–334 (on Ebener especially pp. 325–328).
  • Robert Oldach: Ebener, Dietrich (1920–2011) . In: Dirk Alvermann , Nils Jörn (Hrsg.): Biographisches Lexikon für Pommern . Volume 2 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania. Series V, Volume 48.2). Böhlau Verlag, Cologne Weimar Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-412-22541-4 , pp. 88–91.

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