Egbert Lipowski

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Egbert Lipowski (* 1943 in Roggenhausen, East Prussia , now Rogóż , Kozłowo , Warmia-Masurian Voivodeship ) is a German writer and dramaturge .


Egbert Lipowski was born in Roggenhausen, East Prussia, in 1943. After the expulsion to the west, the family settled in Saxony-Anhalt . He attended elementary school in Wolmirstedt . He graduated from high school with secondary school leaving certificate . He wrote his first poem at the age of 16 on his leg, which was shining white . The son did not comply with the Catholic father's wish that he should become a priest : In Magdeburg he was trained as a machinist . After that, he took acting classes in Berlin , but after a few semesters , he was due to lack of talent expelled . At this time he made up the Abitur at evening high school . He then worked as a transport worker , chemical production worker and extra . This was followed by 18 months of army service . After doing this, he secured his income with locksmith and lubrication work at the Reichsbahn .

He also wrote poetry and made the acquaintance of Johannes Bobrowski and Günter Kunert , through whom he was encouraged to continue writing. From 1967 to 1970 he completed a direct study at the Institute for Literature "Johannes R. Becher" in Leipzig . Right at the beginning, in October 1967, he and other students had left a collective harvesting operation without permission and was then subjected to disciplinary proceedings , from which he issued a verbal warning. In the further course of his studies he was at least outwardly compliant , even emphatically loyal to the line.

In 1971 he started an apprenticeship and assistant position at the College for Film and Television of the GDR Potsdam-Babelsberg . This resulted in a position as a dramaturge and artistic assistant in the film studios. His duties included writing scripts and scenarios for documentaries and mixed genres. Writing in other literary genres remained his pastime; Newspapers and magazines were his customers. Lipowski's first book was published in 1976. The 30 stories were titled Women and Moons . In 1979, Death followed in the concert hall with 15 stories. Another novel called Kitchen Laboratory followed ten years later . These three books were published by the East Berlin book publisher Der Morgen . A collection of poems ( bent under the weight of the bird ) was only published after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 2002 by a “West” publishing house in Frankfurt am Main . In between he edited the film school's periodical . Even during the GDR era he was responsible for supervising the practical student work, the first film attempts, the main examination films and the diploma films and was in close contact with the young students and their projects, which prompted him to constantly review his own positions.

Egbert Lipowski has lived in Michendorf near Potsdam for decades . There he belongs to a discussion group of elderly citizens led by a Dominican nun, but not denominational . He is also a member of the Literatur-Kollegium Brandenburg e. V.


Lipowski understood his original and varied texts about quirky, strange, solitary people in women and moons as a plea for the individual . A preoccupation with them, he explained in an interview with the Sächsisches Tageblatt , reveals more than just an outsider . Werner Neubert found in the Berliner Zeitung that the book was the "most idiosyncratic" of those treated as a collective review. It shows "quite differentiated moods", the arc spans from the "elegiac and profound [...] to the sarcastic [...] and maybe even satirical macabre". Lipowski's narrative contour was, he concluded, “simply too unfinished with obvious talent”.

In the blurb of the successor death in the concert hall it is said that the volume of stories offers " satires , grotesques , impressions and sensitive psychological explorations". The reader learns "of human relationships that have become empty, of childhood observations, of smart owls and comfortable contemporaries". Lipowski creates his contemporary snapshots of destinies "without any confusion , but also without superficial optimism ". The literary critic of the tribune gave “the sensitive sounding out of inconspicuous circumstances on the edge of the heavier everyday life; the psychological exploration of human behavior using the example of idiosyncratic, sometimes bizarre contemporaries ”as an overarching topic. This was also recognized by the reviewer for the Berliner Zeitung , who saw her attention drawn to things "that one is not aware of in hectic everyday life." Nevertheless, she considered death in the concert hall to be an "unspectacular ribbon". In her detailed review in Neues Deutschland , Gloria Zimmermann stated right from the start that the quality of the narratives had risen and justified this with the "rejection of an excess of autobiographical and reflective elements ". She adds: “Because time and again he comes to meet his characters, who are chugging their way through their actual lives with order and routine, with sympathy and warmth. […] In their cohesion, in their endeavor to draw strong traits of people living together in everyday life, they resemble works by his contemporaries Helga Schubert and Martin Stephan . "

In retrospect (August 1989), the author viewed his two volumes of short stories critically because they would draw “closed circles” instead of “reaching a really large opening” as Christa Wolf, for example, was able to do . They were as GDR literature determined , a literature whose authors would go not consistent enough to leave their narrow paths and their own way forward.

The published short forms report, poem, scenario and narrative were followed in 1989 by the novel kitchen laboratory . Not first helping people in life, but coping with his own problem, namely his daughter's diabetes , prompted him to write about kitchen laboratory , explained Lipowski. The reviewer of the Sächsisches Tageblatt gave a style and expression criticism related to this. Wera Schauer expressed criticism of the content in the Berliner Zeitung : “[...] the reader is not deeply involved in the microcosm of daughter, mother, father and his lover. Their inner world remains as anonymous as the external conditions. ”In the New Germany, on the other hand, the reviewer praised the psychologically balanced insights into the protagonists , in particular“ that here the vibrations of the human soul are finely perceived and precisely reproduced. The story is told in a rather cool, thoughtful, reportage-like tone, which does not allow any sentimentality to arise and is all the more emotionally impressive. "

According to the kitchen laboratory , a book was planned with the working title The Long Way of the Sudden ; it never appeared.

Lipowski was from number 47 (1995) to number 54 (1999) co-editor of the series of publications of the University of Film and Television "Konrad Wolf" called Contributions to Film and Television Studies BFF . In it he published articles on "artistic creation processes in the AV media ".

A volume of poetry and a self-produced documentary film were added to his manageable oeuvre after the turn of the millennium.


“For me a story is still something written, a strange existence, more material than something spoken, but not as tangible as furniture, windows, panes of glass. But this doesn’t exist for long, it is quickly changed, and in retrospect it seems like a spooky hurry. Where are the broken glass from childhood? And all of this is hardly changed less quickly in the memory, which acts like a jammed mechanism. But with the help of the little foolish characters letters and words I can save it. Suddenly it exists again, the old chair in the precise architecture, the pane of glass from childhood, the putty I can still smell from the fresh use and which I hear splintering again, the brick in the bed ; everything is tangible, smells, glows, makes noises, with the help of the words when they are artfully lined up. Then a deep, almost physical satisfaction grips me; if this sequence fails, it creates unrest and confusion like a limp memory. But it's not just about past things, but about present, future, real and unreal; What about the people, for example, who have now purposefully tried a different get-together for thirty years [meaning the GDR], what is there friendliness, trust, willingness to help, a feeling of togetherness? And cunning, falsehood, opportunism ? ... What astonished me earlier when reading some writers who describe the moment exactly, who can actually stop and look at each other very closely: how long their sentences got. I am less and less surprised. One can rope one's thread along words and sentences like a spider until the web, the story, is finished, built between two worlds, dream and reality. The spider follows its instinct, and I have a more or less targeted curiosity, which, I feel, can ruin you ... "

- Egbert Lipowski : Inventory, 1976


Book publications

Scripts (selection)

  • 1973: The small beginning of Groß Mutz (together with Manfred Hildebrandt), DFF
  • 1989: Tschinson - friendship (director: Henry Köhler), Academy for Film and Television of the GDR "Konrad Wolf"
  • 1989: Beyond Klein Wanzleben (Director: Andreas Dresen ), Academy for Film and Television of the GDR "Konrad Wolf"
  • 1989: Zimbabwe - Dreams of the Future (directors: Andreas Dresen, Günter Reisch , Jürgen Thierlein), Academy for Film and Television of the GDR "Konrad Wolf"
  • approx. 1991: Art treasures: The winged altar in the city church in Wittenberg (together with Johannes Weisse, Dieter Vetters), DFF
  • 1991: Friends of the Revolution (Director: Karl Heinz Lotz ), Brandenburger Filmbetrieb
  • 1992: Our Bad Children (director: Karl Heinz Lotz), DEFA studio for documentary films
  • 1996/1997: Strong Shit (Director: Till Schauder ), University of Film and Television Munich (Lipowski here providing dramaturgical advice)

Own documentaries

  • (Year of origin unknown): Stella Maris (together with cameraman Karl Faber)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Brigitte Böttcher (Ed.): Inventory. Literary profiles . Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle (Saale) 1976, Egbert Lipowski, p. 60 f .
  2. a b c d e f g h i j Sabine Karradt: Writing information. Egbert Lipowski's third book “Küchenlabor” published by Der Morgen . In: The morning . Daily newspaper of the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany. Berlin August 19, 1989, literature / novel, p. 4 .
  3. a b c d Barbara Nagel: About the individual. Conversation with Egbert Lipowski . In: Sächsisches Tageblatt . Dresden August 12, 1976, Culture.
  4. a b c d Jens Steglich: Philosophizing with Sister Ute. The Dominican nun Ute founded a discussion group in Michendorf in which Protestants, Catholics and even atheists talk about God and the world and sometimes also about the Olsen gang . The round captivates with an atmosphere that is only known from intact families. In: November 17, 2017. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  5. ^ Institute for Literature "Johannes R. Becher" Leipzig. Editing Ursula Beyer, Eva Maurer, Gerhard Rotbauer (eds.): Interim report . Notes and bibliography for the Institute for Literature "Johannes R. Becher", Leipzig . Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig, Leipzig 1980, p. 92 .
  6. Isabelle Lehn : "Where happiness lives safely." Political control and censorship at the Institute for Literature "Johannes R. Becher" . In: Steffen Martus [u. a.] (Ed.): Journal for German Studies . New episode XXVI, 2016, issue 3. Peter Lang. Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2016, ISSN  2235-1272 , Chapter IV, p. 622–633 , here p. 625 f and footnote 43, p. 631 .
  7. Members A – Z. In: Ute Apitz, accessed on November 29, 2019 .
  8. Werner Neubert : A story, that's such a thing. About three new publications from GDR publishers . In: Berliner Zeitung . No. 234/1976 , October 1, 1976, Kulturpolitik, p. 6 .
  9. ^ Cover text on death in the concert hall .
  10. Horst Buder: On the edge of everyday life. Sensitive second volume of prose by Egbert Lipowski . In: grandstand . Berlin August 3rd 1979.
  11. Sabine Schubert: From the psychology of living together . In: Berliner Zeitung . No. 164/1979 , July 14, 1979, pp. 10 .
  12. Gloria Zimmermann: Moral claim that is rarely met . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 243/1979 , October 17, 1979, literature, pp. 14 .
  13. ^ S. Stadler: Anxious, furious duty. Egbert Lipowski's “kitchen laboratory” in the book publisher Der Morgen . In: Sächsisches Tageblatt . Dresden 2nd August 1989.
  14. Wera Schauer: Family relationships seen from the outside . In: Berliner Zeitung . No. 242/1989 , October 14, 1989, Literatur und Leben, pp. 10 .
  15. Roland Müller: When it comes to bare life. “Kitchen Laboratory” - debut novel by Egbert Lipowski in the book publisher Der Morgen . In: New Germany . Socialist daily newspaper. No. 12/1990 . Berlin January 15, 1990, The Book Review, p. 4 .
  16. Dieter Wiedemann : A look back - not just in anger - a look ahead - not just in arrogance. 40 years of the HFF Potsdam-Babelsberg . In: Egbert Lipowski, Dieter Wiedemann (Ed.): Years. 40 years HFF "Konrad Wolf" (=  contributions to film and television studies BFF ). tape 47 . Vistas, 1995, ISBN 3-89158-135-1 , ISSN  0232-718X , p. 7-9 .

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