1977 World Speed ​​Skating Sprint Championship

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The 8th speed skating sprint world championship was held from February 26th to 27th in Alkmaar ( De Meent ) in the Netherlands .


  • 52 athletes from 15 nations took part in the all-around competition
Participating Nations
BelgiumBelgium Belgium Canada Finland France
Germany BRBR Germany Federal Republic of Germany United Kingdom Italy Japan
United KingdomUnited Kingdom 
NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands Norway Poland Switzerland
Poland 1944Poland 
SwedenSweden Sweden Soviet Union United States
Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union 
United StatesUnited States 


Final score

  • Shows the twelve most successful athletes of the Sprint World Cup
rank Surname 1st run
500 meters
Pt. 1st run
1,000 meters
Pt. 2nd run
500 meters
Pt. 2nd run
1,000 meters
Pt. Total
1 CanadaCanada Sylvia Burka 44.90 (3) 44.90 1: 28.80 (1) 44.40 43.86 (2) 43.86 1: 27.91 (1) 43.95 177.115
2 United StatesUnited States Leah Poulos 44.75 (2) 44.75 1: 32.00 (10) 46.00 43.94 (3) 43.94 1: 29.71 (3) 44.85 179.545
3 NetherlandsNetherlands Haitske Valentijn-Pijlman 45.13 (4) 45.13 1: 31.20 (7) 45.60 44.64 (5) 44.64 1: 30.25 (9) 45.12 180.495
4th CanadaCanada Pat Durnin 45.20 (5) 45.20 1: 30.60 (4) 45.30 44.95 (11) 44.95 1: 30.21 (8) 45.10 180.555
5 United StatesUnited States Kim Kostron 44.67 (1) 44.67 1: 30.80 (5) 45.40 45.34 (15) 45.34 1: 30.43 (11) 45.21 180.625
6th NetherlandsNetherlands Sijtje van der Lende 45.75 (13) 45.75 1: 30.20 (3) 45.10 45.06 (12) 45.06 1: 30.08 (6) 45.04 180.950
7th United StatesUnited States Beth heathen 45.47 (10) 45.47 1: 31.80 (8) 45.90 44.94 (10) 44.94 1: 29.90 (4) 44.95 181.260
8th NorwayNorway Bjørg Eva Jensen 45.48 (11) 45.48 1: 31.10 (6) 45.55 45.51 (18) 45.51 1: 30.17 (7) 45.08 181.625
9 NetherlandsNetherlands Joke van Rijssel 45.33 (6) 45.33 1: 31.90 (9) 45.95 45.27 (13) 45.27 1: 30.37 (10) 45.18 181.735
10 SwedenSweden Anna Lenner 45.39 (8) 45.39 1: 32.90 (15) 46.45 44.65 (6) 44.65 1: 32.22 (17) 46.11 182,600
11 SwedenSweden Ann-Sofie Järnström 45.84 (14) 45.84 1: 32.60 (14) 46.30 44.77 (8) 44.77 1: 31.39 (13) 45.69 182,605
12 NetherlandsNetherlands Annie Borckink 46.25 (19) 46.25 1: 32.40 (12) 46.20 45.77 (21) 45.77 1: 30.04 (5) 45.02 183.240

1st run 500 meters

space Surname country time Points
1 Kim Kostron United StatesUnited States United States 44.67 44.67
2 Leah Poulos United StatesUnited States United States 44.75 44.75
3 Sylvia Burka CanadaCanada Canada 44.90 44.90
4th Haitske Valentijn-Pijlman NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 45.13 45.13
5 Pat Durnin CanadaCanada Canada 45.20 45.20
6th Joke van Rijssel NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 45.33 45.33
7th Makiko Nagaya JapanJapan Japan 45.38 45.38
8th Anna Lenner SwedenSweden Sweden 45.39 45.39
9 Pirjo Hyvärinen FinlandFinland Finland 45.42 45.42
10 Beth heathen United StatesUnited States United States 45.47 45.47
20th Brigitte Flierl Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 46.89 46.89

1st run 1,000 meters

space Surname country time Points
1 Sylvia Burka CanadaCanada Canada 1: 28.80 44.40
2 Vera Bryndzei Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union Soviet Union 1: 30.00 45.00
3 Sijtje van der Lende NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 30.20 45.10
4th Pat Durnin CanadaCanada Canada 1: 30.60 45.30
5 Kim Kostron United StatesUnited States United States 1: 30.80 45.40
6th Bjørg Eva Jensen NorwayNorway Norway 1: 31.10 45.55
7th Haitske Valentijn-Pijlman NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 31.20 45.60
8th Beth heathen United StatesUnited States United States 1: 31.80 45.90
9 Joke van Rijssel NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 31.90 45.95
10 Leah Poulos United StatesUnited States United States 1: 32.00 46.00
22nd Brigitte Flierl Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 1: 36.50 48.25

2nd run 500 meters

space Surname country time Points
1 Vera Bryndzei Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union Soviet Union 43.65 43.65
2 Sylvia Burka CanadaCanada Canada 43.86 43.86
3 Leah Poulos United StatesUnited States United States 43.94 43.94
4th Lisbeth Korsmo-Berg NorwayNorway Norway 44.52 44.52
5 Haitske Valentijn-Pijlman NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 44.64 44.64
6th Anna Lenner SwedenSweden Sweden 44.65 44.65
7th Paula-Irmeli Halons FinlandFinland Finland 44.74 44.74
8th Ann-Sofie Järnström SwedenSweden Sweden 44.77 44.77
9 Sylvia Brunner SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland 44.89 44.89
10 Beth heathen United StatesUnited States United States 44.94 44.94
14th Brigitte Flierl Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 45.29 45.29

2nd run 1,000 meters

space Surname country time Points
1 Sylvia Burka CanadaCanada Canada 1: 27.91 43.95
2 Vera Bryndzei Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union Soviet Union 1: 29.48 44.74
3 Leah Poulos United StatesUnited States United States 1: 29.71 44.85
4th Beth heathen United StatesUnited States United States 1: 29.90 44.95
5 Annie Borckink NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 30.04 45.02
6th Sijtje van der Lende NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 30.08 45.04
7th Bjørg Eva Jensen NorwayNorway Norway 1: 30.17 45.08
8th Pat Durnin CanadaCanada Canada 1: 30.21 45.10
9 Haitske Valentijn-Pijlman NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 30.25 45.12
10 Joke van Rijssel NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 30.37 45.18
21st Brigitte Flierl Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 1: 34.79 47.39


Final score

  • Shows the twelve most successful athletes of the Sprint World Cup
rank Surname 1st run
500 meters
Pt. 1st run
1,000 meters
Pt. 2nd run
500 meters
Pt. 2nd run
1,000 meters
Pt. Total
1 United StatesUnited States Eric Heiden 39.68 (2) 39.68 1: 19.34 (1) 39.67 39.31 (6) 39.31 1: 17.59 (1) 38.79 157.455
2 United StatesUnited States Peter Mueller 39.64 (1) 39.64 1: 20.25 (6) 40.12 39.00 (4) 39.00 1: 18.32 (2) 39.16 157.925
3 Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union Yevgeny Kulikov 40.40 (8) 40.40 1: 20.05 (4) 40.02 38.52 (1) 38.52 1: 20.03 (9) 40.01 158.960
4th NetherlandsNetherlands Jos Valentijn 39.89 (4) 39.89 1: 19.75 (3) 39.87 39.07 (5) 39.07 1: 20.28 (12) 40.14 158.975
5 NorwayNorway Kay Arne Stenshjemmet 40.88 (14) 40.88 1: 19.58 (2) 39.79 39.66 (12) 39.66 1: 18.39 (3) 39.19 159.525
6th SwedenSweden Oloph Granath 39.69 (3) 39.69 1: 21.89 (13) 40.94 38.95 (3) 38.95 1: 20.04 (10) 40.02 159,605
7th NetherlandsNetherlands Eppie Bleeker 40.28 (7) 40.28 1: 20.26 (7) 40.13 39.52 (10) 39.52 1: 19.76 (7) 39.88 159.810
8th NorwayNorway Kai Arne Engelstad 40.14 (6) 40.14 1: 20.17 (5) 40.08 38.93 (2) 38.93 1: 21.88 (16) 40.94 160.095
9 United StatesUnited States Dan Immerfall 40.08 (5) 40.08 1: 21.86 (12) 40.93 39.37 (7) 39.37 1: 19.67 (6) 39.83 160.215
10 NorwayNorway Jørn Didriksen 40.40 (8) 40.40 1: 20.81 (8) 40.40 39.47 (8) 39.47 1: 20.09 (11) 40.04 160.320
11 NetherlandsNetherlands Bert de Jong 40.62 (12) 40.62 1: 20.87 (9) 40.43 40.20 (18) 40.20 1: 19.29 (4) 39.64 160,900
12 CanadaCanada Gaétan Boucher 41.04 (16) 41.04 1: 21.54 (11) 40.77 39.91 (14) 39.91 1: 19.90 (8) 39.95 161.670

1st run 500 meters

space Surname country time Points
1 Peter Mueller United StatesUnited States United States 39.64 39.64
2 Eric Heiden United StatesUnited States United States 39.68 39.68
3 Oloph Granath SwedenSweden Sweden 39.69 39.69
4th Jos Valentijn NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 39.89 39.89
5 Dan Immerfall United StatesUnited States United States 40.08 40.08
6th Kai Arne Engelstad NorwayNorway Norway 40.14 40.14
7th Eppie Bleeker NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 40.28 40.28
8th Yevgeny Kulikow
Jørn Didriksen
Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union Soviet Union Norway
40.40 40.40
10 Peter Eriksson SwedenSweden Sweden 40.58 40.58
19th Hubert Hirschbichler Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 41.55 41.55
24 Hans Lichtenstern Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 41.73 41.73
25th Rainer Scharrelmann Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 41.95 41.95

1st run 1,000 meters

space Surname country time Points
1 Eric Heiden United StatesUnited States United States 1: 19.34 39.67
2 Kay Arne Stenshjemmet NorwayNorway Norway 1: 19.58 39.79
3 Jos Valentijn NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 19.75 39.87
4th Yevgeny Kulikov Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union Soviet Union 1: 20.05 40.02
5 Kai Arne Engelstad NorwayNorway Norway 1: 20.17 40.08
6th Peter Mueller United StatesUnited States United States 1: 20.25 40.12
7th Eppie Bleeker NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 20.26 40.13
8th Jørn Didriksen NorwayNorway Norway 1: 20.81 40.40
9 Bert de Jong NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 20.87 40.43
10 Masayuki Kawahara JapanJapan Japan 1: 21.04 40.52
22nd Hubert Hirschbichler Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 1: 23.94 41.97
23 Hans Lichtenstern Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 1: 24.18 42.09
27 Rainer Scharrelmann Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 1: 26.29 43.14

2nd run 500 meters

space Surname country time Points
1 Yevgeny Kulikov Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union Soviet Union 38.52 38.52
2 Kai Arne Engelstad NorwayNorway Norway 38.93 38.93
3 Oloph Granath SwedenSweden Sweden 38.95 38.95
4th Peter Mueller United StatesUnited States United States 39.00 39.00
5 Jos Valentijn NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 39.07 39.07
6th Eric Heiden United StatesUnited States United States 39.31 39.31
7th Dan Immerfall United StatesUnited States United States 39.37 39.37
8th Jørn Didriksen NorwayNorway Norway 39.47 39.47
9 Frode Rønning NorwayNorway Norway 39.48 39.48
10 Eppie Bleeker NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 39.52 39.52
20th Hans Lichtenstern Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 40.45 40.45
23 Hubert Hirschbichler Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 40.81 40.81
24 Rainer Scharrelmann Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 40.85 40.85

2nd run 1,000 meters

space Surname country time Points
1 Eric Heiden United StatesUnited States United States 1: 17.59 38.79
2 Peter Mueller United StatesUnited States United States 1: 18.32 39.16
3 Kay Arne Stenshjemmet NorwayNorway Norway 1: 18.39 39.19
4th Bert de Jong NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 19.29 39.64
5 Masayuki Kawahara JapanJapan Japan 1: 19.46 39.73
6th Dan Immerfall United StatesUnited States United States 1: 19.67 39.83
7th Eppie Bleeker NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 1: 19.76 39.88
8th Gaétan Boucher CanadaCanada Canada 1: 19.90 39.95
9 Yevgeny Kulikov Soviet Union 1955Soviet Union Soviet Union 1: 20.03 40.01
10 Oloph Granath SwedenSweden Sweden 1: 20.04 40.02
23 Hans Lichtenstern Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 1: 23.15 41.57
25th Hubert Hirschbichler Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 1: 23.28 41.64
29 Rainer Scharrelmann Germany BRBR Germany BR Germany 1: 26.58 43.29

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