Fedor von Bercken

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Fedor Ernst Hans Leopold von Bercken (born April 10, 1837 in Mühlhausen / Thuringia , † December 25, 1913 in Ganglau ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Fedor was a son of the Prussian major general August von Bercken (1795–1864) and his wife Mathilde Valeska, née von Knobloch (1799–1882) from the Bärwalde family .

Military career

Bercken attended the citizen school in Treptow and the cadet houses in Potsdam and Berlin . On April 29, 1854, he was employed as a characterized portepeef ensign in the 4th Uhlan Regiment of the Prussian Army and was promoted to second lieutenant until the beginning of December 1855 . From September 1862, Bercken was assigned to the War Academy for three years for further training . In the meantime, when he was promoted to Prime Lieutenant in the West Prussian Uhlan Regiment No. 1 , Berken was then commanded to Emperor Franz Garde Grenadier Regiment No. 2 until May 1866 . During the war against Austria he led the 3rd squadron of his regiment in the battles near Skalitz , Schweinschädel , Gradlitz and Königgrätz . In the battle of Nachod , Bercken succeeded in conquering two enemy guns in conjunction with the 4th Squadron. For this act he was awarded the Order Pour le Mérite on September 20, 1866 .

After the peace treaty he rose to the rank of captain and squadron chief in the Kurmärkische Dragoon Regiment No. 14 . In the war against France in 1870/71 he took part with his 4th squadron in the battles near Weißenburg , Wörth and Sedan . Awarded the Iron Cross II. Class, Bercken advanced to major in mid-June 1875 and was transferred as a regular staff officer to the 3rd Badische Dragoon Regiment "Prinz Karl" No. 22 in Karlsruhe on October 17, 1876 . In this position he was promoted to lieutenant colonel on September 13, 1882, and as such he led the regiment for a long time on behalf of the sick commander of Kaphengst . On November 16, 1882, Bercken was given the rank and fees of regimental commander and was transferred to the army officers in his uniform. From December 12, 1882 he acted as commander of the 1st Leib-Hussar Regiment No. 1 in Danzig and rose as such to colonel in mid-June 1886 . In position à la suite of his regiment, Bercken was transferred to Flensburg as commander of the 18th Cavalry Brigade on April 17, 1888 , and promoted to major general on May 22, 1889, initially without a patent . On August 13, 1889 he was granted the patent of his rank from May 22, 1889. With the award of the Crown Order II. Class with a star, Bercken was put up for disposal on May 16, 1891 with the statutory pension .

After his departure, Bercken managed his estate in Ganglau, received the character of Lieutenant General on August 22, 1891 and was awarded the star of the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves , on February 5, 1913 . He died on his estate and was buried there on December 27, 1913.


Bercken married Ida von Kamienski (1842–1920) on April 29, 1867 in Berlin. From the marriage the son Fedor August Adolf (1873-1911), most recently Rittmeister in the hussar regiment "Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands" (Hannoversches) No. 15 , and the daughter Idaly (1880-1885) emerged.
