Flag of Madagascar

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Flag of Madagascar
Flag of Madagascar.svg

Vexillological symbol : Vexillological symbol?
Aspect ratio: 2: 3
Officially accepted: October 21, 1958
Standard of the President of Madagascar

The flag of Madagascar was officially introduced on October 21, 1958.


In the modern reading, white symbolizes purity, red represents sovereignty and green stands for hope.


The flag of Madagascar is based on the white and red colors of the Hova Empire . These colors probably originate from Southeast Asia , as they can still be seen today in the Indonesian flag . The green was added for the coastal residents. Historically, the red stands for the princely family Volamena , the white for the princely family Volafotsy . Today's flag was chosen after a competition.

Web links

Commons : Flags of Madagascar  - Collection of images, videos and audio files