Flag of Kenya

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Flag of Kenya
Flag of Kenya.svg

Vexillological symbol : National flag on land, trade and service flag at sea?
Aspect ratio: 2: 3
Officially accepted: December 12, 1963
Fredrick Musyoki ndunge with the national flag of Kenya

The flag of Kenya was officially hoisted for the first time on December 12, 1963.

Description and meaning

Construction of the Kenyan flag

In the center is a traditional Masai shield with crossed spears . He is the symbol of the defensive will for freedom. The flag is intended to remind Kenyans of the difficult times of colonies and enslavement. The black stripe on top symbolizes the black people, the red stripe the blood shed with courage and bravery , the green stripe the fields and forests of the country and the white dividing lines stand for the peace between the past and the future of the black man Africa and the unity of peoples.

The flag is based on the black, red and green flag of the Kenya African National Union , which led the fight for independence. Before independence, a Blue Ensign with a coat of arms in the flight section was used as the colonial flag of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya .

More flags of Kenya


Web links

Commons : Flags of Kenya  - Collection of images, videos and audio files